HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 154

Prophetic Scrolls 154

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal

What about the angels? – “They are a fascinating part of God’s kingdom and they do their duties well! They are the princes of heaven who stand before God! They are also ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation!” – Rev. 5:11, “implies that there are hundreds of millions of angels! …Angels are immortal and they do not die! (Luke 20:36) – Angels are spoken of in the masculine gender! …They are said to be innumerable!” (Heb. 12:22) -“There are different types and various orders of angels! Perhaps we can write more on this in a moment! …But right now the reason the spirit is revealing this is because of the nature of the coming of world events and crises, more angels are going to intervene and be dispersed upon the earth! Because the Lord is going to raise up a standard against satan’s onslaught and protect God’s children preparing for translation!”

Divine providence -‘ ‘Angels will have a direct hand in uniting and gathering the elect! The lives of Christians would be in serious jeopardy if angels were not watching over them! (Ps. 9 1: 11 -12) – “People often see their lights coming and going in the heavens, but they can not explain it!” – “It is a warning to us that this is the end of the age! -World crisis…my feeling is that the future is pointing to radical changes in the climate! And because of the over population of the earth, famines and etc., it will lead to political – economical upheaval and international violence and will be almost beyond human comprehension!” – “Then finally a world dictator will rise to power through revolutions and etc. promising the people a solution! A fantasy world that works briefly then fails!” – “At this time certain angels will be present as guardians to the elect! And also just before the translation a multitude of angels will be working with the Lord’s people! Because just before the rising of the anti-christ angels will even be seen more often; their activity is ceaseless! Though you may not see them often, they are all around! Angels possess a superior intelligence and bring messages to God’s people concerning the future! – Much of what happened to the Old Testament prophets will occur around God’s people just before the coming of the Lord Jesus!”

The future – “The earth is about to be visited by tremendous storms and some of the world’s greatest quakes will strike! There will be so much destruction that it will look like an Atomic weapon did the destroying! But it will be the hand of nature releasing enormous energy, because the people have rejected the only true God!” -“When divine judgment was about to fall on Sodom and Gomorrah two angels appeared to Lot at evening time (depicting our end of the age) to warn his family, and escape from the city before its overthrow!”(Gen. 19: 1) – “Also many times during these great turmoils of nature the angels protect those who are to live, and they also know those who are going to die! – In the future great crime waves are going to sweep our cities, and many good people would die if it were not for the guardian angels!”-“Prophecy indicates what mankind is to see in the last days is not just a weather fluctuation, but a massive change on a world scale of catastrophic proportions! – But before the final fulfillment of this the next solar maxium (sun spots, etc.) is due in the early 90’s according to science! …So we see that it will grow worse even beyond this!” – “Jesus said there would be signs in the sun just before He returned!”(Luke 21:25)

The guardian angels -“The Scriptures teach a guardian angel watches over each human being that is born into this world!” (Matt. 18: 10) – “When Hagar and Ishmael thought they were all alone and would perish in the wilderness the watching angel talked to them and said they would not die!”(Gen. 21: 17 -19) – “Also the angels of God met Jacob at Bethel, and from that hour he became man! (Gen. 28: 10-22) – Even in our age when a man has an important ministry, besides the other angels at work, he is given a special angel to guide that ministry!…The angel of the Lord appeared unto Moses and chose him to lead the children of Israel!” Ex. 3:2-12

Angelic sight – “As far back as the Garden of Eden angels are mentioned! In Eden they guarded the way of the Tree of Life! (Gen.3:24) –It mentions the cherubims and a flaming sword which turned in every way! – A sword that turns in every direction is a sharp wheel! This sounds exactly like the angels who appeared in Ezek. 1:13-14, who ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning! ” Ezek.10:3-4, 9 calls them the cherubims!” -“There are different orders of angles including seraphims, cherubims, archangels and guardian angels and etc.!”

