Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
IN THIS SCRIPTÂ “we will bring out important highlights concerning the anti-christ and his false kingdom! And, by using the Scriptures, reveal his nationality, the area he appears in, and by using the Scriptures throw a spotlight on his fmal plans, whereby we will unveil mysteries concerning his mark, number and name!” – “Ancient Babylon was a foretype of the very thing that will occur at the end of the age!” “It set between two great rivers, the Euphrates on the west and the Tigris on the east! And it was a unified city, the authority was an absolute dictator! Nebuchadnezzar had complete power over every person, land and property!” – “He built an image on the plains of Dura, southward of Babylon, and commanded that all should worship it or be killed! – It was 6 cubits wide and 60 cubits high, and 6 musical instruments were involved! (Notice the sixes) Dan. chap. 3.” – “Later he even turned into a beast a prophetic typing of the coming anti-christ. (Dan. 4:32-33) God finally forgave him, but this will not be so with the real anti-christ!” (verses 34-37) – “The actual anti-christ will set up the real image in the Jewish Temple! (II Thess. 2:4) And all who do not worship it will be killed!” (Rev. 13:15)
ACCORDING TO THE BIBLEÂ “the anti-christ will have a great city! (We will consider more concerning this in part two scroll #92) – Also Great Babylon concerns all commercial cities! – Because of the oil a tremendous amount of world wealth is shifting back towards the Middle East wherein he will build a commercial headquarters!” “Although the anti-christ will rise up out of a small nation,” (Dan. 11:23) – “Rev. chap. 13 indicates an agreement with ten nations who will back him! He will have the power of the dragon (satan) behind him! – He will claim ownership over all the riches of the world including all trade and commerce!” (Rev. 13:13-18 – Dan. 11:3643) – “We mentioned the oil wealth and this Scripture (Zech. 5:9-11) could bear this out because the two women representing religious and commercial Babylon are moving a tremendous amount of money to the land of Shinar (Babylon) for the purpose of building a metropolis headquarters! (Scroll #92 will enlarge on the subject.) Wherein later the beast will have agreements with the Arabs and the Jews!” (Dan. 9:27 – Rev. chap. 11) – “While on this subject, could he be part Jew? – While it is not clear, the Scriptures indicate some evidence that it is possible! – Dan. 11:35-37, wherein it says, he disregards the God of his fathers!” (Meaning the God of Abraham, Jacob, etc.)
NOW WE SEE HE COULD BE PART JEWÂ “but what else does the Scriptures reveal about this figure? It reveals some Gentile blood, too! – There are some well kept secrets in the Old Testament concerning his rise!” – “Isa. 14:2-4 calls him the king of Babylon, and reveals what he does to the earth! (Verses 16-19) And yet in verse 25 the Lord reveals him as the Assyrian! Verse 26 reveals this is God’s purpose! – How can this be? Well, because ancient Babylon took over the Assyrian Empire and it became part of northern Babylon! So it reveals that he is an absolute mixture, but being dominant from the Assyrian line!” – “Isa. 10:5-14 proclaims some vital information! And we see that it is the anti-christ because verse 12 reveals that it is at the time the Lord performs His ‘whole work’ upon Mount Zion and Jerusalem! – Also Micah 5:5-6 reveals this false king from the land of Nimrod, meaning Babylon! (Read it) – Micah 7:12″20 touches on it slightly as the age closes out! Altogether it sounds like he is a Jewish Arabian prince!”
THE LITTLE HORNÂ “is depicted as coming from the direction that we just described, northeastward of Jerusalem!” (Dan. 8:8-12) “The angel discusses the same thing in verses 21-25! – It mentions the king (Alexander) of Grecia! – Wherein we explained before out of one of the 4 parts of the ancient kingdom of Greece will come forth the little horn (anti-christ) and he will revive not only the Grecian Empire, but the Roman Empire as one! – This evil star will rise from this area, or he will have to go there in the direction of Syria-Iraq (Babylon)! Ancient Rome once controlled all this same territory so he is still a Roman prince too! (Dan. 9:26-27) “He will have power over the Moslems, Jews and all religions!”. “Someone may ask the question, could he be a Pope? The papacy would have to be completely changed and come up under another title! – The anti-christ evidently usurps this position and controls all religions and nations from the Middle East – Jerusalem area!” “No matter how you look at it, the evil star will eventually be in the Middle East area! (Dan. 11 :45) – The Lord revealed what I think is the answer and will write more later!” – “Also to substantiate much of what has been written, Rev. 9: 14-21, reveals much activity will take place on the great river Euphrates in the closing hours ofthe age!” (July 1981 letter should be studied with scrolls 91-92.)
