The Unrest 116


The Unrest Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #1562 3/12/95 AM

How do you feel this morning? Well, that’s really wonderful, isn’t it? The Lord’s really great. Lord, touch each one that’s here this morning and bless their hearts. Allow the anointing to come upon them and guide each one of them. You know their hearts, what they need, Lord. I command the power of the Holy Spirit to take away all the anxiety, the troubles and the problems and the different things. This world is just filled with all types of apprehensions and everything, Lord. But here we praise you with all of our hearts and we believe that you’re going to touch the bodies this morning and touch the people this morning in every way, all the pain. Anybody new, let them feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which is real, more real than what we are. Touch them, Lord, and bless them. Give the Lord a handclap. Praise the Lord. The Lord is coming. Lord bless you. Go ahead and be seated.

You know, in prayer, you probably have to face the same thing. In the hour that you really need your friends is the hour that they will betray you. The Lord told me to tell you that. How many of you believe that? Jesus brought the true gospel, and He told them that at the time that His departure was soon. And the disciples could hardly even believe it. And at the very hour that He needed his friends was the very hour that they betrayed Jesus. They fell asleep and Jesus prayed until great drops of blood came out of His head. And most of it, the rejection, being supernatural yet in a physical body, He had to feel and go through what a human would go through. He brought that upon Himself because He loved a world that He had created, that He had made, and then He had to come and be rejected to save a world that had sinned. And during that time, He looked upon the creation. And the same thing happens today. I get letters all over from everywhere, from different people. And you yourself out there now in the hour we live in, at the time that you need the most help or the time that you think a friend will help you will be just like Jesus, old satan will come along and they’ll either turn you down or betray you. How many of you believe that? That’s in the air, it’s everywhere.

People think they’ve got a long time and God’s going on forever. But I notice, you know, some of the evangelists, they reported to me. Some of them get my scrolls and many of them read my scrolls. Some invite me to broadcast but I never go anywhere, I stay right around here. They wanted me to come to Hawaii and they said they’d put every– all of them that owned all the stations and satellites, everything else. If I come there, they would get behind me a hundred percent and back me in a crusade. But I couldn’t go at the time. I made the right decision there. The Lord has His hand on me and He’s guiding it in the way that He’s guiding it. He’ll find out and you’ll find out who really loves you.

And so, in the hour we live in, in the hour just before Jesus comes, will come the great betrayal of Him again. The Pentecostals, the full Gospels, the different ones, the Fundamentals, those that have even believed as somewhat proper in a manner, will right at the very end of the age, they will betray the Lord again, just as it happened in the garden. And if you’re a prophet or if you’re a servant of the Lord or really believe by the anointing, as an individual, you’ll find out that your friends right at the very end of Jesus’ coming will turn away. But there are some wonderful things that God’s got for those that can stick it out. The ones that can truly hold on to the Lord. As I was saying, some of these evangelists were talking about, you know, if you’re going to do anything for the Lord, you better get it done. Because they could see hardly anything past the year 2000, the way the trends are going and the way the things are happening. A lot of these get the scrolls, and I think even Pat Robertson was trying to tell them, that if you’re going to do anything, you better get it done now. He said, “I don’t see how it can go any further past that time there.”

And just at the time Jesus said, that He would come, would be the falling away in such a way you couldn’t believe it. And they didn’t have what it took to hold on. There was too much the world offered. I’m not preaching this against anybody. It just started coming on me as I came through into the building here and began to start praying. And I feel this way about it, that Jesus has His hand on you. That’s all you need, saith the Lord. That’s all. That’s all. You don’t need everybody. How many of you know that? I think Curtis has told me now that he’s made a way for shortwave radio for the tapes. I did the same to some of the most powerful miracles. Of course, my California miracles were more powerful. I was traveling to different places. And it’ll be in the Middle East, Japan, China, South America. We don’t ask for money, see. I’m just doing it. I even donated my satellite. And I told the Lord it was supernatural. He’s done it in such a way that it’ll be everywhere overnight. But you know what? If there wasn’t a person behind me, I can say this by faith, I’ll win. You say, how are you going to do that? All I need is Jesus. And He can close this building down or open it up. I’ll win. I’d be a greater winner if I could get into heaven right now, Paul said. And people say, “Well, we’ll discourage all that”. You can’t discourage God. It’s going and it’ll be everywhere all over the world. And the people that’s on my audios are sponsoring me, helping me, and the people in the mail help me, and God’s helping me in many different ways. And I’m doing all I can. They want to get some stations down. I’ll just leave it in the hands of God. You tell the people out here this morning that they’re missing out on some of the greatest things. And when you see the top evangelist, greatest evangelist on this earth, they’re also declaring this century is a century to work in because they cannot see very far ahead.

