Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Headline prophecy – When the Lord was speaking to Habakkuk He definitely told him to make the vision plain, and that’s exactly what the Scripts have been doing is clearly revealing the end time subjects in a no nonsense manner! – Hab.2: 2-3, And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry! – It also said, that though the visions of the Lord would tarry that they would absolutely come to pass! He was speaking for his day in part of the Scripture, and the rest that the prophecies in the Bible would come to pass at the end, though they tarry! – “He told Habakkuk of the chariots of salvation which is symbolic of the chariots and lights observing the earth today!” – Daniel called them the Holy Watchers! Ezek. chap. 1, he saw them run and return as a flash of lightning! – Satan is working too (prince and Power of the air) because he knows that his time is short. (Rev. 12:12) – “But we will overrule this power; for we will be translated in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye!”
Continuing – The Scriptures tells us that as the age ends that we will have a more sure word of prophecy as the Day Star rises in our hearts! – “Things hidden in the shadows will leap forth, unveiling themselves to the elect! ” – Paul said, that now we see through a glass darkly. But at the end of the age they are now making themselves very clear! And even more so as the days pass! The prophet wrote, “Make the vision clear, and run swiftly with it!” The unbelievers said that early in the 1900’s that Israel would never go home as a nation! – “Though the vision tarried in 1946-48 the forecast came to pass in perfection!” Israel is not only a nation in her own land, but has blossomed forth and built up; and that is when the Scriptures say, that the Lord will return! – What an hour!
The headlines – A prophecy call bulletin! – We have waited 2,500 years, but the vision is now plain! “We are in the latter times!” – Dan. 9:27, spoke about a covenant that the Jews would make with the prince that shall come! – Isa.28: 15, “spoke about it as a covenant of hell and death!” The Scripts have not only spoken of this for decades, but said that it would occur in the 90’s. – We are beginning to see this as a witness right in front of us daily as a signpost! – How shall they escape such a great sign! Billions won’t – the elect will! “As the prophet wrote, he that readeth let him run and witness!”
Prophetic signification – When the Jews and Arab leaders met with President Clinton in Washington and signed the first phase of the agreement, it suddenly began to alert well known Bible students. We will quote from a tract (Red Alert first, then from the other ministries of this startling incident) -Quote: The final prophetic puzzle piece has burst on the world scene with lightning-like speed. This is exactly what Bible prophecy scholars everywhere have been waiting for -the signing of a peace covenant by Israel! According to Daniel 9:27, the antichrist will confirm the covenant with many. When this happens, it will be the first eventof the horrible seven-year tribulation!!! For the first time in history there is now a covenant to confirm! –Another quote: The impossible has happened. On September 13, 1993, a peace covenant was signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. (They see it as a beginning of the covenant spoken of in the Bible.) -“The unbelievable has actually happened! We are now watching an incredible fulfillment of Bible prophecy! Israel and the Palestinians have agreed upon a plan to give the PLO a political foothold in the heartland of Israel! Such a peace plan was predicted 2500 years ago by the Old Testament prophets. The destiny of Jerusalem and the risk of peace in the Middle East was predicted to be the subjects of the Tribulation Period. Daniel 9:27 says the Antichrist will strengthen a covenant – Quote: “The significance and far-reaching consequences of this agreement cannot be overstated! I believe what is happening is momentous! With both the United States and Russia signing this new accord with Israel and the PLO as co-sponsors, Are we seeing the last prophetic condition to Christ’s second coming being met and fulfilled? – Yes, as many evangelists say The Translation could take place now or in the very near future! – Update – Since this primary signing, the pope has begun negotiations with Israel for the first time in history! Also just lately on the News it said he and other religious sects would like to go to Jerusalem and declare it a universal worshipping place for all! And spoke about a Temple! When more is added to the covenant, the prince that shall come will sign it. We are seeing a prophetic milestone unfold! This is God’s flashpoint to prepare the elect. Watch and pray! “In an hour ye think not, He cometh!” – Now Jesus will unite His body quickly. – We are seeing amazing and remarkable signs indeed! – (Latter and former Scripts give more futuristic information.)
