Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
THE KEY WORD FOR THIS SCRIPTÂ is Rom. 13:11, “that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake! – And we are entering the last prophetic hour!” – “Israel is in their home land and we have entered the atomic age just as the Bible predicted thousands of years ago! (Luke 21:23,26) – Rom. 13: 12, “the night is far spent, the day is at hand!” – “Also the Common Market countries have added the tenth horn, readying themselves for the little horn of beast power!” (Rev. chap. 13) “Also there are different revolutionary groups allover the world preparing for the overthrow of many important governments! The nations should see a real definite increase of this in 1984-87!” “Yes indeed, an anti-christ revolution will explode in the years ahead!” – “And again we say in verse II, that now our salvation is nearer than when we believed!”
AT THE TIME OF THIS WRITINGÂ we are definitely going through an inflationary depression which was predicted years in advance! Also the Bible has much to say about economics at the end. And now they are talking about the coming credit collapse which some men view as inevitable for sometime in the later 80’s!” – “Prosperity, to any great degree, probably will not return for awhile or until about the middle 80’s!” – Let us say even if they should bring inflation down some, according to the Bible, food will skyrocket again nearing or entering the Great Tribulation! – So we see catastrophic world inflation to a degree never seen before!” (Rev. 6:5-6) – “In those days (later in age) a computer type code mark of some kind will be given for buying and selling in association to world shortages!” – The Scriptures mention three different things, for the latter times; inflation, depression and gold! (James chap. 5, etc.) – During 1980 gold has been going through some major (lower price) corrections due to and started by the Soviet Union sale of it! But evidently according to the Scriptures the metal turns into a financial god. (Dan. 11:38- Dan. 3:1 – Rev. 18:12), and will be in the forefront in a great way nearing and entering the Great Tribulation!”
MORE PROPHETIC INFORMATION – IN THE LETTER THAT I WROTE TO RONALD REAGANÂ in 1967 telling him that he would be president of the United States I told him the United States would be in severe economic problems and that he would take over the largest government deficit of any president so far, and that only prayer could provide help! – “Since then he has asked for the conservative Christians to get behind him in prayer. Note: – “Divine foreknowledge revealed to me his coming presidency. This does not mean that I agree with all the decisions he will make! As was warned, watch which way he uses his authority!” – The debt was nearly one trillion when he arrived in office! – If you add the public debt to that, it will amount to three trillion or more! – If things continue according to News Week, by 1987 the United States economy will surpass 5 trillion in output! But News Week said that inflation will destroy 80% or more of the gain!” – “The dollar can be compared to a green tree like the locust attack – all the value will be eaten away!” – “Even now it is occurring! – Some day a new system will be coming, etc.” – “We trust to touch deeper concerning these subjects in the next scroll!” – According to the Atomic Scientists we are nearing doomsday! – “They say the world could have an atomic holocaust within this next decade, give or take a few years! So we see, the night is far spent, the day is at hand! (Rom. 13:12).
WE SHOULD TAKE TIME NOW TO UPDATE THE IMMORAL CONDITIONS – “The prophetic Scrolls predicted 10 years ago to the exact point that the nation is entering now!” -“Some things have become so shocking and unbelievable that it is hard to even print, but we must give a warning to the children and people of this nation! And speak out against the onslaught that is being hurled against our children!” ¬”If we don’t,” according to Ezek. 3:17-20, “their blood will be required at our hand! But if we cry out and warn our own soul is delivered!” ¬Verse 21, “The sinner shall surely live because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul! – We should definitely warn the young against the seductive moves of satan in our streets!” – “We quote from a news article: Youths sold as sex slaves! People smuggle children across the border into this country and are selling them to rings for between $750 – $1,500 for a youngster!” – “The police say they are being sold as sex slaves and are being used into something they say is like sadomasochism! – Evidently this Scripture is repeating!” (Ezek. 16:20-21) – Eph. 5:16, “redeeming the time, because the days are evil!”
