Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
PROPHECY UNFOLDING – Dan. 9:26 “revealed the end thereof shall be with a flood. We can predict of a surety that a sudden wave of events will take place in the political, financial, religious and scientific world and unusual changes just before the return of Jesus that will shake the foundations of society – preparing for the emergence of the antichrist! . . . These events will be swift and begin to crowd upon the people like a bursting comet before the ending of the 80’s, bringing dire upheavals and forces that will evidently lead to a greater destruction in the 90’s! . . . These events will be of such magnitude that some of the events of the past will seem insignificant!” – “I foresee the people then are going down the road of doom! – The vision is they are like walking into a delusive vapor of smoke that is disintegrating in the flames of no turn about! – Real Christianity is literally evaporating or fading from the earth It is the time of consummate wickedness! The rise of idols, abominations, the image of satan rising out of tumult! – The people will become hypnotized, charmed, into a fantasy world of worship of man! They are like drug addicts enslaved, spellbound by a master deceiver!” – “He has come unto them as the serpent does its prey; he has coiled around them slowly and has arisen as the head and will strike with the death mark and destroy all those who do not give allegiance to his system!” (Rev. 13) – “We will now enter some dark passages, but the Holy Spirit gives us light.”
THE PROPHECY FORMING IN OUR AGE – Rev. 13:1-4, “John is standing on the sands of time foreseeing the future. He saw the beast of world government rising up out of the sea (people) having seven heads and ten horns (positions). And upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy! – This is the system that John saw taking the very place of God upon the earth! – He further describes the beast as being like unto a leopard and his feet as a bear with a mouth as a lion. And satan gave him his seat, power and authority!” – “Now these animals symbolize and take in the Mid-East, East and West Europe and Russia, and includes the continent of Africa!” We see the same picture in Dan. 7:1-8. Verse 8, “gives a little added information concerning Rev. 13:1. – After the ten horns, he sees an eleventh horn, evidently another nation; it is the anti-christ horn that speaks great things against the Most High. As we see in Rev. 13:5-6. ” – “Now the new element is Communism at the end of the age!” (Dan. 2:41) Of course the iron represents the Roman Empire! – The beast, without one doubt, is the ancient Roman Empire reappearing upon the prophetic scene! – Rome in its imperial splendor emerges out of the wild and tumultuous upheaval forces of a revolutionary crisis! We see part of the fulfillment already in the Common Market of Europe. This 11th horn of power will control it and the Middle East along with Africa and Russia will abide finally in a treaty!” – “So what we see in the ‘7 heads’ is the old world empires being restored into a new revolutionary empire! – The Arabians will be involved also! – Now below we will read about another element that joins in.”
THE SECOND PROPHETIC BEAST – “This one is in the image and worships the first one that we spoke of.” (Rev. 13: 11-17) – “Now what we see here is the new world, the new great cities; it is the Americas! – The United States fits into this pattern perfectly!” . . . “Verse 11 reveals religious freedom at first, but then turns into a dragon system, and speaks what the first beast dictates to it! – The two horns and the Lamb denote religious and civil power joined together, it is apostate Christianity at its worst! – It says they will unite together and command everyone to worship the image of a man that will rule world trade and commerce with code mark and numbers!” (verses 17-18) – “There will definitely rise a super leader in the U.S.A. that is very clever, charming and magnetic to the point of being gifted like! – One who seems to have the answers that people are looking for. Evidently the religious element is behind this personality! – Finally none before will deceive as this one! More will be said about this in the future! – (Also for more information concerning Rev. chaps. 17 and 18 read Scroll #121.) – “This generation will witness the most dramatic events in the closing of the age. . . . We will see the rapid development of a one-world church and a one-world government of the anti-christ and of the false prophet!” – “The dragon is ready to bring them forth; events will push them to the top!”
WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? – “Although we do not have a confirmation on this, it is reported that the United Nations has adopted a white horse as a new symbol or peace messenger. The dove, symbol of peace and communion between the nations. has a new rival; but supposedly using both symbols! – The new symbol. if so, bears witness to the first ‘horse and the rider (anti-christ) bringing into view the coloring four horses of the apocalypse!” (Rev. 6:1-8) – “However you look at it, all of the above will fold into the system of the antichrist in one way or the other!”
