Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Coming events – Many of the Scripts prophecies are already casting their shadows beforehand. Right now momentous changes are transforming the whole earth! Dynamic events are pushing the nations into an orbit of a new world government. “The 1990’s will bring shocking and swift occurrences heading into the year 2000 and the door of the Millennium (In my opinion what people are left after an Atomic holocaust). – We can definitely see by Biblical cycles, man’s 6 days (6000 years are at a finish) – The Lord will soon rule! But first many and momentous events will take place in our decade! “Never in our lifetime will the earth see the incredible and to some unbelievable occurrences that are yet to take place!”
Dark hours portent – The elect will surely receive much brightness and power from the Lord! But it will be in the midst of apostasy, and a world gone mad in vice, pleasure, imagination and fantasy! (We trust the elect will soon be gone) – For instance the explosion of demon activity to come up from the pit. (I Tim. 4:1) – The activity of mankind will become erratic and impatient! – “Taking place right now is a departure from the faith concerning supposed believers, some into cults, some into comfortable systems!” Babylon, witchcraft and Satanism are also controlling the masses leading to Great Babylon. (New Age) – The last days are described as perilous, unrest, fear and perplexity on every hand. “All of this will increase! “There will be a super increase of knowledge, and expansion of incredible intelligence, for building, manufacturing, inventions and shrewd ways in the workplace, so men can become more idle.”
The USA in prophecy – In fact the whole world will follow a similar pattern. Let us take a look at the last stages of prophecy concerning America. (USA) – Even scientists are proclaiming the end is just around the corner! Will civilization collapse by the year 2000? – The evidence and factual signs reveal this is well within reason! – Besides literally scores of other signs, immorality alone predicts the end is quickly closing in! – Politics, religion, violence are an open display that time is short! Technology and sin will continue its race. It will reach a peak in the 90’s. Incredible inventions and new type pleasure will control the masses! – New age 90’s –1993-95 super age coming. Some of man’s dreams will come true! 1995 onward new type technology will be discovered! This age we now know of will pass away into another age completely!” (Scroll 199) – (Mankind will be developing and hiding weapons that can split wide open the ozone layer. The earth will literally crack from some of the outer space weapons! “And as said about the sun it is so disturbed that men are scorched with fire!” Evidently Rev.16 is telling of some of these things!)
Continuing – Before the rise of a new world leader most of the falling away will have occurred as we see now! “Infact, the anti-Christ will use peace outwardly, but underneath will stir up rebellion against his opposition! Strong delusion is now appearing to bring him to the forefront! – Anarchy and terrorism also will rise to the forefront causing the World to bring in new laws in the name of peace! The presence of this strong delusion and illusion will make it possible for this world leader to move with strength!” Each day more and more the world is inventing for itself a fantasy to live in and will accept his lying signs and wonders!”
Casting prophetic shadows – Read this revealing News Quote: “Handy passport change – Some frequent international travelers are avoiding long lines, breezing through passport control at Newark and New York’s JFK airports in less than a minute with a wave of a hand. They’re not even showing their passports thanks to a free test program from the U.S. Immigrations and Naturalization Service that allows machines to verify identity by reading one’s hand geometry. Enrollees have the shape and size of their right hand electronically recorded on a plastic card. At the airport, the traveler goes to a designated inspection booth, inserts the card and places the right hand on the hand screen. If the hand matches the data on the card, the traveler passes through.” – (My! This is God’s way of showing us the mark is not far off! Knowledge and wisdom is marching on to creating man’s doom! But to the elect these are signs showing us our soon disappearance from this planet. -Plus also I want you to remember that the middle 90’s will bring forth some world crises that will shake the world and in the years to follow it.)
