Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The prophetic psalms – Amazing! -“Is it possible for a time element (season) to be given in Ps. 90 (yr. 1990) and the following 9 Psalms confirming it and with important events? -My opinion, Yes! The Psalms in certain aspects hold secrets and keys to the ending of the age! Many events and subjects harmonize with events already written on the Scrolls! They foretell a remarkable story from now (the 90’s) to the ending of the century! – Note: The Psalms are my interpretation of what 1 feel is inspired -bringing the time cycles as correct as possible! At periods the prophetic gift will give separate prophecies!”
Ps. 90 – year 1990 – our starting point -Vr. 1- “Speak of all generations, giving one a sense of a wind up! A climaxing appearing!” -Vr. 3, “destruction is coming! And the men left report unto God!” – Vr. 4, “The Lord quickly draws our attention to time dimension! One day to Him is a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day” – (Also read 11 Peter 3:8-10- besides time, it speaks of sudden destruction.) As the Verse 5, reveals the same in (one day) Rev. 18:8-10, -“The Lord reveals He Himself did not start with time, nor will He end with time! -He lives in one zone, the eternal! –The days man spends here is like a morning and evening to the Almighty!” Vr. 10, “seems to confirm a season of time. It gives first 70 years and then allows for 80 years! -In 1917 the first papers were signed to make a way for the Jews to go to their homeland! Jerusalem fell into the hands of the English to make this possible! -70 on to that date would put it at 1987 -then you add the other 10 years, and between this, and date 1997 will be the world’s most vital events for the Gentiles and the Jews. And we are already beginning to see this as the Scripts predicted!” – Now vr. 10 – “says, for it is soon cut off and ‘we FLY’ away! This can be applied to daily living. But it is definitely prophetic for our end time age! -Jesus said, “Behold I come quickly!” -Vr. 12 says, “teach us to number our days (years) so that we may apply wisdom! Meaning as to the nearness of His return! Is it too much to believe between now and 1997 and we may fly away? (translation) -The latter part of the century comes under horrible and catastrophic conditions!” – Another clue, vr. 13 says, “Return, O Lord, how long? -Let’s use wisdom. With the signs today we know how long. Very soon!” -Ps. 90, “definitely gives a time dimension forming a pattern and season for the following chapters!”
Prophetic Psalms 91 – “Begins to reveal the beginning of the end. At the end of Scroll 144, I wrote 5 yrs, in advance exactly what would occur. Crises war and explosive events naming chemical warfare! And said what is to occur in year 1991 will finally lead to Armageddon and is a snapshot of the future! We know the Gulf Crises and War came in 1991…Afterwards Hussein used chemical weapons it is claimed, when his own people rose up against him! According to the to the Psalms more world crises are coming as the Scripts state also!”
Insight – Psalms 92 – year ’92 -“It is a year God’s people should show great courage and praise, and He will guide them deeper in revelation and loving kindness! They shall triumph by faith,” Vrs. 6- 7, “reveals the world will continue in a brutish and foolish manner and will not understand the things God will give His people! -A climactic year and to the Scripts it seems the wicked will grow like the gross in more stupid, senseless ways and ideas!” Vrs. 12-15, “shows God will cause the righteous to flourish even those in old age! -For God is their rock of stability! For some it will be great changes in their life seeing new things! New growth and insight; Vr. 10 fresh anointing! -We can already see this occurring! – But for the world a year of mass promises, false dreams similar to what occurred in the 30’s! -Now this chapter 92 carries over into the next one!
Prophetic Psalms 93 – year ’93 – “Some will be established in great apostasy! But the majesty of the Lord will be with the elect! – Also a year of more propaganda, lies and false dreams. Some come true but others lead to later trap! A year of illusion and delusion!” Vrs. 3-4, reveals the people and governments are making loud noises and controversy, for waters stand for people, government and etc. Depicts unstable restlessness!” (According to the Scripts) -“Also a year of unnatural disasters in nature, water, pestilence, storms, famine, quakes!” (And the year of the unseen workings!) Also an astronomy year -“Two heavenly bodies will come into alignment 3 different times! This particular type has not occurred since 1821. Preceding the alignment and just after a war the U.S.A. had banking and economic problems, exactly as they are having now! -God confirming His and the Scripts prophecies! A year concerning drugs, energies, resources, technology plus unexpected and sudden events!”