PROPHECY AND THE MIDDLE EAST – “How does oil and all types of energy fit into the prophetic picture as the age closes out’1 We see that God purposely located most of the oil reserves in the Middle East area – the Garden of Eden being the plant and animal center of the world. Biblical factors lead us to believe that Eden was located near Iraq (Babylon) and contained part of the Persian Gulf, Kuwait and possibly Arabia!” – “The Garden Paradise of God took in quite a territory before the curse. It is said that archaeological discoveries uncovered evidence and that Babylonian inscriptions pinpoint this area as the original site of man!” – “Kuwait, being near the center of Eden, is said to contain more oil per square mile than any other spot on earth. – Also, it is amazing but in Abadan, Iran, is located one of the world’! largest oil refineries. Here is something interesting, in Rev. 9: 11. They had a king over them which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon! – We can see how closely this is related to Abadan. And this is all close to where the global conflict will take place – :Armageddon!” – “The name Abaddon means destruction! – And we know that oil has been involved in every destructive war of late!” – Rev. 13:4 says, “who is able to make war with him! (beast) – So he controls the oil and energy that is used in modef11 warfare and without these supplies, who can make war? – So no,,”, we see how oil and all types of energy fit into the prophetic picture and may evidently be one of the major causes of the battle 01 Armageddon! – But finally God does allow Russia and the kings 01 the East to go to battle against him! – Iron and clay split!”
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING EZEK. 38 – Let ‘,! reveal this alignment. Verse 2 tells the prophet, set thy face against Gog, “the huge country of Russia. ” . . . “And then it goes on to mention the nations that come along with Russia! – China also joins into Gog’s ranks! (Rev. 16:12) – Ezek. 38:12-13, “reveals these armies as coming down to take a great spoil (oil, silver and gold) from the Mid-East and food from the fruitful land of Israel!” Verses 8-9 “Notice the word ‘ascend’ means to go up; then it says come like a storm (storm is destructive and is electric and fiery) . . . this reveal’! the motors of modern aircraft too! – Then it says they shall be like ‘a cloud’ to cover the land. This takes in all type of new aircraft including millions of paratroopers! -In verses 15-16 the Hebrew word ‘Parash’ is used – it is said the origin of the word paratroops! In all these verses it also reveals that the weather is disrupted and used as a tool of warfare! – For we see hail fall weighing nearly a hundred pounds!” (Rev. 16:21) Ezek. 38:10, “says, thou shall think an evil thought. – In the Hebrew the word used for thought means a device or invention. So what gives Russia the confidence is that she has a new invention from space, probably capable of knocking out the U. S.A. missiles before they leave their silos or space positions. – Laser and energy weapons will be used from space, and new weapons are coming!” – Ezek. 39:2-4, “reveals that one-sixth of the Russian troop’! will die and be given to ravenous birds!” – “Satan himself has inspired this insane war! – As many nations unite and cross the Euphrates for the great battle the world will witness its greatest blood bath. (Rev. 14:20) And the blood came even unto the horses bridles for the space of approximately 200 miles! “- “The Scriptures tell us to pray that we escape all of these things and stand before the King’s Throne! All of this followed out of the inspired prophecy that was given in the first paragraph and led us into the Biblical events that followed! And it will take place in our generation that is soon ending!”
PROPHECY CONCERNING SPACE – “It is called man’s last frontier. – The Scriptures predict man will travel in space at the end of the age preparing for war. fare in the heavens!” – Deut. 30:4, “reveals men fleeing into space, but it say! God will bring them back down! Amos 9:2 reveals the very same thing. ” – Obab. I :4, “reveals though they make space platforms and orbital weapons, He says, ‘I will bring you down!’ – The Lord revealed in preceding verses that the pride of their heart had deceived them! Because they had gone so far into space, they said, who shall bring us down?” (Verse 3) – “Jesus will fulfill His Word! Also a new type submarine will be cleverly used in this last war; it will take on great significance and advantage!” – “Remember the prophecy I gave in Job 41: 1 concerning ‘Leviathan’ being symbolic of a new modem submarine that had tremendous destructive power.” – “Verse 18 reveals radar eyes.” . . . Verses 19-20, “laser and nuclear missiles! On the news it said, the United States is building a new fleet of subs and the news said, they are called the ‘Leviathans of the sea!’ – (The very word in Job was used) – I~ said the missiles from one sub could destroy most of Russia. Also the anti-christ will have a new sub. Verse 15 says, his covet is his pride. Shielded against radiation under the sea or a new invention shield that cannot be penetrated.” – “But God will bring him up. (Amos 9:3) Man i! moving into futuristic weapons foretold!”
Scroll #123