Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Informative events – The world called them the 3 great legends. What did al1 3 of them have in common? – “Here are some unknown, strange and startling, but yet true facts!” – Let’s begin with, Elvis Presley – The Singer – “He was raised in the Pentecostal faith; He believed in and read the Bible, but the world lured his talents! ” – He sold over a billion units in records; he was called the king of rock and roll; the prince of singers! – To my surprise he made some real old time gospel records. In 1977 I foretold of his death. – “I also foresaw him trying to reach back to God when he was gripped by drugs and etc.!” – Also I foretold that he would become an icon (idol like) – “He is now on the USA postage stamp! – I mentioned to my boy that he evidently would be on coins. And I’ve just been told that they printed his picture on some coins (real money) overseas! – “Let him be a lesson to all young people to watch out for Satan’s snares!” – They have made him a legend, whether he wanted it or not. “Did he have time to pray and reach God?”
Next – James Dean – Actor died at age 24 –“Well known legend from the 1950’s to the 90’s – idolized by youth! – Note: “He was raised in the Quaker Church; and they quaked under the power of God at times when the Word of God was read!” – James as a youth in church gave personal readings in Sunday School, especially on the evils of alcohol and etc. – “But later the bright lights of New York and Hollywood seduced him away to become a movie star!” He carried a Bible name (James) – Lived in Fairmount, Indiana where 35,000 appeared in his hometown to honor him. He made 3 motion pictures. After the last picture, Giant, he died in a sports car crash on Highway 41 as the sun was going down in his face, as another vehicle pulled out in front of him; near my old hometown in California. Had he continued he would have passed right by my Barber Shop on Highway 10I. As it were they took his body down the street from it to the funeral home. Next day, 2 of the men came into my shop for a trim as they were on their way to identify his body. His picture was on the cover, or on the inside of Life Magazine. “Someone said, they will lose a fortune, but to the world’s surprise, his fame continued as a legend!” One person that worked in the film with him said, that he had phoned that day and asked for prayer as he felt uneasy!” (But we only have the person’s word for this) – Except for the wreckage, the last picture taken of Dean was of him walking in the rain on the streets of New York. They entitled the picture, “The Streets of Broken Dreams.” – This should wake up the youth! He is another example of the snares of this world!
Now Marilyn Monroe (the actress) known as the sex queen – This is another fact that the people know little of. She at first, was raised by her grandmother, who according to a 1970’s Almanac was a staunch believer! – And guess who baptized Marilyn Monroe when she was a baby? – Pentecostal Aimee Semple McPherson of Angelus Temple where her grandmother attended in Los Angeles! Also Marilyn knew about the Lord – Marilyn went on to become a legend after her death. – She was accused of having an affair with President Kennedy and other notables! – “Her fame is known worldwide! – Japan made (idols) life size dolls of her, Elvis and Dean. (And other nations too) – It seems the promoters now make more off of the dead than the living. – “Her death still remains a mystery, but God knows all.” – What did all 3 legends have in common? – They had all once known the Lord!” May this serve as a lesson to all, youth and etc. The world will fail you. One day many of the superstars and Hollywood will have to stand before The White Throne. “What a Day!” – The Bible says, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt. 16:26) – “Salvation, what a priceless gift God has given to His elect!” Worth much more than all material things!
Billy Graham among the Hollywood stars – “In what they call the magic land of fantasy of Hollywood’s motion picture industry, they have the walk of fame; where all the stars’ names are written down in a square form (with a star in it). People from all over the world go there just to see this display!” And lately Billy Graham has allowed them to place his name among the actors and actresses’ names of the motion picture world, where past idols and legends are – Billy evidently had a purpose in doing this, but I wouldn’t want to be numbered among the people who have promoted murder, vice, immorality, crime and etc. (ps.1: 1) – But Jesus said, pray that your names “are written” in heaven! (Luke 10:20) -“He also said, the elect would shine “as the stars” forever and ever!” – “in this section the streets are all going “downhill towards ” the ocean; and someday in the near future it will all slide into the sea!” – Also at evening time all of the ladies of the night walk up and down these same streets making their contacts! (prostitution) – But Hollywood has produced these type women that now plague their famous walkway! – (Mostly around Hollywood & Vine and the Sunset Strip!