And what the Lord has revealed to me, He’s told me not to tell it all because He’s going to slip up on them like a thief in the night. And you talk about some even full gospel people being left. They’re going to be left. And you talk about a horrifying situation on this earth, it is going to be one that we have never seen before. Now, I’m going to get into my message, but that’s good. And I appreciate all the people on the audio and all my writers. They’ve been really kind to me, and they’ve been kind to me for 25 or 30 years and have been wonderful. But like I’m telling them and telling everybody else, as the age closes out, depend only on Jesus. See, my life, He’s got it in divine providence. I have to go and come as He tells me. I have to do what He does. And it’s the force they felt–the tremendous power that this thing–the world needs to be alert. The immoral situation is in such a way that the preachers can hardly even cut through such an immoral situation that we’ve run into like we’ve never seen before. Now, if you get too close to them, boy, you go to preach and you can scatter that bunch and get wind up with what just what Jesus wants.

  1. The unrest. What? Have you ever seen so much unrest in your life? Even among Christians, there’s a jittering, a nervous situation. They don’t know which way to turn or which way to jump. That’s the time that you need to search out your heart and hold steadfast, says the Lord, in the time of temptation, in the time of Revelation 3:10, and hold to that Word and hold to the Holy Spirit, and I can guarantee you one thing, the Lord will help you through it. It is an age where fear seems to dominate every part of the earth. They don’t know what’s going to happen next. What will it be? Things are happening everywhere. All of a sudden, will we be in a war? Will we have peace? Or what will happen to the economy? Will it continue? Will it change? Read my scrolls and it’ll tell you what’s going to happen there. And Jesus said in a situation like this, fear not. Always when trouble abounded, always when it seemed there was no way out, every time Israel, when they were backed up against the wall, and David said there seemed to be no hope, God would appear, and the Lord would work a miracle for them. That is absolutely true. And for the Christian, the persecution will move in, and like I said a while ago, the confrontations will move in from each side, but the greatest power that we have ever seen and the greatest anointing to bring on that translative faith is more than at the door. It is even moving already on people across this earth, the ones that have got their heart open. Get ready. I mean God means business. Every major preacher that’s full of the power of God knows that time is short. They didn’t say that until this year, and now they’re beginning to say it.
  1. I wrote it a long time ago. Man landed on the moon and God said I’ll come in that generation. When Israel returns to the homeland, He also said He would be in the generation. We know a generation only runs a certain length of time, and the scripts and scrolls bring it as close as you’re going to get it, and I’ve got some more stuff out that’s coming that’ll probably bring in even what will happen in a little ways in the millennium there. Perilous, dangerous times. It is a last-day sign, saith the Lord. A sign predicted by Apostle Paul in the latter times. Know this also, it is a time that the apostles and the prophets were telling everyone that would happen. It would be at the time when scoffers (2nd Peter 3:3-5), would come and say, oh, where is the sign of His coming? And we’ve got a lot of time. That is the time Jesus said, that He would appear, and truly in the Bible. And Paul said, when they said peace and safety, and we’ve got a lot of time, and all that sudden destruction was right close at hand, and all of a sudden it would come upon them. We’re living in the very final chapters of the closing of the age. And it’s to be exactly the setting here today. The setting of those listening. The setting we see around us. It is in utter perfection. But if you do not have spiritual eyes or ears, the pleasures of this world and the things that are going on this world, the attention of movies, too much of the television, too much of the magazine, too much of this and too much of that, will take your eyes off of it, and you’ll miss the coming of the Lord.
