HomeAlert NuggetsThey will believe

They will believe

Translation Nuggets Introduction

The prophetic Scrolls are a collection of inspired messages given to Evangelist Neal Frisby by God as His messenger. If you are not predestined to believe it, surely you will not. But if you are definitely predestined to believe and receive the message of the scroll you will be involved in the future work of the Lord. The spiritual impact of this prophetic book (message) will inspire the reader or hearer to respond to a compelling motivation to endeavor to attain the goal of the over-comer and lift one to the realms of faith never known before. A profound understanding of the significance of the times and season we now live in will be obtained. One will be possessed of a far greater knowledge of the divine plans and purposes of God as supreme crisis of the age deepens. And doubt and confusion will be replaced by confidence. A sense of expectancy will take hold. (Taken from the introduction page of the scroll book).

{Seven angel carried bro W.M. Branham beyond the skies in a pyramid form. Bro Branham stated that he was later brought back to earth. Six of those angels that he described as ordinary angels compared to the seventh Angel that he described as awesome, remarkable, big chest and threw his head back ward but would not talk to bro Branham. The six angels came and gave bro Branham the interpretations of the first six seals. But he said the seventh seal was unrevealed to him because the remarkable Angel was the one with the interpretation of it and will not talk to bro Branham. The seventh Angel was the one with the secrets of the seven thunders that are found in the seventh seal.  Bro Branham did not have any audience with the mighty, remarkable seventh Angel that was also involved in carrying him beyond the skies.  Bro Branham in the message of the seven seals said, “He was brighter, meant more to me than the rest of them; he had his chest out like that, and was flying eastward; the one with the Seventh Seal—the thing that I have wondered all my life. ——- He’s revealed all six Seals, but it don’t say anything about the Seventh. And the end-time Seal, when it starts, will be absolutely a total secret according to the bible. —— Now what this great secret is, that lays beneath this Seal, I do not know. I don’t know it. I couldn’t make it out. I couldn’t tell it, just what it said. But I know it was them seven thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times, and unfolded to something else that I seen. Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation that flew across there and I couldn’t make it out. The hour isn’t quite yet for it. So the thing for you to do is remember that I speak to you in the Name of the Lord: Be prepared for you don’t know what time something can happen:” (Revelation of the seven seals pages 557-578, printed in Tucson, Arizona 12/1967; reprinted in Indiana 1212/1977).  This goes to show you that the interpretation or the content of the seventh seal was not revealed to him.}

{The seventh seal was totally separated from the other six seals. The six angels in the constellation experience of Branham gave him the interpretations of the six seals one angel at a time brought the meaning for each seal. But Branham according to him was not given the interpretation of the seventh seal because the seventh mighty Angel would not talk to him about it. The messenger of the former rain had the revelations of the first six seals. But the messenger of the latter rain had the revelation of the seventh seal that contains the seven thunders that make up the scroll message.}  These are Comments.

The Scroll Message.

Scroll 61 paragraph 4

The Scrolls are written in another dimension and are not the same as any writing that has been done in this generation. And carry a heavenly anointing of 7-fold power of the 7 lamps of light (spirit) and will produce translative faith giving knowledge and wisdom to the man-child. Read the scrolls daily and your lamp will be filled when the trumpet sounds. The Temple will be a refuge for the elect to come to. Also, those who write will receive the same blessing and reward. The last message goes forth from here saith the Lord. My wheel of knowledge will overshadow Capstone.

Scroll 46 paragraph 1 and 3

The prophetic scrolls – The word scroll means roll or book (is written on). The only two places the word scroll is found in the Bible is in Isa. 34:4; Rev. 6:14, in both places they are connected with the ending of an Age and judgment. (Important prophecy is associated with them). Rolls of scrolls appear for a definite “sign,” (Ezek.3:1-3). The significance of what I have been writing is a final message to the bride and pronouncing judgment on the nation. Behold I will work a work that ye shall in no wise believe unless ye be called to believe it. Behold read Ezek. 9:11. Rolls are connected to God’s wheel of power also. The elect are marked by them in a message too. Divine revelation associated with them.

The mystery man with the writer’s inkhorn, (Ezek. 1:9): The solemn announcer that judgment is near. What does he represent? Ink is something that you write with, horn means power; so, a message of power was involved, and (Inkhorn is also connected to wisdom and knowledge). Verse 4 says that he was to set a mark upon the foreheads of the elect that sigh and cry for the abominations which are done in their midst. Verse 6 shows that all was to be destroyed that did not have God’s mark. The Inkhorn writer was a symbol of the past, present and future writers who would appear at the ending of each age. He appears when the cup is full of iniquity. Verse 9 the Inkhorn man appears with warning of God that time is ripe for judgment. He marks and separates the elect. —— There was no name given to him, he was just a writer of judgment, woe, and mercy. A inkhorn writer will mark and separate the elect again at the end.

