HomeTranslation AlertThe ultimate weapons 111

The ultimate weapons 111

Translation alert 111 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #994Amen. Feel real good tonight? I am going to pray for you and ask God to bless you. You stay in the Spirit and you will grow in the Spirit. Jesus, tonight we are here to worship and exalt you in the power of the Holy Spirit because we have to take on the Holy Spirit in order to really do it properly. I feel tonight that the Holy Spirit is moving, Lord. Whatever you want to reveal to the people, allow the Holy Spirit to do it. Bless thy people Lord because we know the pitfalls ahead, but the Holy Spirit is going to guide us. The Lord God, our Great Shepherd, is going to lead us. If they are new ones here tonight, Lord, open their hearts to a greater understanding and take away any confusion thereby building faith in their hearts, and let the anointing do wonders for them. Bless all your people tonight as we believe with all of our hearts tonight that thou art true. Give the Lord a handclap! Praise the Lord Jesus! Oh, bless the Lord! Now, I have got a short message tonight because I want to rally and kind of purge, refine, and allow the people to get rid of some of those carnal things and human nature that hold on [to them]. You are on a job working and around people and you can’t help but to get around worldly people who have unbelief and doubt—some of that like moss gets on you. But you know that the Lord gives us a way out of that. Tonight, the message that I am going to preach is the Ultimate Weapons. You know, the Lord has His weapons and satan has his weapons. As I was coming through tonight, the message coming to me was mostly on divine joy and love, also something He spoke to me about a while back and I’ll tell you some of it. It’s kind of a warning to God’s people how that satan is going to move. We know various ways he is going to move, but sometimes people forget just exactly how he is going to use the ultimate weapon against the elect of God on earth. You can believe me he is going to do it if your eyes are not open. People that are kind of half asleep, that spirit will come along and remove them. But revealing to me—the Lord told me, and this is a forecast—He told me to tell His people that satan will try to snare them by hating them and through hate and unbelief he will destroy any of the people that listen to him, but by joy and divine love, God will wipe him clear off the earth. How many of you believe that tonight? What I want to do tonight—the bible says there is no one perfect yet until that perfect One has come. We are to strive to [for] perfection. There will never be anything closer than the bride of the Lord Jesus Christ toward the end of the age. If you are new here tonight, a new convert or has just been healed, you want to listen closely because satan will work on you immediately, the bible says. After you have received salvation or healing by the power of God then satan will move in immediately to try and steal it out of your heart. But by the Word of God and having strong faith and listening to these messages, he won’t be able to get in there, So, I am going to preach on that. It’s a short message mostly of praise and joy. At the end of the service, I want to kind of just clear it out like a breeze, and have God just blow out anything that is hindering you from a closer walk and a wonderful peace of mind; and let the Lord bless you in this. He guided me and brought me into it like this, instead of just the other message. He wants me to drop this because you cannot really fully have the joy you need, and you cannot fully have the faith you need until you learn how to cope with hate. How many of you realize that? Listen to this right here: the closest thing to God is divine love. Divine love will destroy hate. That is exactly right because it is more powerful. Now most people born into this world have kind of a natural hate and envy, even strife. It’s in them the bible says, yes, sinners, you know, and there is a kind of human hate that gets into people. They are mistreated and sometimes some of them don’t have to be mistreated. It’s kind of a thing going against them and that is human hate. It is born like that. But let me tell you something: if you allow it to continue and continue without repenting, it will become spiritual. Then it oppresses until finally it tries to get a hold and possession. When it does, you cannot stay around the real power of God and satan knows that. So, it’s a very eye-opening thing. There is a difference between the human part when you are stirred up sometimes and you can’t help but to get mad at people. I know, I have letters and I have prayed for people because of that human nature and until this body is changed and glorified, you are going to have your battles, but the Lord gives you weapons. Do you realize that? But never let the human part begin to get into a spiritual type of hate. Oh, I am telling you there are going to be moments to that. So, at the end of the age, the bible says people are going to be in the valley of decision. Valley means depressed [depression] and confusion [confused]. You see, valleys mean they are low. They are kind of depressed not knowing which way to turn and they are confused. Divine love and faith create every revival by the Word of God that’s preached right. Coming along will be divine love and it will be stronger at the end of the age than it has ever been in His elect. Faith and love and the Word of God will create a great