Behold, the heavens shall speak – Jesus said plainly in Luke 21:25, that there would be signs and celestial wonders in the heavens! And fearful sights and great signs, (Vr.11) The Scripts said that this would be a celestial year (1994) – “Right at the first of the year a mega gathering of heavenly bodies gathered together! California received its third largest earthquake!” (1 predicted it a year in advance) -February and March 2 Comets appeared and was noted by scientists. First 2 renowned people passed away. Former President Richard Nixon and then Jacqueline Kennedy. – Also May l0th a rare eclipse appeared. The president died just before it, and Jackie died right after it. Just before this I told the audience here that there was the brightest planetary star Venus over California and in the east our largest planetary star Jupiter. They were facing one another from east to west. President Nixon was born and lived in California and Jackie lived in the east. (Both died in the east) –Venus is called, The Bright and Morning Star (Rev. 22: 16) – And Jupiter is called the evening star by astronomers! Also the bright star was close to the lion sign of royalty and princess’ and kings! -Just before Mr. Nixon died I showed a film here called, Dust or Destiny, about creation and etc. – A week later just before the other one died I preached a message called, Dust of Destiny! – When God calls the appointed time, then those must go. (Eccl. 3:2) Note: “There will be 3 more Comets yet to appear before the year ends. Also there will be a great eclipse in the fall!” We don’t know what all of this means, but the Scripts have evidently already predicted what is to come in the future! – “1 wrote in the Scripts and told the audience here that 1994 would be a climactic year ending and in to ’95 momentous occurrences before it ends!” – At the same time several well known celebrities died. Some of this that I am telling you about God showed me about while I was in California (Read Scroll #211 more on this part later.)
Ancient prophecy – Sometimes in the future I would like to unveil some events concerning the people of the millennium. But first I would like to bring out a point about a prophecy given over 400 years ago. No one has ever been able to break the code or what was meant concerning this prophecy. Some say it may be symbolic and never known; and we quote: “For forty years the rainbow will not be seen. For forty years it will be seen every day. The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen.” – All of this is an opinion, but we are going to give 3 interpretations! First according to Bible prophecy, there will be so much atomic fall-out in Egypt it will not be inhabited for 40 years! – And in Iraq (Babylon) man will not return again! (Ezek. 29: 10-13 – Isa.13: 19-22) Evidently these two areas are not cleansed of radiation like He does Israel and other areas! – (this about Egypt) could fit this as God cleanses it finally of radiation! But we have another mystery that it could be! Second Satan was bound up for a thousand years (Rev.20: 2) And at the end of the millennium for a season – vrs.3, 7… (40 or 80 years, only God knows). In God’s mercy He could at that time give the people of the earth the sign of the rainbow to warn them of the coming judgment of the White Throne, if they listen to Satan! – Now the Bible says that He withdrew rain evidently for a period of a long time because many of the false seed would not come up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. (Zech. 14: 17) – “So after all of these signs, He called fire out on Satan and his followers! ” (Rev. 20:9-10) – Third, after the White Throne Judgment, (the scriptures say, that the earth will abide forever) but the Lord is going to make tremendous changes. And He could give signs concerning this while He reserves the people unto Himself somehow. Because He is going to make a new heaven and a new earth. (Read Rev. 21: 1) – “So the old earth will be completely changed into absolutely a new earth and so will the heaven!” – Note: During the millennium that was just God’s way of weeding out the bad and bringing just the good seed to Him! Remember on the subject of the prophecy it is just opinions! – ” But what a mystery all of this is! Take my word for it, the future is surely going to be fascinating and incredible for the elect to observe as they blend into eternity with the Lord Jesus! – “Watch, and be sure to pray!”
Scroll #221