Continuing – We are now entering the last world political system! The evidence is all around us. “They have entered the first phases of global trade! – “Years ago the front cover of the official publication of the Common Market portrayed its organizations as a Roman goddess riding on a beast! Almost as if they are in open defiance of Rev. 17 and 18. – Also according to some world credit cards and Traveler’s checks, we quote this Mag. article: – The two distinguishing features are the dove and the goddess. The dove is the symbol for the promise of peace on earth and all goddesses, whether Isis, Astoreth, Diana, Venus, etc. are carbon copies of Semiramis, the Babylonian goddess, the wife of Nimrod. So even the symbols on the developing cashless system of marks and numbers point to Revelation 13,17,18, and the Babylon of the Antichrist system. – Seeing what some believe are insurmountable problems, with crime, drugs, counterfeiting, terrorism, corruption in the administration of justice, etc, “One-Worlders are on the roll. They advocate a cashless system!” – note: Add to this the coming of the great famine, and the destruction of the forces of nature; and the disappearance and running out of different type commodities. “All this will help produce the Satanic mark of allegiance!”
Foretold – As I’ve said years ago, in my opinion a new pope is coming! One time a pope only ruled for a month or so, and died. But nevertheless a new modern type pope is being prepared. – “The elite International money men of (James 5) are working underneath to bring a new world religious leader!” Daniel called him a vile and corrupt figure. (King, prince, etc.) – “But at first, he will look the opposite; peace and good will to all. “But underneath, and especially the last 3 ½ years, he will be a busy body and will move like lightning. Swiftly bringing the world under his complete command even beyond any past leader in history! – “In my opinion this horrendous personality is here now and will appear in the 90’s. – These world financiers have set a date to begin their new world order or society. Even President Clinton has been working with many of these personalities! “The future will certainly be fascinating, shocking and amazing, but after their plans civilization will collapse into a blazing catastrophe by war and by the hands of the Almighty! – “Before this the nation again will see a tremendous twist of events to transpire that will bring changes to all facets of society worldwide! “Let us watch our calendars we are in the end of the latter time!”
What meaneth this? – If the magazine article is true, the goddess of the church system is revealing the opposite of what most would think. – Quote: “Mother Mary” reportedly appears once again, giving this shocking warning to Catholics around the world: “The smoke of Satan has entered my Church… Satan is in the very midst of the Vatican.” – Note: She also said unless all the churches and people come together that there would be great destruction at the end of the century! She evidently is imitating what prophecy and the Scriptures are foretelling! – Note: One thing for certain, we know the lustful whore of Mystery Babylon for greed, power and wealth is already mounting, the political beast of Rev. chap 17.
Prophecy fulfilled and fulfilling – These future events below were written over a quarter of a century ago on the Scripts! Some of the articles will help reveal what we spoke about concerning the world system! – Quote: (Scroll # 7, Part 1) – financial boom – Although some inflation comes, I saw a financial boom in the Western Hemisphere. Craft will prosper and on the other hand awesome sights and fearful times. Man will face a financial crisis on gold, but out of the formation of the Western World, a boom in building and money uncontested in history. Through shrewd maneuvers the Jews, Catholics and Protestants merge their wealth. The Common Market booms, creates financial wealth, finally it gets so great, they think a certain man is God and that he’s brought in the Millennium, but he will bring them to the brink of hell. (A world church formed), and World Bank created. But poverty and famine, will still plague many nations. – (Uncanny prediction! We have seen part of this. More of this type of crisis is coming… Then all will be fulfilled!)
U.S.A. greatest mistake – Because of inflation and indebtedness – U.S.A. Government holdings will begin to merge with Catholic and Jewish holdings which looks like a solution to economy, but plays a great role in heading to church and state. It will come as a snare to them. Unions will merge, industries will merge to try to pour billions into economy. It will happen just watch the Scrolls. – (Already International money men and the Vacation are working with the Jews and Israel. The Church Age is closing out).
Inside Russisa – It will go through a purging or revolution soon. Probably could cause a change in regime or leader, that will work for world trade with Western Europe, England and U.S.A. –Russian satellites will appear over U.S.A. later with atomic war heads. Vietnam compromise halt later! – (You couldn’t get any nearer the truth than this prophecy!)
1967 through 72 and years of the future foressen– Terrifying inventions bring short peace. Key World Leaders will change. China, Russia and several major men in America. Almost every major Power will change! (1968 through 72 years of perilous times) – (Nixon and other leaders went out of office!)
Scroll #220