revival of power, even the gifts with faith and miracles will begin to take place. Then unbelief and hate will come along from satan, and it will destroy and try to close away every revival that God has sent. If you don’t believe it, read as many scriptures as you can read, but one is the first chapter of Joel; cankerworm, palmerworm and so forth. They chew away but God always comes back. He comes again with great power and divine love, pushes back the hate and a great revival of life springs up again. So, we see that we have to keep our eyes open. Every revival in the church ages, it happened. Satan’s ultimate weapon against you is hate, He’ll use it against you. God’s ultimate weapon is divine love, and it will literally destroy hate and wipe it out. I put here a notation, and it comes from the Holy Spirit. The whole thing originated when Abel and Cain got together. Cain was possessed by hate and murder took place. Then we have Abel who was different—the type of what people should be—meek and humble. It cost him his life at that time.Nevertheless, he is with the Lord. So, if you are really going to believe in God and you are going to do what He tells you and you are going to do the works of God, you are going to be attacked by hate, the Lord told me. Just before the age closes, this is a prediction too, we are going to see released, an amount of hate that the world has never seen. Satan is going to try to guide it right against the elect of God. But he cannot break them because by the Word of God and power, God is going to cover them with love. Can you say praise the Lord to that? But joy, we are going to finish this message with joy too. You’ve got to enter into the joy of the Lord. If more people yielded, more to the joy of the Lord than they do when people mistreat them, they would be so happy, someone would think there is something wrong with them. That’s exactly right. When I was doing this, I read another article and I wanted to read you a little something just a little bit, then I will get back to my message. The person said, “I am persuaded that vicious campaigns against the heart can wear it down.” Somebody had experienced this. I didn’t even find out who that was [the author of the article]. Sometimes the entry [of hate] afflicts, numbs, and just paralyzes the heart. It oppresses the mind, and this is not surprising because hatred is a spiritual force, and it can only be overcome by the spiritual force of God’s love. You believe that? Hatred is satan’s ultimate weapon against the believer and can only be overcome by the believer’s weapon which is love from the heart. There is even the kind of love with which you can love your enemies. The kind of divine love that will stay right in with the power of God. No matter what happens, no matter what people call them, they will stay right in with the Lord. Now we have this: the genius of God’s love is that it can never be defeated. That is what I like about that. Divine love can never be defeated. You are looking at a champion. You are looking at something that satan has tried throughout the 6000 years and even before that with the angels in heaven–to try to go up against God. He has never been able to defeat divine love. He has tortured, had Christians killed and so forth like that but he has never been able to destroy divine love. It cannot—behold saith the Lord it [divine love] can never be defeated. Faith has been pushed down sometimes to become practically so weak, divine love was the kind of substance that held it together. John, the apostles, and many of them had to hold on to that divine love or they would have lost out with the Lord. We see that it works. God’s love is all embracing, and He causes His rain to fall on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Jesus said love your enemies and pray for them that despitefully use you (Matthew 5:45). So, we see by this divine love we become partakers of His divine nature. How many of you realize that? If you don’t have some of that divine love working in you, you are not partaking of that divine nature that has to be there; for the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the age. Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Proverbs 16: 3, “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Don’t allow satan to get a hold of you through others, because the first thing he’ll do is mistreat you [get others to mistreat you] and truly you have been mistreated. He will do everything that he can try. He will turn [you] against one another, and that will come at the end of the age like we have never seen before. He will turn the children against the parents and so forth. Even that is a bible scripture (Matthew 10: 35 & 36). He will try to create havoc to get the people away from what God is going to pour out and He is going to pour out a great refreshing revival unto His people. But they’ve got to keep their eyes open. So, the ultimate tool that satan is going to use is hate. You see it all over the world. Hate is the closest thing to satan’s empire and divine love is the closest thing to God’s throne. Commit thy works to the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. You put it in God’s hand. You put it there. You have to use the Word of the Lord and authority against demon powers. But commit thy works unto the Lord and leave them there. When you commit them to the Lord, thy thoughts shall be established. He will tell you how to act and everything. The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil (Proverbs 