  1. But by predestination, those that He has chosen will listen. He’ll finally draw them into the conclusion and bring it. Perilous times, apprehension, depression, and unrest on every hand except the Lord said, my peace I leave unto you, and everyone of you in that audience this morning, and all of you that hear this audio, every one of you, and all of my friends around the world, now I guess everywhere, that God will help them. Even though I’ve asked them for nothing, they will see and hear the miracles, even if they have to have interpretation from one end to the other. Peace. God will put it in your heart. I leave it with you. You have it. Even in the most dangerous and perilous times, you have peace in your heart. Paul said, “I know that I shall soon be offered up. It is time for my departure.” He was cold. Bring the coat and the parchments, the paper, and the scripts at that time. He knew, he said, that he was to go before Nero, that he was ready to go to paradise, the place that he had seen beforehand. He knew at that hour, at the very time. So, you yourself, if you’re facing—confronted–no matter what it is, God will give you the confidence, the patience, and the peace that you need. Do you believe that? Everybody hearing my voice, now there’s deliverance. There is deliverance. Some people–and Jesus–you know, He said, have patience now in that time, because I see the latter and the former of rain coming together. He said, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Have patience, because it draws nigh, and the Lord standeth at the door.
  1. A lot of people, they’re afraid, because they don’t know what tomorrow holds. They don’t know the future. We know the future. We know what it holds. Some, they say, “How in the world am I going to meet my family’s needs? How am I going to meet the way the prices are, the way things are happening and help the Lord, too?” The Lord said, don’t look at the circumstances. You help me, and I’ll wipe them out, if you continue to have faith in the living God. Do you believe that? You won’t sink. You won’t sink. Peter, he got to walk. He was walking on the water. Sometimes you’ll be walking on the water, and you’ll be sinking. You’ll say,” My, how am I going to get out of this? How am I going to get out of this? By the way, this is the Lord now. How am I going to turn? Which way can I go? I’m sinking. Oh, help, Lord, help. I’m up to my neck, Lord. Oh, my. Just in time, Jesus lifted His hands out and says, here, take hold. There’s plenty of faith right in them hands. Power and magnetic force of Jesus, the power over nature, the power over the storm, the power over the water. The water becomes like nothing. It just bounced Peter right back up on his feet. God, by the way that He works miracles, He dominated that water. Instead of sinking, suddenly, Peter was standing on solid water and walked back in the boat with Him. How many of you say, praise the Lord? Instead of sinking, God will pull you on out of it. I’ve been confronted on the left and confronted on the right by satanic forces. I’ve tried to destroy this living body–the body, and I’ve got the gospel out–if I was to ask the Lord to take me into heaven, it’s already preached. I’ve got it right down to where it’s going to come right down to the finish. I’ve whooped that devil and there’s nothing he can do about it. It’s going out and will be everywhere. He is beaten. And when the devil is beaten, he runs. How many of you know that? And you people, of all these years I’ve preached, and I can say the people that helped me, you’ve done a wonderful job and you’ll be given credit for every soul. Oh, the miracles, they cannot withstand the miracles. It’s just great ones, powerful miracles, creation even. And all of that that takes place, you’ll be given credit for every soul that’s witnessed to, about the Lord Jesus and how powerful and how wonderful He is.
  1. I’ll get on down in here, building your faith. So don’t be afraid about tomorrow, because tomorrow’s already passed. Yesterday is, in the Psalms, yesterday is a thousand years and the next day is gone. In fact, there’ll be a day. You watch, you wake up tomorrow and by tomorrow it’ll be gone. And as you go through time, when that stops, and we’re moving fast towards the Lord. The Lord is coming towards us. And when it’s all over with and finished, we’ll be then where there will be no tomorrow. Everything will be today, and it’ll always remain. But now tomorrow’s gone. And you say, how will it be gone? Well, even if you die, tomorrow is gone. I mean, you can say praise the Lord. I wish you had deep enough dimension to get in some channels that I could talk to you about, but I believe I probably would wind up with a few. But I’ll tell you what, God’s got some dimensions and channels and so forth like that. Right in this building, if your eyes could open, by land, I think some of you would pass out. Some of you would wonder if you’re saved or not. You’d say, my God, am I saved? And you’d have salvation, see; such forces, such a commanding power, such beauty, such wonders, the spirit world, something the natural eyes cannot see. But only, saith the Lord, the supernatural can see it through visions and see it through the supernatural eyes. And God will reveal it to you there. So, your faith will grow and the power of it. He will weed out the tares. He’ll put them on one side, and He’ll swiftly put in the sickle. And when He puts in the sickle, harvest is ended. And all of a sudden, they’ll be put in His barn and He’ll be gone.