Continuing – The motion picture industry as the Scripts predicted are producing what to some seem unbelievable magic and fantasy like pictures using new techniques, startling the masses into extreme pleasure and make believe! – “And more incredible things are yet to be fulfilled as the Satanic forces actually begin to mix in a new way with these inventions! – Plus ever so many other wonders too varied to explain here!” What will the T.V. and motion picture industry do when they all have to stand before God at the White Throne Judgment? – “Is there a chance that some of these people have been and will be saved?” – “Yes, a few have been and will be in the future! ” It’s sad to say that not a whole lot will be to the true gospel. I think Billy’s idea was to leave a witness to the many thousands of people who see this sidewalk daily. He made the decision; it will be left in the hands of God. – “But for me, I would rather be numbered among the saints and be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life period!”
Now here is our real star and saviour – “This should really build your faith and give evidence of His Sovereign power!” Here are some of Christ’s names and titles. – Alpha and Omega -the Almighty – Rev. 1:8 Blessed and only Potentate – l Tim. 6:15; Christ the Lord – Luke 2: 11; Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God –I Cor. 1: 24; God – John 1:1; God of the whole earth – Isa.54: 5; Head of all principality and power – Col. 2:10; I AM – John 8:58; Immanuel (God with us) – Matt. 1:23; Judge of the living and the dead -Acts 10:42; King of glory -Ps. 24:7,10; King of Kings, and Lord of Lords-Rev. 19:16; Lord from heaven -I Cor. 15:47; Lord of hosts – lsa. 54:5; Ps. 24:10; Lord God Almighty – Rev. 15:3; Most Holy- Dan. 9:24; Ruler-Matt. 2:6; Son of God- John 9:35-37; Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace – Isa.9: 6; Who He is to the World, Desire of All Nations -Hag. 2:7; Faithful witness – Rev. 1:5; Friend of sinners Matt. 11:19; King over all the earth – Zech. 14:9; Lord of all – Acts 10:36; Ransom for all – I Tim. 2:6; Righteous Judge – 2 Tim 4:8; Ruler over the kings of the earth – Rev. 1:5; Saviour of the world – John 4:42; Shepherd and Overseer of your souls – I Peter 2:25; Son of Man – Matt. 8:20; Stone rejected – Matt.21: 42; As Saviour, Author of eternal salvation – Heb. 5:9; Gift of God – John4:10; Jesus Christ Our Saviour – Titus 3:6; Lord of glory – l Cor.2:8; Messiah – John 1:41; Messiah the Prince – Dan. 9:25; Offering and a sacrifice to God – Ephesians 5:2; Redeemer – Isa.59:20; Resurrection and the life – John 11:25; Saviour Jesus Christ – 2 Tim. 1:10; Sun of Righteousness – Mal. 4:2.
Continuing – who He is to believers, Advocate –1 John 2: 1; Altogether lovely -Song of Solomon 5: 16; Author and finisher of our faith – Heb. 12:2; Branch of righteousness-Jeremiah 33: 15; Bread from heaven – John 6:51; Bread of life-John 6:48; Bridegroom-Matt. 9:15; Chief cornerstone – Eph. 2:20; Chief Shepherd – I Peter 5:4; The Christ of God – Luke 9:20; Door of the sheep – John 10:7,9; Eternal life- l John 5:20; God and Saviour Jesus Christ – 2 Peter 1: 1; High Priest – Heb. 3: 1; Hope of glory – Col. 1:27; King of the saints – Rev. 15:3; Life-giving spirit – 1 Cor. 15:45; Light of the world – John 8: 12; The Lord Our Righteousness – Jer.23:6; Lord Jesus – Acts 7:59; Mediator – l Tim. 2:5; Messenger of the covenant – Malachi 3: 1; Prince and Saviour -Acts 5: 31; Prince of Peace – Isa.9: 6; Prophet – Luke 24:19; Redeemer – Ps. 19:14; Rose of Sharon – Song of Solomon 2: 1; True Light – John 1:9 – “This is the eternal walk of fame, our Lord Jesus!”
How ironic – Aimee Semple McPherson who built Angelus Temple in L.A. and God gave many healings – Known by the stars and the world, and in the headlines often (problems and etc.) – “Actually she served as a sign (future cycle). She ministered during the roaring 20’s (prosperity) and also during the depression (30’s); dust bowls, famines, quakes and Social Security number given & etc. Died under mysterious circumstances! The newspaper said, an overdose of some kind, during World War II – Now the cycle signs repeats we have seen in the 80’s and 90’s prosperity and depression! –“Quakes, famine, storms, Evangelistic problems’ similar to hers in the news daily!” So also coming will be the mark and number, and a great war during the repeat of the cycle (Armageddon) -We could add more to this in events repeating. – Aimee worked hard and now she is in God’s hands and only He knows the full truth in her life!
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