HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 210

Prophetic Scrolls 210

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

This is a mixture of events taken from various Scripts for your remembrance and benefit of prophecy fulfilling and yet to be fulfilled; written many years ago!

Partners want a reprint of this vital prophecy.

Here is a remarkable and fascinating subject people are really interested in… What about the Jewish Temple? – The great synagogue has already been built, but it is not near Solomon’s site! The real one could appear soon!… No matter which way you look at it, here is the way the outcome will be, and here is wisdom for the elect!.. .They may well see the beginning of the new Temple. And read this real close, but they will not be here when the anti-Christ suddenly sits in it claiming himself as God!… Because in the first part of the 7 years of peace covenant with Israel, he does not enter it! The Jews go on with their Old Testament sacrificial services. But in the midst of the week (7 years) suddenly he has power to take it over completely. (II Thess.2:4-Dan. 9:27) -This is probably why people do not realize it is the anti-Christ who made the covenant with Israel because he does not overthrow their sacrificial worship until 31/2 years later as the beast! And should it be the synagogue already built the same principal holds true!” Rev. 11:1-2, “reveals a Temple very close if not on Solomon’s Temple grounds!” 

“According to the prophetic Scriptures, The Pyramidic line inches, the celestial signs above, plus the Scripts all reveal this is in the near future, even our decade! And the 7 Thunders will start just beforehand uniting (gathering) God’s people for the translation! – We are entering the final prophetic chapters of the Bible and of our church age history!”

The future – nevertheless, one day soon they will finish the Temple – The Scriptures seem to clearly indicate this!”- “Now let’s get a definite word from the Bible in Rev. 11: 1-3. Remember this chapter 11 is prophetic, future!” Verse 1, “reveals John was given a rod to measure the Temple of God and the altar, and those worshipping at the end of the age! The rod was probably shaped like a staff!” – Verse 2, “he was told to leave out the measuring of the court outside the sanctuary; to omit it for it was given over to the Gentile nations to trample under foot for three-and-a-half years!” – “It seems to be two time periods given here! The first time period in verse 2 is the first part of the covenant in Daniel’s 70th week, when the Jews began their worship in the Tribulation Temple! They reestablish their sacrifice and worship!” – “And verse 3 refers to the last half of the week (seven-year period) the anti-Christ breaks his covenant and interrupts and forbids Temple worship!” – “He will set himself up in the Temple as the false messiah! The bride leaves sometime before this! Also at this exact time according to verse 3, the witnesses challenge him!”

Next before we explain the Jewish covenant, let us describe what Jesus said in Mark 13:14, “But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand!) – Then it gives a warning to flee that the horrible part of the Great Tribulation has started!” – “It’s at this time that the mark of the beast begins! Notice this word that Jesus uses, abomination! A careful search of the Old Testament Scriptures shows that this word is used over and over with idol worship! It appears that when the anti-Christ breaks his covenant that he will bring in the image of the beast and set it up in the Temple.” (Rev. 13: 14-15) —“The appearance of the false Christ with his image would be the abomination of desolation appearing in the Holy place! Jesus said, whosoever readeth let him understand!” -“Now, this image concerns also all the worship of the false religions that took on the worship style of the beast, (Rev. 17:5) but we do not have time to go into this as we want to stay with the Jewish subject part!”

Prophecy and science projections –“Through electronics, among the extraordinary possibilities in store for consumers in the future, the standard telephone console will become the only computer terminal most people will need. Text and pictures will be viewed on a video screen attached to the phone… and additional data will be delivered as electronically synthesized speech. Phone users will also be able to see who is calling before answering!” (Note: They now have Caller ID. – They also have the picture phone, but they haven’t been released yet.) – “Combining laser optics and computers, 3-dimensional holographic images will appear in the living room with almost life-like clarity! It’s the next thing to a life figure! – A little beyond this is 3-dimensional sex involvement!” – (Note: Just the other night this came up on a T. V. show, and they said before the year 2000 you will be able to command anything you want in pleasure through electronics and light.) – “Also the anti-Christ could appear in the living room in 3-dimensional light to be worshipped – giving forth a kind of spiritist’s type experience in feeling, an actual involvement with evil fantasy of adoration! – A Satanic prince from the pit in him will hold them spellbound! – Actually there is quite a bit more in describing the inventions of the future, but we will leave that till later!”

Prophetic update concerning immorals – “In one of the prophecies it was revealed that the future job of many young boys and girls would not be as the usual work as secretaries, craft, etc. – but would be going into the line of prostitution. Just lately someone sent me a magazine article that showed pictures of young girls in various nations over the last 10 or 12 years that have been bred solely for the purpose of prostitution! – And they are fully developed between the ages of 10 and 12 years old, and they are dispatched in different parts of the world for sexual pleasure! – Most of these girls’ lives will be over at the ages of 18-21 because of the drugs, etc. -It’s actually slavery! (Rev. 18:13) – A documentary was filmed concerning Paris and its houses of legal prostitution!… In one location it showed a picture of the building where one or two girls were at, and on the outside there were hundreds lined up waiting for their turn in this area where the price was cheap! – The man said it was like an assembly line where they did it quickly and orally! – They said it was a form of slavery because some of the girls were taken against their will from other parts of the world… And they said nothing was ever done to stop it!” – Note: Time Magazine June 21, 1993 did a special report on child prostitution.

Prophetic psalms 94 – year 1994 – “Now we enter deeper into the vision of the Scripts and Psalms! – A dimensional change will occur; a pivotal year to remember. The year of explosive events, persecution. It seems the wicked and unbeliever at first is triumphing! The uttering of hard things, the works of iniquity, boastful, the religious factions stirring turmoil (cruel and vicious men rising- ’94-96) – God will step up His judgments from this year forward concerning the nations, coming wars in different sections…. violence, murder, crime also new world laws hence forward years! – The beginning of revolutionary changes for this present world! – A great heavenly sign appears in this year! …Already scientists and astronomers are amazed at the heavenly sights that will appear in the 90’s! – Read Psalms chapter 19 wherein Jesus confirms the heavens will forecast and reveal certain events!..” See Ps. 19- Ps. 94 – Year 1994! – “Five planets (heavenly bodies) with the sun and the moon conjunct in real close degrees! – This is not a line up like the year 2000 but a ‘mega’ gathering in one place and then dispersing!…1994 a prominent year signaling toward a later world crises! This sign will affect the next 5 years sending shockwaves, especially from 1994 through 1997 bringing upheaval and crises concerning economics, religion, government, technology, banking, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars! Every facet of society will change! Propaganda lies, part truths and etc., fantasy promises will increase… (What’s done openly and underneath will come back to haunt the world in the later years toward 1995-97! – “Although we should expect the Lord now at any time, God’s children are going to need special comfort and shall receive it!”

End of age forecast – Expected hot winds, crop destruction, famine running one way, then another as it covers the earth! People, animals, & beasts die! – Soon afterward followed by fire in the sky. Fish cooked by sea waters (this part is atomic). Suddenly the earth will soon be overthrown by a fiery holocaust (atomic) after a peace agreement. – Judgment will have its way for its sins have come up before God! – My opinion points to judgment in this century, but we do know it’s not far off.

Scroll #210

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