Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The masses and virgin Mary – An appearance was reported lately on T.V – “A housewife in GA says she receives visions and talks with the Virgin Mary. And Jesus and the Virgin Mary give her messages for the people! On the13th of every month thousands gather to hear what she was told.” – The Scripts warn of these visitations; be careful; strong delusions are in our land! Some of the messages may even sound right, but the obeisance and doctrines are false!
The Pope and Israel – Pope John Paul II and Israel’s chief rabbi held historic talks, Sept. ‘93, exchanging the greeting “Shalom,” and the hope they will meet again in Jerusalem. The meeting at the papal retreat near Rome was the first between the religious leader of the Jewish state and the leader of the world’s 900 million Roman Catholics.
The future fulfilling – Prophecy is marching on! The pope after many years made a historic trip to Russia! The Scripts predicted the Vatican would negotiate with all nations! – And the Russian Bear would be included in world trade after its crisis at home! Already East and West Europe are trading together, so World Trade has already begun in a great way! -“Russia and Eastern Europe are now forming the clay to the iron” -The Scripts predicted the timing, the economics, food shortage and famine conditions that brought about Russia’s turning point.” – The Vatican and Western Europe has a tremendous amount of gold and worldwide holdings.” It won’t be long until Commercial Babylon comes alive! “Just a few more points to be worked out after some crisis. And there will be a golden path leading to Western Europe and the United States. – “The global puzzle is finishing its last pieces, as prophecy marches on!”
The future approaching – “Also the press just released that after 40 something years the Vatican is sending its highest ranking cardinal to China!” – So we see the dragon one day will be ready to meet the great Red Dragon! (Rev. 12:3) – China has way over a billion people. They are starting to trade with some nations now; the USA and etc. – But later in the decade directly or indirectly will be involved with all nations in world trade!” As the Vatican whore rides the beast, seemingly fornicating worldwide with all continents! (Rev. 17:2-5) – “The world will wonder in amazement at the rising of a super leader that also will control all governments!” (Rev. Chap. 13) – As the Scripts said, This century will be like no other century.” – Watch, the handwriting is on the wall. International Babylon is weighed in God’s balances and found wanting!” Liquid fire will finally turn the palace of the beast into dust and ashes!
Prosperity and peace – After these economic crisis that we have been having, will appear peace and a burst of prosperity! – “The anti-christ may seem like a phantom to many now, but he is alive and at the appointed time will unveil his personage; Like a lamb, but underneath a vile and deadly figure” – He will be a wizard of all sorts! “Seemingly having the answers to global affairs.” But after creating world destruction, he will pass away as a dream or a vision in the night. “But before this the world will still be confronted by major events including nature and the weather!” Also the seas and the earth that shall terribly shake. This is the hour for all Christians to witness! “We are in the mid-night cry! – night time is upon us!”
Nature upsets the course of history and leaders – This prophecy is scheduled to take place starting before and ending in this century! – “The great famine which I sense approaching will often turn (in various areas) then become worldwide! It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab roots from the trees and children from the breast!” – Note: Men and women will sell their soul and bodies for a piece of bread to survive! “The deadly mark will have already been given by then!”
The future yield its horror – “Hot blazing heat waves, scorching winds of death – little rain seen, wars and raids for food hidden! Bushels of wheat will rise so high that man will devour his fellow man!” – “Men and women will turn to beast!” The black horse of the apocalypse has surely traveled this trail. “As it is said, a measure of wheat for a penny!” In Roman days, a whole days wage for a loaf of bread! The picture above shows it worsening! As the skeleton of death mounts the pale horse, hoof beats can be heard! Rumors of atomic war are in the air! – “The moon turns to blood, the sun black as sack cloth!” A little later the planets rotating into position! It won’t be long until the earth`s axis will shake the cities to the ground! “Now is our hour to work before it’s too late!”
Strange prophecy indeed – Given 1500 years after Christ – “A heavenly body called the planet of war will conjunct with a heavenly body called the sceptre! There will be a calamitous war under the constellation that the moon is associated with! – A short time afterwards a new and great king will be anointed. He will bring peace for a long time!” Note: (This means the thousand year millennium) – “This is the time when Gabriel told Daniel that the Most Holy would be anointed!” Meaning Jesus to rule in the Millennium! – The seasons given are in line with what the Scripts have said concerning this century and a little beyond! Because of the preparation of the Millennial Temple and etc. (will explain more later) “Anyway it occurs after a terrible war which we call Armageddon!” – Note: “There is not too much time left for the elect to get busy and stay close to Jesus!” As the church leaves before the greater part of the Tribulation! -The Pyramidic lines confirm very close to the same event. “In the 90’s the cycles of the heavens, scripts and Bible prove to be true!”
Heavenly signs – Jesus said, “the celestial bodies were like unto a prophetic guide alerting of God’s coming judgments and uttereth speech and knowledge day and night!”(Ps. 19: 2) But they are not superior to the Word of God, for in it a more sure word of prophecy is explained in better understanding for most! “But the Heavenly Host confirms the Word and His coming as another witness!” If Jesus would describe the heavens to you they would be telling a perfect story of the past, present and future!
Continuing – the Bible has much to say – Concerning the sun – the moon and the stars! (Luke 21:25). We are living in important times and here are some important facts! “You have heard the expression, once in a blue moon! It means 2 full moons in the same month. Here is some significant information! Two full moons took place in the same month of Jan. 1991. The bombing and Gulf War was initiated! – “During all the events that took place in July-Aug., it capstoned Aug 1993 with two full moons just as the Pope was leaving the USA.” – The next double full moon that takes place in the same month will take place in June 1996. – According to the Scripts a world crisis will arise before! “And after 1996 will be even greater earthquakes than we have seen in thousands of years!” And there will be huge ones before this! “Also I might add, while there will be famine on the earth we will still have some of the greatest storms and floods ever recorded in this century!”
Continuing the future – Now here is even something more rare – in the year 1999 a double moon takes place in the same month! “But here is the rarity in the same year another double moon takes place in the same month!” – Also a great eclipse takes place this same year, while a strange formation of heavenly bodies will also have an appointment together! Signaling international crisis beyond the scope for men to cope with! “And before the end of 1999 is suppose to be the greatest of stars shower to be seen!” -Perhaps great asteroids precede all of this. According to all of this, one would want off of this planet soon! – Here is something rare and significant sure enough. Given in an almanac! – “Two solar eclipses will take place in the same month in July of the year 2000. This only occurs they say once in a life time!” You may have so many lunar and solar eclipse in a year`s time, but not 2 solar ones in the same month! Note: “I would say the Lord Jesus is establishing it in the mouth of two witnesses concerning these double events!” – There are ever so many more events giving us evidence that we are definitely in the last generation of the latter times that Daniel and the Scripts have spoken of!
Short subjects – You might say why will God bring so much judgment in this decade? “Because the lukewarm churches have rejected His Word and the immorals are completely out of control!” These news items were given in just two days time. – “High school prostitution rings over the nation! – Then it said, exposed housewives – had regular job by day, then worked as prostitutes at night! – And one place passed condoms out to 5th graders! – Hollywood Madam provided prostitutes for the stars is exposed! – High priced call girls are brought to some of the nations top sports figures and etc.!” – Note: “Besides this, Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17)) and Commercial Babylon (Rev. 18: 13) will be in so many ways like the underworld. Providing spiritual and physical fornication to the populations of the world!”
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