“In this prophetic special writing we will study the 70th week of Daniel because it certainly will not be long until this last week of (7 years)!… Let us take a look at the angel’s words and of Daniel’s vision! I’ve already written this before, but in a different way and it essentially means the same thing! – But perhaps people can see it plainer!” – Dan. 9:25 – “reveals after the Babylonian captivity the children of Israel went home to restore Jerusalem and the walls again. . . . And after threescore and two weeks (434 years) the Messiah would be cut off (crucified.) – The 49 years of troublesome time and the 434 years of trouble ending at the crucifixion of Jesus have already occurred! Even history reveals this to be true! – And if you add the 49 years to 434 years you get the sum total of 483 years or 69 weeks (7 years per week)! – When subtracted from the original 490 years it leaves “7 years” in the future to be visited upon Israel!” – “And when this last 70th week or 7 years starts, somewhere in it the translation takes place!”
In verse 27 it predicts that at the end of the age an evil prince will make a 7 -year covenant with the Jews and Arabs! And in the middle of the week the anti-Christ breaks his covenant and interrupts the Temple worship! – In Rev. 11:2-3, two time periods are given. Verse 2 refers to the first half of the week, when worship starts once again in the Jewish Temple! – And the third verse refers to the last half of the week when the Temple is defiled! (II Thess. 2:4 – Rev. 13:5) Then the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet is fulfilled! (Matt. 24:15-16) At this point there is just 3 ½ years left until Armageddon!
The earth should begin to feel the influence of this evil personage soon. – “According to the Scriptures the ‘little horn’ will rise out of the Grecian faction of the Roman Empire! (Dan. 8:8-9, 21-26) Then he will restore both the old Grecian and Roman Empires as one kingdom!” (Rev. 13:1-2) – “He will also be involved with the new Arabian Empire in the Middle East!” “The Lord reveals to me there will be a revolt and revolution in the Middle East and around the Mediterranean area! – With the rising of this evil star will come tumults and commotions in that region!” – “Probably before he begins his peaceful approach to de-ceive!”
The Middle Eastern countries are preparing for this anti-Christ system; with the help of the United States they are building a very strong military complex with ultra weapons in that area! – Also some Arab nations will finally have the atomic bomb, and it will be under the anti-Christ control! – “We know that Israel has the atomic bomb even now! – And probably because of the threat in that area is why the anti-Christ makes the covenant, then deceives the Jews into false safety!” – “But it is only a matter of time afterwards until doomsday will occur! Even now the prophetic clock is ticking away; we are near the midnight hour now!” – “In scroll #92 we give much more information concerning things to come!” – “After the destruction of the anti-Christ system and the Tribulation Temple . . . we are told regarding the millennial Temple that Jesus will erect it after He comes!
– Ezekiel reveals to us that it is to be measured and built after the battle of Armageddon!” (Ezek. chapters 38 and 41) – Zech. 6:12-13 informs us that “the man called the BRANCH (Jesus) will build the Temple and sit upon the throne!”
According to prophecy we are entering the final prophetic hour; it won’t be long until the darkening of the sun and moon! – Surely it is time to prepare and work with all our heart, because judgment is just around the corner! And I would like to reprint an article that we released awhile back in case some of you did not get to read it! – Here it is: . . . “According to prophecy the world will be destroyed by energy forces of man before it is restored by God again!” – Ps. 91:5-7 declares “thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day!” – This could depict atomic missiles, for ordinary arrows are not spoken of as pestilence – plus verse 7 says, “a thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee!” – This is no ordinary arrow that causes this!
Also Isa. 14:29 speaks of a fiery flying serpent! – One of the meanings of this is possible atomic missiles! – Here is another perfect description of man’s atomic desolation! Isa. 29:6-7, “Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and noise, with storm, and tempest and the flame of devouring fire!” . . . Isa. 24:6, “The earth is burned and few men left!” – “This reveals the protection of the Israelites during the Great Tribulation!” (Rev. chap. 7) . . . “The Bride will be translated before this! Nevertheless this teaches us that He will protect His people in many other ways as we near His coming! . . . This protection is for all those who support His work and trust Him daily!” . . . “Those who give and care for His gospel harvest will dwell in the secret place of the Most High and shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!” – “He certainly is our great comforter!”
Jesus love and bless you real good,
Neal Frisby