  1. And it’ll be over with, before you know it. The Bible, the urgency was everywhere for a reason at the end of the age. Three times,” Behold, I come quickly,” before He closed the book of the future (Revelation 22). It was the book of Jesus, the book of the Lord Jesus that John wrote. But Jesus, it is His book as actually Jesus did it. And in there, He showed that at the end of the age, the great urgency in that New Testament apocalypse, in the Old Testament apocalypse, the same thing through Daniel and the prophets. But through Daniel, He showed the same thing, that it would move towards the end of the age, and it would close out, Daniel said, with a flood of events, like a rush. All of a sudden it would be over with, to be gone. So, in both books, Daniel said knowledge would increase. They would dart back and forth, run to and fro. And all through the Bible and the prophets, He would always in there show you the rushing and what would happen right just before the Lord comes. But at the same time, they would be running around saying, “Where’s the coming of the Lord?” The Bible called them scoffers. It’s in the Bible. And it was just before the apostles said, that the very elements shall melt with fervent heat. We’re living in the last time. Boy, He’s coming with His saints there. So, we find out problems are mounting and everywhere. And people are wondering how, with all the mounting problems and things, how will the Lord meet my needs? He will meet your needs as long as the gospel, the true gospel that we live in now has to go out. When that’s over with, the needs will begin to slow down. God will take his people out and they’ll be gone. There’ll be some time, some crises.
  1. There’ll be a burst of prosperity. But about that time, or at any time between now and the close of the century, the church could go home. Not only am I saying this now, but the evangelists are trying to get all the time they can get to get it all over the world in every way they can get it. Something has happened through the scripts and through the audios and videos. It has awakened them to the fact that this century, it opened with the outpouring, it is now closing with the outpouring. And the Lord is ready to come. You better be prepared. While I’m preaching faith, He won’t let me get by without telling you. He said, “Don’t say they’re yet, just four months.” Get in there and do something right now. Witness. Be ready. Be prepared. Don’t say I’ve got two years, three years, or four years. The Lord could come to you tomorrow night or today or any time. The coming of the Lord is right at hand. So, we find out He will meet your needs. Take no thought, Jesus said, of what you shall wear, what you shall eat, or tomorrow. As He feeds the birds and so forth, He will take care of you. God has done that for me when I didn’t even have to ask Him. What will He do for you if you pray, and I pray with you and believe with you? Can you believe just a little bit? Jesus said it is a grain of the mustard seed. He will do it there, you know, faith combined with the power of God, the Word of God. If you have those two things in your heart with what the Bible says in divine love and so forth like that, the power of the Spirit, you’re going to make it on through with salvation, and God will stand with you. He won’t let you down. Build, allow the Spirit and that faith to grow. Now is the hour that it’s going to grow. If you don’t allow your faith to grow now, it’s going to turn dormant. It will be lukewarm, saith the Lord, and you will be numbered among those Laodiceans, Babylonians. That will be spewed out of my mouth. He is a true vine. You are the branches. Allow that faith to grow. Don’t let time or anything stand in your way. Faith is very important, associated with the Word of God.