16:4). See; He rules out satan. He rules out angels and everything. We, as Christians, have a challenge and it is a challenge to our faith or we wouldn’t have any faith. How could we prove ourselves to God? When we see all these things challenging [us] and the wicked that are raised up, it’s kind of like God fertilizing us. He’s kind of giving us a strong growth. If we really want to taste, our faith will grow. God is going to make a spiritual man or a spiritual woman out of you. But you have to have that contest. That’s why it’s there. He put it there or you will never be able to prove your faith. But we are going to win. Remember this forecast and it must come to pass just before the translation, the number one tool would be hate. Yes, pleasure and other things, the worldly offerings out there—that is a troublemaker too—and the temptation of the world that comes. But he is going to use that tool [hate] to set up one against the other. I have seen some of the greatest friends set one against the other just like that. Travelling in my ministry, watching very closely, and being very young—you know, all things, I just had to pray until I got an answer from the Lord. From what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, people who have been around my ministry for quite a few years suddenly, you just see them go. And I said, Lord—I know it’s the anointing or maybe sometimes they just go back into the world. I am talking about people who really came into the ministry, people who made a start for Pentecost. For years, you will see them then suddenly, you see that they are not in line, or something happened like that. I began to pray and said, Lord, “I know the anointing is very potent and powerful.” But 90% of those types; and this is thus saith the Lord, with me—He came to me finally and He said to me that the key to that is hate. He said people get so full of hate. Sometimes they say, “I am not mad at Bro. Frisby. I am not against Bro. Frisby, but I just hate that person. See; they can’t stay where I am then. Therefore, in order to keep that inside of them, they must move or go down the trail. How many of you can say Amen? I have seen some of those later and they looked like they’ve come out of a horror pit. To stay with that hate in there, it will destroy them. Don’t ever let it [hate] get to a spiritual point. Old human nature will try to bring it up to you. You may get mad at your children or somebody. Husband and wife, sometimes they spat (have a disagreement], but don’t let it get to a spiritual thing because there is a spiritual force to that hate in there, see? That is the key to hell. Divine love is the key to heaven.John went up in that door and he was called John, the divine. The prophet of divine love went through that door (Revelation 4:1). He was a prophet with all the divine love in him of all the disciples. So, the key here is divine love and faith and the key to hell is hate and unbelief. Don’t go there. If you get that [hate] in there in such a way and allow it to grow there and root in, it can’t help but to cause unbelief. Hate will cause unbelief to rise in there until you have a job on your hand. In fact, it would torment you. If you are new here tonight, listen to me. Satan will shoot at you that way. You must learn how to counteract that thing. It’s not easy. You must use the Word of God and praise the Lord and just get happy knowing that it’s been done to you because you are a Christian. He [satan] is coming to those Christians to try and foam them up that way and get them fussing and fighting. The thing for you to do is to hold on to this Word and say I have got to keep the Word of God, that tells me that–divine love and faith—divine love is the Word of God saith the Lord. Divine love and faith—[that] is the Word of God. Oh my, how powerful that is! Now you see, you’ve got the key to that. Remember, the Lord hath made all things for Himself, yea even the wicked for the day of evil. Commit thy works to the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. And He will guide you step by step in His wisdom. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Now, if you push back that [hate] tonight—some of you in human nature, really want to get free. See; bitterness can be hard to shake. We know that because Jesus, in His great compassion, had sinners come and the Pharisees all around Him and the bitterness that was set [stirred] up, He understood that. The way He would talk, only at extreme times did He have to say something that was negative and powerful to them. This is human nature, Jesus Himself said so, but He gave us a way of escape. If you don’t use those weapons as a way of escape, then satan will use his weapons on you and destroy you. So, when you get all of that in your system—now, he is just as it is said, at the end of the age—he will try to wear you out. He will try to wear you down. If you really get into a hateful argument and hate going on that will wear you down in a rabble-rousing thing like that, it will wear you out quicker than anything. Pretty soon, your faith is so slow, you wonder what in the world is happening. He [satan] is going to try at the end of the age; so be on guard. This is a futuristic sermon that will begin to come as the age closes out. These things that are happening are to keep you on guard. Each time satan steps up momentum and you see the nations rebelling and rioting and things begin to happen, He [the Lord] is going to pour out the love even greater. He is going to give divine love one to another. He is going to cause that faith to begin to grow. The very fact that you see the ministry teaching, bringing it to the people shows in a way what is going to come because whatever He did was prophetic. What He is preaching may not seem like much now but each of these messages when it begins to come, you are not going to miss it. Be on guard. First thing you know that hate is growing on them, and they don’t know how satan is going to get a hold of them. Once you can get that out and be on guard, your salvation will be buoyed [strengthened, quickened, energized]. I mean wells of living water will come in there bubbling inside your soul. Your joy will be to the ultimate and it will be the happiest joy. It will be a spiritual joy of great power. You just wipe old satan clear off the map. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It is not a counterfeit. It is the real thing. It is real with supernatural and divine power. The Lord told the disciples that trying times were coming for them. He forewarned them and predicted that difficult times meant that there would be great blessings from Him when they came, and He told them to rejoice. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of man’s sake (Luke 6:22). Back to what I said a while ago about people leaving—the ones who had followed along a long time—you can cut it any way you want to—what the Lord showed me is this: When the hate gets in there and people have to depart and get a lighter religion and so forth like that and change, actually what it is, is satan shooting at me. That is, trying to shoot at this old boy [Bro. Frisby] right here. Can you say Amen? That is what is really behind what satan is trying to shoot at. And so far, thank God and thank you for your prayers he ain’t broke me yet. I just continue right on with the Word of God. I get over things pretty quickly. The Holy Spirit, not me, He has a way of moving somehow by the power of the Lord that He is able to do it. It’s Him. He has to take faith in you that you don’t think you have, and you’ve got it! I know I’ve got it, and it comes out. I thank the Lord for that and you the same way. Try it out by praising the Lord when you are mistreated, or something happens like that. Allow the Lord to really bless you. So, in the whole reality of it, when certain things happen, it’s satan. He is mad at me. He tricks those people into thinking that it is something else, but he didn’t like the way I preached. And this message I am preaching tonight, he doesn’t like it either. But I am going to bring the divine love that you will be able to love the power of God and to love the Lord and be able to escape from the people that will wear you down. It will take a real Christian to be able to overthrow that and to march on through like in Joel’s army with the full armor of God on you. And then the bible says this, ‘Rejoice in that day and leap for joy. Behold your reward is great in heaven (Luke 6:23). To every one of you that can cast away and throw off the hateful things that come your way and join the Lord’s divine nature, pray for those people [who mistreated you], pray them out of your way and allow the Lord to bless you. Can you say praise the Lord tonight? You don’t think I am going to get by, bringing the Word of God with a strong powerful anointing, without old satan—he will try but he is not going to do it—by the Word of God and faith and by being able to ignore him and continue with the power of God, he is muzzled. You just muzzle him like a billy goat and get him out of the way. Muzzling him, that is how you do it because you just stay in the pocket with God. He [satan] can shoot this way and that way, you seem like you are bullet-proof, and you just go right with the Lord. I guarantee you; He’ll see you safely to land. He will be right there with you. So, we see what power the Lord has there. Matthew 25: 21, “His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant…enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” We know after it’s over with and those people are rewarded, the good and faithful servants. God rewarded them and said enter into the joy of the Lord. It is a spiritual joy that has not entered into the eyes, ear, and the heart of man. It will be pure joy. It says, enter thou into the joy of the Lord. So, that tells us on the earth in the secondary part which is the double meaning, it means the people of God are to literally enter into the joy of the Lord. It is literally within your system. It is here tonight and by faith you enter into the joy of the Lord. Let me tell you something: as you enter in, that means you do your part. You actually yield; you actually enter like you are going through a door, and you believe in your heart–You are entering the door of joy. That [joy] and divine love is the key to heaven with faith in the power of God. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. No matter what your problem is, you may be sad tonight, melancholic, tired, you might have been mistreated or in an argument or something happened to you. Only the Lord knows many of those details but let me tell you something. You have a key and that is no matter how you are pulled down or worn down in any form or fashion, you can enter into the joy of the Lord. It is for every person that is in this building tonight. The joy of the Lord will never run out as long as you are on this earth and when you leave here, you will get even more of it. It is wonderful! Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. Now my message tonight is to enter into the joy of the Lord and joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit too. And He came before I could preach it that way [about joy] and brought in the other part [hate]. How many of you can see that it was important to bring that which was the opposite of joy, that is, hate. He shows you that you can get rid of that. He shows the two parts to that—the spiritual hate [hatred] that gets a hold, from satan. There is also a human kind that can get a hold on you, and it will come from time to time. He [the Lord] gives you the weapons of divine love and joy as weapons of warfare and those are your ultimate weapons—the joy and divine love from the Lord with your faith—and you will defeat satan. It will wipe him clear out. Do you believe that tonight? So tonight, I am going to do this for you. Some of you may have had problems with yourself; it’s hard to keep the old nature down. Some of you are more high-strung than other people. Some people were born like that. Other people are kind of meek or a little bit more humble and some have a harder time because they were raised [brought up] differently. Sometimes some people are mistreated far more than other people and have had more difficulties in life. Whatever it is tonight if you are having any kind of difficulty with the old nature, and you like to get that under control and want the Lord to bless you so that it doesn’t get into a spiritual type of hate—it will torment you if it does—you want to press on to get this divine love and allow the joy of the Lord to begin to bless your heart. I want you all to stand to your feet tonight and you either want more joy from the Lord or you want me to help you with the nature of this thing and have the Lord anoint you so that the power and presence of the Lord can guide you. How many of you feel good? He went out through the audience like I said, at the beginning of the service. It feels like a fresh sea breeze. Have you ever been on the coast? No matter how tired or worn out you are, when you get there, you just step out on that fresh air and the breeze is totally different from where you come from in the mountains or over in the desert or wherever it might be. There is kind of a cleansing in the air, and it always gives me an appetite. It always uplifted me in many ways. Tonight, I want you to get the appetite for the joy of the Lord. How many of you have the appetite for the joy of the Lord here tonight? He is going to give a fresh breeze and let’s let the mantle of the Lord come upon us. Let the power of the Lord bless our hearts. I am going to pray for about 20 of you over on the side. Come on over. You want me to help you with your problems. Come on over here tonight. The rest of you people, I want you to come down here because I am going to pray over every one of you. There has been a difference in the auditorium since I came in here. Blessed be the Lord! The Holy Spirit is wonderful. It is great. Let’s go! Oh my, thank you Jesus! Come on, get the joy of the Lord. It’s wonderful how you get in the dimension of the Lord. He is coming for His people. He is going to bring His people into a dimension that they have not seen before. The reason I use the word—dimension—you can use a phrase like changing into one thing or you can use a phrase like a realm or sphere, but it is more like a change into something that He wants His people to be. And as they are being guided by the Holy Spirit, let me tell you something you are going to have a kind of veil of the Lord. Remember that time that Moses prayed when he was in the cleft of the rock—Behold the glory of the Lord, how it came upon him. Now the Lord is going to visit His people and He is going to bring them into something powerful and potent. How many of you feel real good here tonight? Sometimes I do get to see things and I do get glimpses and look into things from the Lord. Sometimes it is brief but nevertheless wonderful things are ahead. I feel some day some of the things that I have experienced, some of the things that I have been through, will be given to the very people that love God and the ones that are the bride, the very elect of God. They are going to be wonderfully prepared by the Lord. He doesn’t do things just for my benefit or to do it for me, but He is showing me things, He makes me see things, and go through things because He is going to bring it on, and it is coming on. When it does, we are going to have a really good spiritual rain. The Lord is going to bless us. I feel a good blessing now. Don’t you? Well, you are a different group than what was here when I started preaching. One thing about it, you don’t want to pay any attention to how other people criticize or what they are doing. You just want to pray for people and watch for yourself because while you are watching others, satan will strike at you and get a hold of you. I am going to pray for everyone of you for the Lord to bless you all. Rejoice, enter in, it says, into the joy of the Lord. I’ll pray that a cloud of glory will come on you. The presence of the Lord will be so thick in here that you will feel it in your body for days. I am going to pray for you now. Come on, praise the Lord Jesus! He is going to bless your heart. Amen. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Lord, move on every one of your people here tonight. Lord, touch their hearts. Bless every one of them here tonight. 111 – The ultimate weaponsPost navigation

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