The Bible speaks of three archangels by name! Michael, the most mysterious called the chief prince, who stands for Daniel’s people (Israel) ! At the time of the Great Tribulation he will fight for Israel and bring deliverance to them!” – “According to Daniel 12:1-2, it appears Michael has something to do with the resurrection of the dead! Jude 1:9, reveals that Michael is way too much for satan to handle, and Michael blows him back concerning the elect body of Moses!” – “Another archangel is Gabriel! …He is mentioned by name four times! He ranks high in the angelic order! Seemingly he is the angel of time and change! He explained to Daniel many important visions! (Dan. 8: 15-17) – He appeared to Daniel concerning the famous 70th week prophecy, which told the exact time that the Messiah was corning! (Dan. 9:20-27) -Gabriel is also the time angel who appeared to Mary concerning Jesus’ birth! (Luke 1:26-31) – And just before this he appeared to Zacharias concerning the forerunner, John! In Vr. 19 the archangel simply said, I am Gabriel, that stands in the presence of God!…This tells us that he stands next to the Almighty and is an important messenger!” – “Now the third angel is Lucifer, ‘the fallen one!’”- Through rebellion he fell from heaven! You might say he coveted the position of Christ, who in fact is the very angel of the Lord! And the only one who can give us eternal salvation!” – “Evidently there are many more important angels, but the Bible is silent on their names!”

The angels flight – “The movement of angels is remarkable! In an instant they can appear from heaven before us or from one part of the Universe to the other without passing through the rest of it!”- “To understand these supernatural appearances we would have to compare them with thought! …That they did in fact travel as the speed of thought from one place to another! They are absolutely marvelous creatures created by the Most High! ”

The angels’ duty -“Is it a fact that certain angels carry the righteous into heaven at death? -Yes! -Let us prove it! …We have heard often times that people at death have seen angels around their bed and they were going to carry them into heaven! – In fact just before Stephen was martyred his face looked like the face of an angel!”(Acts 6:15) – “Also at Jesus’ resurrection angels were seen! And for a divine purpose two men dressed in white were with Jesus when He went away!” (Acts 1:9-11) -“But here is a good Scriptural viewpoint of this subject! …Jesus revealed in a parable that the rich man died and descended into the region of darkness! No angels carried him! But it came to pass that Lazarus, the beggar, died and was carried ‘by the angels’ into Abraham’s bosom!” (Luke 16:22-23)

Angels and the elect – “Men have often wondered when their bodies are glorified and changed how will they rank with the angels? – In the world to come, the righteous are equal to angels! (Luke 20:36) – In some respects and ways the redeemed will excel angels; for the overcomers will be the ‘very bride’ of Christ! – A privilege which is not given to angels! There is no higher position for created beings than those in the Bride of Christ!” (Rev. 19:7-9)

Descriptions – “Probably we will not know all the orders, positions and ranks of angels and their duties until after the Translation!” – “Let us explain a couple of more types! Isa. 6: 1-8, the seraphims are described as having three pairs (six) of wings! They use the wings for various purposes! To cover themselves, and as it states, to fly!” – “Rev. 4:6-8, the cherubims (and they are called the living creatures) they have three pairs (six) of wings, they are messengers given certain responsibilities in guarding the throne of God!” – Ezek. 10: 1, 22 and Chap. 1, “These different types of angels can appear in beautiful colors! Living colors of blue, amber, deep orange, fiery red and pure white changing into dark blues!” -“Ezekiel saw some that were like unto rainbows! …They have been called the stones of fire and the burning ones who come from the presence of God!” -” And as I said before, many angels will be sent to help God’s people and to direct the end time future! – So much will be occurring on the earth, the angels will be well occupied! – And the Holy Spirit is overshadowing all of this as He walks among His people in the Lord Jesus!”

The future looms – “We thought we would finish this up with this reprint!” -“The 80’s have been perilous and chaotic and will step up momentum in 1987-90! -Later changes in leadership will bring a complete new vision to the U .S.A.! Dramatic and powerful social and economic changes are coming! – But beyond this in the 90’s it will be worldwide; not only in those conditions but it will be structural changes!” – “New dimensions in every way that people think and do, work, pleasure and etc.! A regular fantasy world, an atmosphere of make believe leading to false worship! …Add this to an alcohol/drug related society and you have the making of a delusion of doom!”

Scroll #154

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