Scroll 12 paragraph 2

Before complete pressure is brought against the bride, she is raptured. God will hold back the elect through the scrolls. —— God tells me the scroll will be as important to our age as Apostle Paul’s was to the early church.

Scroll 11 part 1 paragraph 4 a final summons to the marriage supper is given.

It is later than you think. At the beginning of 1967, a final summons to the marriage supper is given. It is the sounding of the Gospel trumpet to gather God’s children. God told me that is what I am doing now. Now is the harvesting time and He will begin to summon all the bride by name and call them into a spiritual body soon for the last quick short revival. This is so fantastic that only the elect could believe such a thing. The last call is arriving. He says, “My sheep know my voice and I call them by name.” Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him. We are on our way out of Babylon, man’s dead system. Now he will speak to you through the scrolls and show you how much time is left and how He will do it, Watch, remember this is to those who can believe it.

Scroll 23-part 1 last paragraph

Now we saw in Rev. 10 a little book appeared, opened with 7 thunders. There was a spoken and written message in 7 seals and the 7 thunders. A prophetic message, swift deliverance and woe prophesying  that time is short, Rev. 10:4. Somewhere between the time the little book of scrolls are seen and the Thunders, the rapture takes place.

Scroll 27 paragraph 1 and 4

Thunders is when the unwritten message is fulfilled. The vacant space that was closed up is to be revealed to the elect at the end of the age, (Rev. 10:4). —— This is God’s greatest seal, the seal that was hidden from satan and revealed in the unwritten Thunders. Thus, saith the Lord, this is the hour I have chosen to reveal the unwritten Thunders. —— The mysterious 7th seal silence unites with the 7 Thunders, and John’s sealed up secret will be opened with a written message. So, what is happening right now in front of the churches’ eyes is partly the 7th seal silence, (Rev.10:4). The 3rd call (last pull) is when God seals the bride. (Do not misunderstand me there will be others in heaven who do not receive the scroll). But the scrolls are sent to a special group who believe and are sealed for a special anointing. They support and help give the cry, (Matt. 25). They are a candle stick giving light. We will not have to persuade anyone to be on my list. God will choose and send them. Behold saith the Lord, read Heb. 12:23, 25-29.—- God is now going to seal the bride, so the oil ( spirit) does not leak out, during the great temptation hour, when sealed you are God’s property. —- The foolish had the word (lamp) but the wise had the true revelation of the word oil (spirit) and were sealed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The mystery of the silence (Rev. 8:1) God does not speak exactly how he will do it at the end but writes it. The 7th seal opens with a scroll message, (Rev. 10:4) a message that seals the chosen.—– The people predestined to believe the scroll are a candle stick giving light (anointed). The lion spirit of Christ seals the bride, (Rev. 10:3 and John 6:27). —- A written message will be handed to the wise (scroll form). —— But go thy way Neal, the wise will understand the time is at hand, (Dan. 12:10). The anointing scrolls and the cry went forth, Behold the bride groom cometh.

Scroll 26 paragraph 4

Jesus tells me now the bride will put on a bright anointing (reading the scroll with the bible in his spirit) the covering oil, the (anointing) to receive life at Christ appearing, (Heb.1:9, Psalm 45:7 and Isa. 60:1-2).

The scrolls are so powerfully anointed that those reading them will take on a new dimension in victory and scope. A quick short work is among us. Twilight is harvest. You can hear the trumpet. The angels are heralding His coming. Only believe, and all things shall be possible unto thee. Praise Him daily. The gathering rain is falling and soon the rainbow appears, (Rev. 4:3).

Scroll 262 paragraph 1

I am sure the rapture is closer than any realize. The scrolls are surely a 20th Century Mystery. I am positive the date close to Christ return is already written on the scroll by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the day and hour are not to be revealed. But He never did say we would not know the season or even the year.   Scroll 25 last paragraph.

Soon these Scrolls will be the most valuable possession you own. Remember the Bible will be changed by man soon or taken, but not these Scrolls. The wise will see what God is doing through me. Reading these scrolls will relieve and protect against mental nervous disorders. Remember stay on God’s side no matter what the church says.

Scroll 7 v 1 and 6.

These scrolls will play an important part for many during the tribulation and to the Bride now.

Scroll 7-part 2, last paragraph.

{Special Writing # 6 last paragraph}

Also, the Lord tells me to repeat these dramatic words which came forth from God; one which you will love, so read it carefully. “Thus, saith the Lord, even as I called my disciples in Israel by name and foreknew them; I am now calling my disciples again by name (Bride Elect): For I am putting a spirit of wisdom upon them through my scrolls that they may know my voice. Many have been called but few are chosen. My sheep shall know my voice for this is gathering time. I have sent my servant (in the spirit of Elijah) to call a people unto me, and to unite into my spirit, saith the Almighty .And the wise shall know and hear me. This I have promised my people. Behold all that are mine shall come.

Scroll 62 last paragraph

The scrolls written by authority appointed to be read in the church elect: He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches, amen.

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