Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Coming scene – The near future! – “Let’s take a good prophetic view at the rising of Babylon. What it is and will be. Babylon will begin to come into prominence fulfilling important prophecy! – God’s real people will not belong to this religious Babylon and government! According to the Scriptures the elect even now are witnessing to this system all around us and telling the apostates the ‘hand writing’ is on the wall again! – It is weighed in the balances of God and is set for judgment! And the elect will soon be taken out before its final form!” (Rev. 18:23) – “This system is shrouded in mystery, murder, delusion and deception.” (Vr. 24) “Now let’s throw some light and reveal the truth concerning it!”
The great whore in prophecy – (Rev. 17:1-5) – “She, the religious whore sits upon 7 hills and through the ages has fornicated with all nations! – Vr. 18, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth! -It is not surprising then to note the term, (city of the 7 hills) is connected with the Rome. In encyclopedia Americana, Rome is introduced with these words; known as the city of ‘7 hills’ and the eternal city! – So the identification of that city is symbolized in mystery Babylon! -We know the Roman Catholic church in past centuries exercised power over kings and rulers of the world at different times and is about to again with her harlot daughters, apostate protestants worldwide, etc. – So we see Romanism definitely fulfills the prophecy of Mystery Babylon of Rev. 17 – And is the only religious institution which does!”
Continuing – “Unveiling the prophetic scene – Just as the Lord Jesus out of the true vine receives a Bride, Satan on the other hand out of the false vine (Rev. 17) will receive a bride of idolatry! …The anti-Christ will be a counterfeit of Jesus. ..Christ is God; and the anti-Christ will claim to be God! – Jesus receives worship from His followers, and the anti-Christ will by force and demand get worship! – Jesus performed signs, miracles and wonders, the anti-Christ will perform false lying signs and wonders. Jesus came down from heaven, the anti-Christ spirit will come from hell! Jesus came in God’s name; the anti-Christ will come in his own!” (John 5:43) “Jesus comes to save, the anti-Christ comes to destroy! Jesus is the truth, the anti-Christ will be the lie!” (11 Thess. 2: 11) – “Christ the mystery of godliness -God manifested in the flesh! (I Tim. 3: 16) – The anti-Christ will be the mystery of iniquity – Satan manifested in the flesh!” (11 Thess. 2:7,9) – “Just as Jesus was resurrected, the anti-Christ will have some type of fake resurrection as the beast turns into Satanic power!” (Read Rev. 17: 8 -11) – “Also another phase of this occurred when Pagan Rome changed into the 7th head, papal Rome, and then back into papal pagan Rome the 8th head!” (vr.11)
Continuing – The incredible future – “Jesus is the good shepherd” (John 10) – “The anti-Christ will be the evil shepherd!” (Zech. 11: 16-17) – Paul gives us a secret to the identification. He calls him the man of sin! (II Thess. 2:3-4) – “We know this institution charges money daily for the confession of its people‘s sins! – Leading them to the Virgin Mary and the Pope, but not to the true Jesus!” – Also Dan. 11:37, gives another secret to this king and system. “He shall not regard the desire of women! So far nuns do not handle the confessions in this system. And this system does not want its priests to marry women! – Also it may mean he leans to the homosexual side and honors the gay system finally as occurred in Sodom! – Another way, women desire to have babies. In the final end he may disallow, prevent or destroy babies from being born in the final days of Great Tribulation! …Also in doctrine this system does not allow a pope to desire a woman as wife!” – And Daniel stated, “he shall not regard the desire of women! – he is also called the Vicar of Christ. Meaning in the place of Christ!” (II Thess. 2:4)
Continuing – The perspective – “Satan is cunning and crafty and this man may come in several different ways! – We know the Scriptures say, he will be a religious man, a Roman prince! And as I have written before, he will be a messiah to the Jews, a super prince to the Arabs, a false god to the world! He will either control the Vatican or be one from the Vatican who controls everything including Mystery Babylon and the harlot daughter apostate protestantism. – So we see any way you look at it the Vatican and Mystery Babylon rides the beast kingdoms! – This system will now come into tremendous prominence using Christ and the Virgin Mary as a subtle front! The deception is well on its way!”
Continuing – The future Identifying look. “Many prophets and Reformers of past ages believed the papacy would work into the anti-Christ system.” Quote: “A Reformer said, (We believe) what Paul said in II Thess. 2:4 is fulfilled in the dynasty of the papacy, and that the anti-Christ will be the pope who is in power when Jesus returns! – In this final pope, the spirit of anti-Christ will take complete possession of his body, soul and spirit. – He will become physically the anti-Christ incarnate in the flesh!” (II Thess. 2:8-12) – “Many believe this to be true. And by several different prophecies the last pope should arise by the mid 90’s. There may be a quick one in between, but the last one should complete the century!”
A fascinating insight – Prophecy – Quote:“Through the powers of three temporal kings, the sacred seat will be put in another place, where the substance of the body and the spirit will be restored and received as the true seat! – This seems to portray through the help of three leaders the moving of the Pope and the holy see to another place, evidently Jerusalem!” (Rev. 11:2-IIThess. 2:4) “For the anti-Christ will call this the true seat. Also it seems the wealth is moved; all of this creating a religious fanaticism fervor worldwide! …Insane with false worship! The way it is worded, it is as if the incarnation of the beast takes place then or soon after! – In another line the prophecy continues – “Of the church men the blood will be poured forth as abundant as water in (amount); for a long time it will not be restrained, woe, woe, for the clergy ruin and grief! – This seems to match Rev. 17:6 and Rev. 18:24 – Also foreseen – the sterile synagogue without any fruit, will be received by infidels, the daughter of persecution (Babylon) they shall clip her wings!”
Continuing – Now back to the removal of the Pope’s seat. – “What makes this possible is because of the threat of Atomic destruction. And after the removal of the seat the Vatican is destroyed by Atomic fire!” (Rev. 17: 16-17) – “According to the cycles of prophecy all of this should occur before or by century’s end!…Another important fact, the heavens are declaring a sign…From 1995-96 through 1998, three significant celestial bodies will enter into three different constellations. And evidently the greatest changes to ever occur will transpire in Mystery Babylon! In between this period one should see the beginning and towards ending of many of the events we spoke of concerning this system! And beforehand we will begin to see major events to reveal the prophecies will be exactly right!”
The future association -The News said, Gorbachev is in trouble (as mysterious Comet- (Aug.) grazes the sun). Note: But not before he released Eastern Europe back into Catholicism. Now watch the imperial rise of the religious Roman Empire! – East and West Europe combined Rev. 17 “changing” and ending in Rev. chap. 13 – “The Comet was seen to graze the sun leaving the King’s sign (Leo) into the Virgo constellation! This occurred exactly when Gorbachev coup problems begin and all the turmoil started in Russia. (The men who caused it, fell from power!) He is a significant man, and brought more changes to Russia than anyone before him to fulfill prophecy! – As stated in Scroll #159… A Hebrew minister associated his name to Gog.” (And I said, time will tell , if he is not then his “name reveals” to us the Gog leader will definitely appear in this century! (Ezek. 38:2) – “This leader will rise or be here with the last Pope and a president of the United States in a covenant with Israel! – By the way, the anti-Christ will be a negotiator of Peace Treaties! – He will come saying peace, prosperity and plenty to all, which ends in delusion and bloodshed! – As this century disappears into the twilight, a new rule from heaven should be established! – Later we will also include some fascinating subjects, in depth look at future events that will be involved in all we spoke of and more!”
Scroll #192