  1. It is the most powerful thing that you’ve ever seen. They’re talking about the cosmos, the crises in the cosmos out there. Things exploding. They don’t understand what’s going on. Is it falling to pieces? No, that’s God out there. The Lord is here. He’s out there. He’s everywhere. He can’t go and He can’t come, but we use those terms because that’s the way human nature talks. How can God go anywhere? Well, He can get into a human body and go this way and that way or an angelic body or the angel of the Lord and so forth like that. God doesn’t have to go or come. He’s already there. You say, how about a trillion light years from here or a billion light years from here? He’s there. How about right here? He’s there. God doesn’t come and go. He’s eternal. Get your faith up. I’m building your faith now because you need your faith up higher and higher for the confrontation, the future and the things that are just around the corner. They’re coming around the corner. This year may start slow but watch ahead in these years ahead. One month, just one month can make up for years of time. And magazines are talking about trends and they were saying, I believe it was on the cover of it [one of the magazines], preparing for the new millennium, not the type that we talk about or the scriptures, but revolutionary changes, which I predicted on scrolls 20, 30 years ago. The changes that are coming, the way people do in electronics and the way people do in their microwaves and the modern things will all change and they’re getting ready for society changing, changes in governments, changes in this, and changes in that. The government is going to change in a way that they’ve never seen. Trends in the future, it’ll take curves and be different than what they think, but there is a future. There will be a millennium, but not like what they think either. It’ll be ruled by a rod of iron, by the Lord Jesus, and it’ll be different. So, they have all these different things. Now they have a radar chip and in that you can put it in the back of your car, and you won’t bump into anybody. You can put it in a mattress of a child that may have difficulty with asthma or something like that or, and it’ll wake you up if they stop breathing or an older person. You can put the chip, and it can be used in any way like that. Now you speak about the highway. They can have a long highway. You won’t run into anybody, and you don’t have to drive. It’ll just go here and there. So, they have that and now it’s down in miniature form, the chip that you can just take, and you won’t bump into anybody. It’ll give you an alarm or run anybody an alarm and it’s got it down to a price that anybody can afford. We’re living in the age of almost miraculousness, but it’s not. It’s like the magicians and so forth like that, special effects and so forth.
  1. It’s an age of science, of geniuses, yet it’ll never supersede the supernatural power of God. I can call somebody out of the audience without an eardrum. I’ll lay everything I got, everything. If that person has an ounce of faith, I’ll say, Lord, create that eardrum. Now I’ll say, get a wristwatch or just speak in their ear or do anything you want to, and they’ve got it. They need a lung, they’ve got it. Science cannot do that. God can take and raise the dead that’s been dead for days. Science cannot do that. They may have somebody that goes into a coma, somebody that’s frozen sometimes, bring them back, but I’m talking about totally dead. Somebody that’s been shot, mortally wounded. The antichrist may try to pull some tricks, come back to life to sway the world and wonder after him (Revelation 13), something like that. But the thing is this: no matter how supernatural science gets; the Lord is way ahead of them in miracles. They cannot give salvation, saith the Lord, neither can they give you translative faith, neither can they change this mortal body to last forever. But I, the Lord, the Living God, can change your mortal body into immortality and thou shalt have eternal life. That cannot be given by man, nor angel, by devil, or no one. No, but the Angel of the Lord can, because He encamps around them that fear Him. That Angel of the Lord is none other but the existence and pre-existence of the Lord Jesus, the Angel of the Lord, by God. Now, He can do what science cannot do. Boy, we’re moving in an age, Shekinah glory and power we’ve never seen before.
  1. I went outside for a little bit last night. I wished everybody could hear this sermon this morning. And it got to raining, and I got into the car. He always drives me out there for some reason or another, and I was sitting in there. I think I’ve hurt my body by sitting in there too much. But I was sitting in there. I get to praying, and I get lost. And this time of year, especially, it must be strange because of the way that the heavens are. And the clouds came right over the house and right in front of the trees. You can see right over those trees. And those lights are the brightest lightnings that I have ever seen in my life. I’ve seen heavier thunder and lightning, but it was so bright it would blind you. Man, I thought for a minute, I couldn’t even hardly see. And that lightning around them trees, and sometimes that lightning would pop. You could hear that lightning go across there with no sound. I mean, it would just be light. And the next thing you knew, I would count. And there would be thunder, but it would be 10 to 15 seconds or 20 from the time that light appeared, traveling at the speed of light. And one of the lightnings came so close, it just walked across that sidewalk, almost close to me by that wall out there. This side of my face dropped. It altered. I’m not trying to be like Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. His whole face was changed, and He was glorified in front of His disciples and said, “Don’t tell anybody about this.” And then later He was crucified and resurrected back into a glorified body. And that lightning came there, and boy, I thought this side of my face, and I could feel it through my body. And I thought, my land! I blinked my eyes, and I said, you don’t want to be messing around, as the children would say, with the One that created that, created the lightning and created this earth. He is most powerful. Boy, that car just about rocked. He got so close to me. I thought the Lord would appear in that lightning. And they saw Him, and His face shone as the sun. Daniel said, and the different ones, His face was like a lightning flash. His eyes were like coals fire. You don’t want to deal with the One that created that lightning out there. Can you say praise the Lord? He knows it. He gave me that for you this morning here. And that, it was on there.