THE ELECTRONIC AGEÂ – “Some believe the image of the beast will be associated to an electronic computer! (Rev. 13:14-15) And when the beast breaks the treaty with the Jews he will set up the speaking beast in the Temple for the nations to worship! II – “They have computers that actually talk today! However demon powers could haunt the image and speak! – The false prophet will enforce the worship of the anti-christ, and none will be able to buy without an identification mark!” – “According to science in the later BO’s they will have a master computer capable of handling 250 million instructions per second! How will this relate unto the anti-christ? – It means that in one second the anti-christ could identify every person in the United States! – And in a few more seconds know who is marked or on his side or notl” Now in the next paragraphs we trace down and have some important information concerning this strange number, mark and name!
FIRST WE WILL take a look at it from the Roman Alphabet! – It is remarkable that the Romans did not use all the letters of their alphabet, as did the Hebrews and Greeks. They used only six letters;o D, C, L, X, V, AND I. And it is still more remarkable, and perhaps significant, that the sum of these amounts to 666:
l. D = 500~ 600
2. C = 100 ~
2. C = 100 ~
3. L = 50 ~ 60 666
4. X = 10 ~
5. V = 5 ~ 6
6. I = 1 ~
6. I = 1 ~
It will be seen from this that the number 666 is very far-reaching, and is filled with a meaning deeper, perhaps, than anything we have yet discovered! One thing, however, is certain, and that is, that the triple 6 marks the culmination of man’s opposition to God in the person of the coming anti-christ.
NEXT WE LIST the Hebrew Alphabet. It consists of 22 (2 x II) letters, so the 5 finals were added to make up three series of 9, or 27 in all:
Aleph N= 1 Yod ,=10. Koph P=100
Beth:J = 2. Japheth ~=20. Resh .,=200
Gimel J = 3. Lamed S=30. Shin ~=300
Daleth” = 4. Mem B=40. Tau n=400
il= 5. Nun ~=50. Koph 1=500 Vau
He = 6. Samech tJ=60. Mem C=600
Zayin t = 7. Ayin V=70. Nun r=700
Cheth n= 8. Pe !)=80. Pe ~=800
Teth ~ = 9. Tsaddi ~=90. Tsaddi ~=900
NOW THE GREEK ALPHABET IS THE IMPORTANT ONE – It was in the Greek that John wrote the book of Revelation including chapter 13. So he evidently had to use the Greek Alphabet in unveiling the mystery! (verses 17-18) – The Greek letters were 24, and the required number, 27, was made up by using the final .. s “or c; (called Stigma) for 6, and adding two arbitrary symbols called respectively Koppa, for 90, and Sampsi, for 900.
Alpha a=1Â Â Â Â Â Iota t=10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rho p=100
Beta f3=2Â Â Â Â Â Kappa K=20Â Â Â Sigma U’=200
Gamma Y=3Â Â Lambda ,\=30Â Â Â Tau T=300
Delta 8=4Â Â Â Â Â Mu p. = 40Â Â Â Â Â Upsilon v=400
Epsilon E=5Â Â Â Nu v = 50Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Phi cp=500
Stigma <;0=6 Xi ~=60Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Chi X=600
Zeta ,=7Â Â Â Â Â Â Omicron 0=70Â Â Psi ‘” = 700
Eta “=8Â Â Â Â Â Â Pi 1T=80Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Omega w=800
Theta ()=9 Kappa ~ = 90 Sampsi ‘OJ=900
This letter s (called Stigma) is used for the number 6. Why this letter and number should be thus associated we cannot tell, except that both are intimately connected with the ancient Egyptian “mysteries.” The three letters S S S (in Greek % % ~) were the symbol of Isis, which is thus connected with 666. Indeed the expression of this number, Xes, consists of the initial and final letters of the word XpIC1″ros (Christos), Christ, viz., X and s, with the symbol of the serpent between them, X-~ s. – “We cannot confirm this, but could this be the very mark that will appear (after the elect is gone)! Because this mark represents a number and name! Years ago, Dr.J. A. Seiss commented on this, giving further information. “The ‘mark’ itself is at once a number and a name. The apostle tells us what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them . . . This horrid sign must every one receive on one of the most conspicuous parts of the body, cut, stamped, or branded in, there to abide indelibly. No one may either “buy or sell” without this ‘mark,’ and all who do receive it take upon their bodies the token and seal of their damnation!” Rev. 13:13-15. It will be the mark of sin and idolatry – (image worship). Just as the mark of Cain was a sign of sin and perdition, so the “mark of the beast” will be to all who take it. So in the 80’s let’s watch for a great building up in the Middle East, not only commercial, but a military complex! We should be able to see more concerning all this in the 80’s! – Watch the coming Saudi Arabia empire, for finally they will work with this evil prince as well as the Hebrew too! – (to be continued).
Scroll #91