HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 184

Prophetic Scrolls 184

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Prophecy fulfilling – “This Script will give insight into the startling and amazing lights appearing! – What is their mission? On the one hand we have God’s celestial lights and on the other we have Satan’s imitating and false lights! – The scientific world has been indeed baffled by both kinds! Just lately a flurry of sightings has been seen in various parts of the world. Authentic proof by radar and motion pictures reveal this! Is there a prophetic significance? Yes, some are God’s patrolling angels, and others are diabolic beings! – Evil spirits of some sort traveling in rays of light! – Some are transformed into mechanical looking material and can be seen with the eye! – Before we unravel the full scope of this puzzle let us unveil God’s true chariots!”

Continuing – ”Way back in the eons of time God had His celestial chariots! And are the type of angels who watch over his creation! They are associated to or known as the seraphims and cherubims, they are called watchers and patrollers! (Also the counterpart of this, Satan left the throne in a flash of light! And he is behind the sorcery type lights appearing today!) – God’s watchers was over Eden, and after the fall, cherubims was stationed east as a flaming sword! And only a sharp wheel can turn in every direction!” (Gen. 3:24) – In II Kings 2:11, “the Lord brought it clear out into the open so we would know! – A whirling chariot of fire picked up Elijah and carried him away into another dimension!” – Vr. 12, “And Elisha called it, the chariot of Israel! – This may have well been associated to the pillar of fire and the cloud by night when leading Israel in wilderness! – It could have been associated to the burning bush, and the burning fire and glory on Sinai! Also Moses saw the Lord standing on a blue celestial pavement above him!” (Ex. 24:10) – “David knew of 20,000 of these fiery chariots!” (Ps. 68:17) – He also saw “chariot of Israel” shoot forth lightnings into his enemies! (II Sam. 22:10-15)

Heavenly signs continuing – “Ezekiel probably saw more of God’s manifestations concerning this than most. He saw the cherubims as living creatures in spinning wheels running and returning as a flash of lightning!” (Ezek. 1:13-14) He called the lights surrounding the wheel eyes! (Vr. 18) – “He saw the Lord covered in some type celestial setting in the air surrounded by a rainbow of lights! – It could have been the chariot of Israel the one that Elijah left in!” (Vrs. 24-28) “Also Ezekiel was transported in one!” (Ezek 3:13-15) – Ezek. chap. 10, reveals many astonishing events concerning this subject! As we see some are multi-colored, pulsating radiate rays of light – blue, orange and amber; even colors of the rainbow! – Some had the appearance of beautiful stone, amber, crystal, emerald like look, or beryl, aquamarine and etc… lsa. 6:2 “reveals he saw some of the same things and mentions flight!” (vr. 6) – Rev. 4:8, depict the cherubims again! – In Isa. 66: 15, “he sees the fiery chariots coming with the Lord to do battle with Satan’s armies! – In IIKings 6: 17, “Elisha saw thousands of these fiery chariots, a squadron of combat ships! – Several times the prophets didn’t know what to call them and they symbolized them as horses and chariots of fire! – For instance, this may have been the case in Zech. 6:1-8. Notice he looked upward and saw 4 chariots coming out from between two mountains of brass! – Evidently coming out of huge carriers! – The angel told them they were the 4 spirits of heaven!” (Vr. 5) – Vr. 7, “and they walked to and fro through the earth! – Well, we know you can’t patrol the earth like that, so they were some type of supernatural watchers or patrollers! The same as Zech. 1:8-11.” – Zech. chap. 5, “saw a flying roll which brought a curse to the earth! Some people have seen just this shape in the heavens! – “However, this could have been something else! Because of these lights today, we know judgment is near!”

Concerning other scriptures – There are a host of other Scriptures concerning God’s patrolling lights known as angels in cherubic wheels! – Also remember a third of the angels fell with Lucifer and some were evil patrollers and watchers of Eden! It is said some may have been involved in the disruption (the DNA) in the explosion of giants! (Gen. 6:4) “However there is a double meaning to this Scripture as I have revealed elsewhere!”