Prophetic psalms 94 – year 1994 -. “Now we enter deeper into the vision of the Scripts and Psalms! -A dimensional change will occur; a pivotal year to remember. The year of explosive events, persecution. It seems the wicked and unbeliever at first is triumphing! The uttering of hard things, the works of iniquity, boastful, the religious factions stirring turmoil (cruel and vicious men rising – ’94 – 96) -God will step up His judgments from this year forward concerning the nations, coming wars in different sections… ..violence, murder, crime also new world laws hence forward years! -The beginning of revolutionary changes for this present world! -A great heavenly sign appears in this year! …Already scientists and astronomers are amazed at the heavenly sights that will appear in the 90’s! – Read Psalms chapter 19 wherein Jesus confirms the heavens will forecast and reveal certain events!…” So Ps. 19- Ps. 94- Year 1994! -“Five planets (heavenly bodies) with the sun and the moon conjunct in real close degrees! -This is not a line up like the year 2000, but a ‘mega’ gathering in one place and then dispersing!… 1994 a prominent year signaling toward a later world crises! This sign will affect the next 5 years sending shockwaves, especially from 1994 through 1997 bringing upheaval and crises concerning economics, religion, government, technology, banking, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars! Every facet of society will change! Propaganda lies, part truths and etc., fantasy promises will increase. ..(What’s done openly and underneath will come back to haunt the world in the later years toward 1995-97!) – “Although we should expect the Lord now at any time, God’s children are going to need special comfort and shall receive it!”
Prophetic psalms 95-96 – years 1995-96 -“This Psalms shows a special type of rejoicing for God’s people whither still here, preparing to go or are gone! His elect should be rejoicing! -During this period idols shall begin to increase over the earth! According to the Scripts these years bring us to world crises. A gathering together of important leaders! Some of these will be new evil leaders! The world will rock not only from earthquakes, but nature’s fierceness will be stirred, plus the nations are angry, there is a great turmoil!” Ps. 95:10, “the Lord speaks of the 40 year warning and His grief with this generation! -Time is up, the world is sliding deeper into the hands of world government! They will have no rest saith the Lord! During 95-96 two major planets will make their move into new constellations!” (Job 38:32-33) (More later!)
Continuing – “It is during a time nations do not give the Lord just respect or praise. As we said a great increase in idolatry; for the gods of the nations are idols! -Evil, nudeness, sexual violence and debauchery unknown to man has been and is prevalent! -Sodom may look tame to what will finally occur. They will not give God the glory due unto His name either!” (Read vrs. 8-9) “Also people can’t tell between fact or fiction! -Because sorcery, magic, witchcraft and phantasm has possessed vast groups! Plus the anti-Christ should be rising during these periods we spoke about.” Ps. 96:13, “already gives a hint God is starting His judgment and is on His way to fulfill it as the next Ps. reveals!”
Continuing Psalms 97 – year 1997 – A complete change altering the very nature of man’s living has occurred like never before. The earth is entering a new empire. A deadly snare has deceived! The world is on the edge of doom in latter 90’s!” Ps. 97, “definitely reveals the Lord is moving around. Evidently guiding the Jews and others.” (Rev. chap. 7) Again it is the period of graven images and anti-Christ worship! In this Psalms and in the 98 Psalms seems to be a mixture of judgment and joy! This continues into 1999 wherein a sudden event occurs literally and outwardly!
Prophetic Psalms 99 – year 1999 – “The earth is in astonishment. The Lord sitteth between the cherubims; the earth is moved in an unusual way! My opinion and according to the Scripts the Lord Jesus will intervene in Armageddon by the ending of 1999 overlapping some of the judgment into the year 2000! Before or around the mid 90’s Babylon begins to get a terrible grip on all the nations controlling in blasphemy and images promoting at first Jesus slightly but mostly Mary worship. Suddenly in the later 90 ‘s leading to a ‘false god ‘ and the abomination of desolation! – He will create a fantasy world leading to his worship; a super dictator appearing as an angel of light dealing with electronics with his strange god and lifelike computers! -But the Lord intervenes and destroys him! – We see in Ps. 99:1 Jesus sitting between the cherubims, as a dramatic event has taken place.” – Isa. 66: 14-16, “Wherein at the end of the age we see Him coming in His whirling ships of fire!” (Astronomy year – the Pluto-Neptune shift symbolizing -after a Great Deception – destruction occurs -deaths uncalculable -but a new birth and restoration appears again! (Jesus restores earth!)
Continuing – Also Psalms 100 ends the century… .new things beginning like the Millennium then vr. 5 ends with, his truth endureth to all generations! Notice we started in Ps. 90 with the word generation and we complete the cycle with the same word ALL generations! The years 2001-3 should be the most total and creative change the earth has seen in 6000 years! Truly He sitteth between the cherubims to rule. The earth is in His hands completely, His people exalt Him in joy!” Amen.
Scroll #187