  1. And you know, so I looked at that, and I blinked my eyes, and that’s how fast this mortal body is going to change. At a blink of an eye, in a moment, and a twinkling of an eye, Paul said, it will be over with, and you’ll be gone. What a merciful God! What a great God! I believe that in revealing nature to us and the miraculous, to see those things are wonderful. And God, like the children of Israel, will supply your needs like He supplied them with manna daily. And when the manna runs out, you’ll cross over into the new land, heaven. Can you say praise the Lord? The safety net is in the arms of Jesus, and that’s exactly where you belong. And all that hear my voice, may that lightning that–my face on one side, I thought, boy, I’ve had it. It was so close, but it sprung right back in a little while–and you people that hear this, you’ll hear the electrifying power of the Lord, but not probably that lightning. But the power of that voice and the power of the Lord will be in your home, and the anointing will be all over your body, and you’ll feel it. It’ll take those pains out, and the request on your heart, you reach up towards heaven, tears will come out of your eyes, joy and happiness. You praise Him, and you’ll begin to feel something greater than that lightning. Boy, you’ll have the one that created it, and I mean, He’ll electrify that body and prepare you for that translation.
  1. And this message that I’m telling you to prepare your faith, the unrest and perplexity across the world, what I’m saying, we’re reaching the final chapters of the age. Preachers have preached similarly, for hundreds of years, the Lord is coming, the Lord is coming. And we know they’ve preached it since the days of Christ. But now that they’ve had the covenant in Israel, even though the terrorists try to stop it, they’re working on it. And Jesus told them and said at the end of the age, in the book of Daniel 9: 26 & 27, when that covenant comes, Jesus comes at that time. So now we can say with all of our heart, Jesus can come at any time. The gathering could be overnight, because the children of Israel, when Moses began to move, they came out, and they moved out at midnight, and they were gone. Overnight, it seemed like they gathered together. And He said in the Bible, as they went out, there was not one feeble person among them. He supplied all their needs and took them out of there. They were gone. At the end of the age, the Lord is going to do the same thing, and they went over to the promised land. At the end of the age, the gathering could be in a matter of weeks or months, and He’ll take them right out. That would fool the devil. That would fool the laggers. You’re not going to slip up on the Lord. The Lord said that He’s coming suddenly, unexpectedly. He said, be ye also ready in an hour. He didn’t say in a day, in a week, in a month, in a year. In an hour that you think not. The Lord, the Son of Man, cometh. The Son of Creation cometh, saith the Lord. Oh, boy, the Son of Creation. Did you hear that? The Son of Creation. He said in Revelation 22: 16, I am the Root Creator. I am the Offspring of David, Messiah, El Messiah. I am the Lion of the tribe of Judah. I am the Bright and Morning Star. I am coming soon, saith the Lord. You see up in the heavens, the celestial, even before He closed the book, He used the word. He opened the book in Genesis, and He spoke about the heavens.
  1. He came the first time, and He gave signs in the heavens. And upon the earth, the distress that was among even Israel because of the Roman Empire. Now today, He’s giving the signs. Everywhere we look, the handwriting is on the wall. We know that. We’re coming. It’s time to be right awake there. Listen to this: and I’ll be going wherever the Lord leads me now. I’ve been here about every Sunday, and He’ll switch me maybe to do something else and pray for the sick. I don’t know. I’ll just leave it to Him. But the age we’re living in, God has allowed man in a miniature way. We’re talking about the future and how the trends and what people think and so forth like that. They have everything ready, everything made. Overnight, things can happen because of electronics and lasers and computers and so forth like that. And the age we’re living in, He’s allowed man in a miniature way. They go up, and Russia has built these little space stations. They’re building them now, and they can go up into the heavens and add to them. Our shuttles go up like a small space station. They float around there. And later and towards the end of the century, they’ll have more space stations up in the air. Obadiah says, although thou exalt thyself as the eagle and build thy nest among stars–platforms, space stations, even space babies maybe and so forth like that. We don’t know what’s even happened already. But the thing is this, their sins have reached the heights of heaven. So, there’ll be sin even if they get up there. We know we’re getting close. But in the millenniums–the age of science, saith of the Lord–and the day of the Lord cometh soon. As the prophets have spoken, every city shall be torn to the ground. Every island and mountain shall be moved out of its place.