Continuing – “Remember Satan is made out of beautiful stone (gem) like material glowing with light! He was called the covering cherub of the throne! – He was around the other stones of fire!” (Ezek. 28:13-14) – “He had flight; Jesus saw him traveling (falling) as lightning! Here indeed is a strange forecast, but it is true. The very light in his midst will destroy him!” (Vr. 18-20) – “Opposite this Jesus is the greatest (cherubim) the angel of the Lord, that Ezekiel saw! – The very pillar of fire ‘rising’ with healing in His wings!” (Mal. 4:2)

Heavenly signs and omens – Just before Sodom was destroyed, Abraham saw a fiery burning lamp of glory pass before him! (Gen. 15:17) So we know evidently wherever God is at Satan is imitating too! – History records lights were seen around Sodom. The same as the case of the flood! Jesus said the same thing would repeat again in our time! Also we spoke about the witchcraft sorcery sex in Sodom. No doubt before destruction the evil angels made contact leading them deeper into an illusion of pleasure! – As you remember they wanted to know even the good angels, so something had occurred!” (Gen. 19:5 ) – Vr. 11, they smote them with blindness! And how remarkable the same thing occurred when Elisha was around the chariots of fire in the mountains!” (II Kings 6:17-18) So we see some of these messengers get out and walk around as in the case of Ezek. 1:4-5 Also the Scriptures say beware you may entertain angels unaware! We will see much before the end of the age closes! (We’ve actually seen the same lights Ezekiel saw over Capstone and have photographed them!) – Also the evil patrollers can get out and walk around; and according to people they have made contact with these sorcery type angels they call aliens! And evidently are not from other planets, but have been here all of the time! Because the world is going to be destroyed God is allowed them to appear as a negative sign! – It is to confuse and take away from the coming Translation! “Some seem to be phantom lights, they appear and disappear! – Some have shown to the abductors a fantasy world said to be unbelievable delusion!… We will explain some cases in a moment!”

Continuing signs – No one seems able to explain their comings and goings. The Bible does! – Jesus said “It would be the signs of the time just before He returns!” (Luke 21:11) -“He mentions they would appear during the time of earthquakes, pestilence, war, etc. – Jesus said, great signs from the heavens, and fearful sights! – This takes in other things (atomic & etc) but it definitely means the lights being seen today! Some UFO’s have struck fear in the hearts of people. Evidence is they are psychic origin of sinister power! – Akin to spiritualism and sorcery! … These phantom visitors talk of coming to save the planet from atomic destruction and so forth! But they never mention Jesus or the Word of God! There have actually been strange cases of abduction by these fallen creatures! Some said they were examined and were relieved of semen that was put into tubes! Also women have said they were impregnated! – Evidently some of this is probably an illusion! And some are facts! – Right here in Arizona, concerning the Walton case, several men saw him abducted and carried away by one of these crafts and he was released 5 days later. They all took a lie detector test and passed it. The witnesses were reliable too!”

Continuing – “Concerning this phenomena of the UFO abductors , a book has this to say on the subject. Alien experimentation – evidence of biogenetic engineering and surgical implants in humans… Close Encounters of the frightening kind – the friendly kind… and the sexually intimate kind – documented case studies. – Evidently some of the above has been proven correct!” – But this next quote it is uncertain if this has or will occur. – “Star children – a hybrid race of human/aliens with psychokinetic abilities. – Perhaps something like this could occur in the Great Tribulation similar as happened in Gen. 6. Because Jesus said Sodom and Noah days would repeat again and bring fiery wrath upon the earth, in which the very axis will shake the earth apart! It’s best to leave this in the hands of the Lord!”

Delusion – (in brief) Many of these UFO’s have been seen in Brazil. A young farmer said he was abducted and taken inside one of these crafts wherein he said, he made love (intercourse) to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen! – Then she told him she was going to have his (mixture) Star baby! – No doubt what he felt and saw as real, was actually an illusion! His contact was evil spirits in disguise – he said he also saw humanoid type people inside! – “Other such cases are reported too over the world! UFO’s were seen landing on arctic ice – and in Florida coming out of the sea – Some say even out of a secret place in earth etc.!”

Continuing – Lights have appeared over Washington, D. C. photographed and seen by radar. Often seen in many parts of the United States, California and East Coast! They are a sign of the coming judgment in nature and in atomic! – More will increase in the 90’s and culminate in conclusion later. Rev. 12:7-13, Space war!… Then Isa. 66:15, God comes in His chariots of fire, although they are called celestial horses in Rev. 19:14. 

Scroll #184

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