REMEMBER THIS, MANY SONS AND DAUGHTERSÂ on the streets will become male and female prostitutes soon in a world computerized (indexed) conspiracy ring! “(organized crime'” – Here is another news quote: “Thousands exploited in teenage sex industry! News quote! A priest, Bruce Ritter, claims there is so much money in prostitution that organized crime is scrambling for power positions in the Times Square sex industry, trapping thousands of runaway teenagers into lewd practices! – Ritter says you can buy a teenager at a sex auction for $10,000 male or female, for the purpose of whoring for their owners!” – “These auctions have been going on for the past four years, he said. – The priest (Ritter) also said, that the 18- and 19-year old prostitutes have complained to him that the teenagers (15 yrs. and under) are cutting into their business! – The priest castigated the New York police and judges for allowing the sex industry to blossom! – “Many Americans do not know that this is going on! Rev. 18:13 speaks of this situation!” – indeed as the Scriptures say, time is short!” – “Just lately, according to the news here in Phoenix, the police raided what they called, the dungeon! It’s a place where they pay people to abuse them physically and sexually (sado-masochism) – They found a client list of 2,000 names involved in the ring!” – “Here is an appropriate Scripture for this,” Ezk. 16:23, “And it came to pass after all thine wickedness, woe, woe unto thee Saith {he Lord God!” – Verse 28, “Because thou wast insatiable, yea, thou has- played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied!” – “Yes, it is high time to awake and witness!”
HERE IS ANOTHER NEWS QUOTE: They are now getting ready to pollute the American family completely. “And we quote: – “With the advent of video technology, porno outlets may be moving away from the back alleys to more profitable locations in big city and suburban communities’ – X-rated movies are increasingly being piped into the homes of affluent cable network subscribers, with an estimated $4 billion in yearly sales!” – Has we said there is still yet time to warn the young people and save them from the above situations that we spoke of, by prayer and working! – “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for (hey are white already to harvest!” (John 4:35) – “Ye are chosen to bring forth fruit! (John 15:8) – “Walk while ye have the light!” (John 12:35)
A MASS OF GOD’S PEOPLE HAVE GONE TO SLEEP SPIRITUALLY AND MUST BE AWAKENED! – “According to Matt. 25:6 parable, At midnight there was a cry, go ye out to meet Him! According to the parable there is to be a lamp trimming time – (a short period of revival) that will culminate in His appearance!” – “Paul said, there would be a quick, short work at the end! Let’s prepare for this quick lamp trimming revival by giving heed to His Word! Warn the wicked, get the gospel out!”
THE SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS FORECASTÂ (St. Luke 21:25) some important comets will be making their appearance in the 1980’s! The ancients always said that comets blazing forth are a prelude to upheaval. and changes in nations and leaders! – The significant Halley’s Comet is due to return about May 1986! It is said, this comet returns every three quarters of a century! Science said this comet appeared in 11 B.C. just 7 years before the birth of Christ! If so this could be a sign that He could appear in the same period of time, or even before!” – “Note it appeared 7 yrs. before His first coming and could be associated in a cycle of His second coming! – Remember, before you set any dates, Matt. 24:22 reveals that God will shorten some time, etc.!” – The last date on the pyramid whom many call the Bible in stone gives the year 2001 as its last date!” – “In my opinion chart you must allow a time for cleansing the earth! Ezek. 39:9″ – ”There is a shortening of time to consider, as mentioned above! – The important lead in dates would be 1988-92, 93-96!” – “Will total world holocaust end before or by this date? Evidence reveals that it may well be so!” – “The important thing that the Pyramid depicts is that man is allowed 6,000 years! The Bible portrays the same amount of years too! Man’s allotment of time is nearing its end!” – “The 1980’s will give us a telescopic view of startling events pointing to the return of Christ! In an hour ye think not!” (St. Matt. 24:44).
Scroll #89