  2. As I had forecast, I noticed a darkness. Can you see that over the audience? A cloud passed. Watch! All the cities crumble to the earth. I, the Lord, shall build them again. And there shall be new cities springing up. And there shall be new places in the lands during the millennium. After atomic war, it will come as prophesied. All the mountains and cities torn down. God and the axis shake the earth. You hear the Lord. He will build her up again as the Bible says in the millennium. How many of you believe that? I’ve got so many writings to write about that I can’t go any deeper than that. And the Bible said the cities of the nations fell. And during the millennium, you’ve never seen such beautiful places and things again and a thousand years of peace. Listen to this: Man, He cut in on me right there and began to talk. Man, in a miniature way, has been revealed by going up in the space station and so forth like that and living up in there. The Lord was trying to show the people something that He’s coming soon. He’s coming before in the translation. Sure, it can happen now until the end of the century, and it can happen anytime even before then. But after the millennium, the day of the Lord, White Throne judgment, and all of that, we enter into what’s a new heaven, new earth. Then what they’re doing now, going up in space shuttles and space stations–the greatest space station and living quarters that the world will ever see is the Holy City,1500 miles across, 1500 miles deep, 1500 miles this way and that way. Supernatural, not made from material. It is where the saints will live. They will come and go. You talk about a space station. At that time, the earth will look up as it passes and turns. That city will be seen. Can it move? Can God take it here and can He take it there? But it is huge. It is a great powerful station, but it’s a Holy City that [sis what] God calls it.
  1. Man, in a little way, God has allowed man to show that there is a real place where we will live. Mansions, secrets, mysteries involved inside that place that I could not explain to you even though I saw some of it. I could not explain it to you even though the Bible records it. What is held in that Holy City? Revelations 21 and 22 will tell you of the Holy City. How wonderful a place, finally, that even the saints will reach at that time. But it’s on beyond, the translation comes first. I’m telling you, God is great. In that lightning came forth this message. It was written in about five notes, but it wound up in a message where I’m at now. We’re living at the time, maybe there’s a little something I put at the end of here. As Paul would say, the phenomena, Paul said, have faith, hope, joy. Get ready, prepare, be alerted. The gospel is finishing its course for the elect. The angels will soon cross heaven declaring the last gospel. The gospel is reaching now to the elect in every part of the globe. And I ask you for nothing unless you want to do something. You say, what kind of a statement is that? That’s in reverse of what’s been going on over the years that man has tried to preach the gospel. I’m going to allow the Lord to do it and finish up the course. The people can do what they want to do. If they want to have some souls and sheaves to bring in, that’s their business. But we are finishing up the gospel. And I didn’t even know I was going to say it like that. And this is the hour.
