This message is for those who are separated and sober from the cares of this life, the lusts of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. Many of us have grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Some have spouses, brothers and sisters and uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces, cousins and in-laws. What a great number of relatives on our family trees! There will be summers and winters of life. There will be family gatherings, times of joy and sorrows. Old age, births and marriages are sure to come to pass, and death has its time of fulfillment. But some moments of reflection must be observed from time to time to check off the important mileposts that we have observed.
The most important question concerning our relationship with people on our family trees is this: After our sojourn and association with one another here on earth, shall we meet again in the life after? If you have never given it a serious and sober thought, then you may not understand the horrible consequence of that uncertainty. Yet, you can be certain of the response to that question in the here and now.
Some of us have buried family members of whom we are not sure if there is a possible reunion after this life. Many people are deceived into believing that it does not matter, there is nothing after this earthly life. Sure, go ahead and enjoy for now what you can see. God must have good plans for continuity. Some say, I do not know. Some do not care, and they think that it is God’s problem. In reality, many people do not want or are afraid to confront the question. The truth is there is no running away from reality.
The bible says, the fool in his heart says there is no God, (Psalms 14:1). Romans 14:12 states “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” There is a place and time to meet God by divine appointment. Prepare to meet thy God (Amos 4:12). Hebrews 10:31 states, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” It is sad to know that if one follows a particular path, they may fall off the family tree. You may ask, why would someone see their family member, follow a path of no return and they are not sincerely concerned? If you have ever lost or buried a close one, you can identify with how painful it is. In some cases, death is a final separation because the deceased was lost. In other cases, we are not sure, but we hope for the best, while we await the decision of the Lord. Hope is good, faith is good, but also the scripture says examine yourself, don’t you know how that Christ is in you (2nd Corinthians 13:5)? By their fruit ye shall know them, (Matt. 17:16-20).
Those who believe they have their names in the book of life have an expectation in the word of God. Think faithfully and sincerely about Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 20:12 and 15. After this life, the Book of Life will come into view. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment (Hebrews 9: 27).Those that are alive, and remain at the translation and make it have almost nothing to worry about.
The moment of decision is now. You see and relate with these members of your family tree often, but you have never thought sincerely if you will ever see them again after this present life. If you have found the road and they have not, remember some members of your family tree are dead and gone and you may never see them again. Therefore, the time to act is now. Why not do something about those that are still around here with you? I am talking about finding a way to reach them while there is still time. Do you not care about the lost? If you do, then make the effort, do something. It is not the wish of God that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, (2nd Peter 3:9).
There is a family tree that is heavenly; we are lively stones built up in to a spiritual house (1st Peter 2:5 and 9-10). That is the body of Christ, the church. Jesus Christ is the Head. To become a member of this spiritual family, you must be born of water and of the spirit. Else, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God and belong to the family tree of the eternal God, (John 3:5-6). When you belong to the family tree of eternal life, you have to be mindful of whose family tree of which you are now a member. This is important because you are still on earth and the devil will seriously try to take you out of this family tree. Once, there was a gathering in heaven and Satan was given a position. He thought he was a member of the family tree, but he was not. Judas Iscariot thought he was already in that family tree, but no, he was not. That is why you must be born again to be part of that family of the eternal God. Also, you must endure till the end, to be saved and be assured of being part of the eternal family tree. Avoid friendship with the world. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Love thy neighbor as thyself (Matt. 22:37-40). Are you a member of this family tree? Better be sure. If you are not saved, you are in danger of not becoming a member of God’s heavenly family tree. Take a sober look at the Vine in John 15:1-7 and see if you are part of the fruitful branch of the vine. Look at Hebrews 11: 1-end and see some of the other members of the heavenly family tree. Do you see yourself as part of this eternal family tree? Do you see any of your earthly family tree members in the heavenly family tree? It is not completely late for those still around you on earth, witness to them, sent soul winners to them, send them salvation materials, pray for them, do the best you can. Jesus Christ still saves, turn to him for help. Remember every saved person is a watchman and a witness. Let their blood not be in your hand. Be strong and of a good courage, saves some with fear and some pulling them out of the fire into the heavenly family tree while there is still time. Separation is going on now. Only accepting and believing in Jesus Christ, can bring you into the eternal family tree.
