Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
People read our literature from overseas and as you can well see God appears in signs to them to reveal His reality and His coming! Luke 21: 11 reveals “great signs shall there be from heaven!”
The bible is full of wonders like these: Cornelius (Acts 10:3); John on Patmos (Rev. chap. 1); Holy Ghost (Acts 2:3~4); Wise men at Christ birth (Matt. 2: 1-2,9); Luke 2:8-9 shepherds “The first picture is like the burning bush that Moses saw!” Ex. 3:2, And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. “The bush Moses saw could have been a larger one or a smaller one, we don’t know, but it is a sign that Jesus is going to take His people out and up to the Promise Land!”
“A great light came out of heaven on this man who reads the Scripts!” – Remember the light that came down and struck Paul. (Acts 9:3) And Paul trembled, because he knew-who the Lord was. (vr.6) “There are all kinds of manifestations to support His wonders and prophetic signs of His nearness!”
“A partner took these pictures during the holidays. On the right one you can see where it reveals, “Jesus is Coming Soon!” If you did not get Scroll #207 showing remarkable depictions of the coming of the Lord on the building, ask for it.
In the above picture we see He blesses the fishes that were caught. – “And sure enough if you look to the right comer of the photo you can see fiery glory of the Lord coming down as to cook the fish!”
(St. John 21:9-12)
“So it is we see that Jesus is coming soon!” He caught His disciples off guard and He will catch the world off guard! Fish also speaks of the elect! – (Read Scroll #176) Also you can see His thick presence all around the area. (Shekinah glory) – (A Canadian partner sent these.)
This picture reminds us of some Scriptures in the Bible, “Therein He also did miracles of supply!” Often while Brother Frisby is praying for the sick, lights are seen! – “In this picture it shows the fiery power of the Lord on his hand as he prays for the sick!” – Jesus said, there would be signs and wonders just before His return!
Scroll #209