  1. If you can’t stand the anointing, like they used to say, if you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, you better get out of it. You won’t have to say, it’s the Lord, I’ll blow you out of it. Sometimes people, you know, and here we’ve had them coming and going and people leave, and they think, they hear a message, ever since I’ve been here, you know, and sometimes people, they can’t stand the power of God, the anointing, and they’ll leave, and they think that they made a decision. Behold, saith the Lord, I made a decision, and I got rid of them. See; He can call them back or He can let them go forever. It is the Lord. The Lord said, “You haven’t chosen me, I’ve chosen you.” You don’t run the show, saith the Lord, I run it. Why? What a message! When you start with a couple of words, one word. You know how this started? I was just sitting there and all of a sudden that brightness turned loose on there out of nowhere and I thought to myself, that’ll wake up the people, and the word unrest is the only thing I heard. Unrest. And the Holy Spirit spoke. In the world and even among the churches and people, unrest. And Jesus said in Luke 21 and verse 25, there would be unrest, perplexity, there’d be signs of the sun and the moon and so forth like that. We went through that. And over the scriptures at the end of the age, at the latter times. We have the greatest signs and celestial, earthly, the biblical ones which are first. This prophetic gift comes afterwards. Always the Word of God is first and the gifts and the prophecy. We have the greatest signs of any people of any generation that has ever lived and has got to see. And there should be more thankfulness for such a warning, for such an alerting for God to wake us up. Yet He said that the multitudes would go to sleep, like His disciples did. By predestination He got a hold of them and got them waking up in time. And right now, while the people are all asleep in their pleasures and cares of this life–it’s alright to do certain things and it’s legal to have activity and so forth like that and to be happy and joyful and all of that–but don’t go to sleep. And then there’s the other type that the world’s in, the type of cares of this life and the type of pleasure the world’s having out there. They’re asleep.
  1. But the most hurtful thing and the rejection that would hurt the Lord at His time or now the most is that the very church that has heard the gospel for so many years, they’ve heard the gospel and they’re going to sleep. See it was appointed because it gave the time, midnight. At midnight there was a cry, made. See it was appointed, it was made. And it said, “Go ye out to meet Him.” All of us are appointed a certain time; that time to go ye out to meet Him has come. As we’re going out to meet Him, the Bible records He’s coming closer to us. Figuratively He’s already in us. I mean He’s already in us but figuratively we will look up and see Him. But the Holy Spirit will be all around us and that’s where we’re at right now. That cry has gone forth. The century started off with the outpouring about four or five years into it and we’re now four or five years at the end of this century and the outpouring is going to separate and we’re going to be gone. You say, “Will we take our Bibles with us?” No, you’ll be with the Bible, says the Lord. Notice He didn’t say you’d be with the New Testament. You’re going to be with the Old and the New Testament. And you’re going to be when it said there was a silence and you’re going to be when the seven thunders uttered the voices John was told, “Write it not. You’re going to be with the Old and New Testament and you’re going to be with those secrets that John didn’t write. I hope and pray this morning that you know what is associated with the translation and the time of the Lord, saying, how close we’re getting to His return. That’s exactly right. Lightning works quickly, in a moment the twinkling of an eye. Behold I come quickly. How many of you are ready?
  1. Get on your feet. You know I’d have got out of here at 12 o’clock. The Lord cut in on me though and He won’t let me. He gives me a little prophecy over there while I go. All of that’s going to come true. And I think that the way that He brought it this morning is that you people that love God, many people that maybe years ago have heard the gospel will return not only maybe into this house of the Lord but other houses of the Lord but as the Lord said for many of those, pretty soon mercy will run out. And there will not be a chance to get back in. And it will be like the ark. The door will be closed. So, now’s the time for you to build your faith. Occupy yourself. Boy, keep one eye on your work and one eye up in the air if you can do that and not get cross-eyed! Okay, how many of you believe that? And I’ll finish my course up with the people and I believe that God’s going to bless every one of you that holds on to those words this morning. I want you to. If you need Jesus, I’ll tell you what, there’s no hour like this hour to just confess your sins to Him. Allow Him to come into your heart. This Word of God will guide you. You get into these services. There’s enough power out there even without me praying right now to heal every one of you that’s out in that audience there. Your faith can ignite just like sparks. As you believe together, I believe as the coming of the Lord just before He comes the power of God is so potent before the change comes that the sparks and power of God will heal one another [each person]. How many of you believe it? I believe it.
  1. I want you to raise your hands into the air. I want you to praise the Lord. I’ll be praying for every one of you. Every one of you. And those listening to this broadcast, I won’t forget you. You pray for me. I’m under divine providence. God’s already spoken to me about it. And I know I am. And every one of you I pray will remain true to this sermon. If you do, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Paul said, I must close with this, Paul said for me to live is Christ, or for me to die or to be translated is gain. God bless your heart. Put your hands together church. Come on. {Comment- study Psalm 37:1-8, Scroll 65 para. 4}
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