Translation moment 50
LATELY HAVE YOU THOUGHT THINGS OVER?This message is for those who are separated and sober from the cares of this life, the lusts of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. Many of us have grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Some have spouses, brothers and sisters and uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces, cousins and in-laws. What a great number of relatives on our family trees! There will be summers and winters of life. There will be family gatherings, times of joy and sorrows. Old age, births and marriages are sure to come to pass, and death has its time of fulfillment. But some moments of reflection must be observed from time to time to check off the important mileposts that we have observed.
The most important question concerning our relationship with people on our family trees is this: After our sojourn and association with one another here on earth, shall we meet again in the life after? If you have never given it a serious and sober thought, then you may not understand the horrible consequence of that uncertainty. Yet, you can be certain of the response to that question in the here and now.
Some of us have buried family members of whom we are not sure if there is a possible reunion after this life. Many people are deceived into believing that it does not matter, there is nothing after this earthly life. Sure, go ahead and enjoy for now what you can see. God must have good plans for continuity. Some say, I do not know. Some do not care, and they think that it is God’s problem. In reality, many people do not want or are afraid to confront the question. The truth is there is no running away from reality.
The bible says, the fool in his heart says there is no God, (Psalms 14:1). Romans 14:12 states “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” There is a place and time to meet God by divine appointment. Prepare to meet thy God (Amos 4:12). Hebrews 10:31 states, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” It is sad to know that if one follows a particular path, they may fall off the family tree. You may ask, why would someone see their family member, follow a path of no return and they are not sincerely concerned? If you have ever lost or buried a close one, you can identify with how painful it is. In some cases, death is a final separation because the deceased was lost. In other cases, we are not sure, but we hope for the best, while we await the decision of the Lord. Hope is good, faith is good, but also the scripture says examine yourself, don’t you know how that Christ is in you (2nd Corinthians 13:5)? By their fruit ye shall know them, (Matt. 17:16-20).
Those who believe they have their names in the book of life have an expectation in the word of God. Think faithfully and sincerely about Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 20:12 and 15. After this life, the Book of Life will come into view. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment (Hebrews 9: 27).Those that are alive, and remain at the translation and make it have almost nothing to worry about.
The moment of decision is now. You see and relate with these members of your family tree often, but you have never thought sincerely if you will ever see them again after this present life. If you have found the road and they have not, remember some members of your family tree are dead and gone and you may never see them again. Therefore, the time to act is now. Why not do something about those that are still around here with you? I am talking about finding a way to reach them while there is still time. Do you not care about the lost? If you do, then make the effort, do something. It is not the wish of God that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, (2nd Peter 3:9).
There is a family tree that is heavenly; we are lively stones built up in to a spiritual house (1st Peter 2:5 and 9-10). That is the body of Christ, the church. Jesus Christ is the Head. To become a member of this spiritual family, you must be born of water and of the spirit. Else, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God and belong to the family tree of the eternal God, (John 3:5-6). When you belong to the family tree of eternal life, you have to be mindful of whose family tree of which you are now a member. This is important because you are still on earth and the devil will seriously try to take you out of this family tree. Once, there was a gathering in heaven and Satan was given a position. He thought he was a member of the family tree, but he was not. Judas Iscariot thought he was already in that family tree, but no, he was not. That is why you must be born again to be part of that family of the eternal God. Also, you must endure till the end, to be saved and be assured of being part of the eternal family tree. Avoid friendship with the world. Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Love thy neighbor as thyself (Matt. 22:37-40). Are you a member of this family tree? Better be sure. If you are not saved, you are in danger of not becoming a member of God’s heavenly family tree. Take a sober look at the Vine in John 15:1-7 and see if you are part of the fruitful branch of the vine. Look at Hebrews 11: 1-end and see some of the other members of the heavenly family tree. Do you see yourself as part of this eternal family tree? Do you see any of your earthly family tree members in the heavenly family tree? It is not completely late for those still around you on earth, witness to them, sent soul winners to them, send them salvation materials, pray for them, do the best you can. Jesus Christ still saves, turn to him for help. Remember every saved person is a watchman and a witness. Let their blood not be in your hand. Be strong and of a good courage, saves some with fear and some pulling them out of the fire into the heavenly family tree while there is still time. Separation is going on now. Only accepting and believing in Jesus Christ, can bring you into the eternal family tree.