Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Fullness – generation winding up – “We have been living in an age of strange, unique and unusual occurrences and bizarre events!” – But nothing like the world will be seeing soon! God will shake this planet with new and some awesome things finally ending in a world food shortage! – “Women will sell their bodies for a piece of bread, and men their souls for a bottle of wine!” – Scientific wonders will occur in the science and medical field with new discoveries! And yet baffling sights in the heaven and earth. And new diseases to plague mankind.
Electronic wonders and future weapons coming as predicted – Many things have been kept secret, but new and more powerful destructive weapons are being made and more are concealed on the drawing boards! Besides new type land vehicles like robotic tanks and sea submarines, also they can use high pitched sound waves to destroy the enemies minds at a far away distance! – “Some of their new inventions will be almost like supernatural, but yet computerized, laser and electronics; also will use new magnetic rays and waves! – “They will be able to use even the forces of gravity to work as a weapon! They have drone planes (robotic) shaped similar to bullets that can speed thousands of miles per hour without man being in them! Mankind now is entering the dimension of the God of forces. (Dan. 11:38) – From 1995 on, I have foreseen fantastic inventions concerning every facet of use! And including space inventions. – God gives us this Scripture, (Gen. 11:6) Between now and by the ending of the century, man will practically do all that he imagines, not only in discoveries, but in the immoral dimension!
Coming events – Also might mention more world leaders will be assassinated (and some attempted ones). – “And the USA will not be immune from these things including religious leaders before or by century end!” Such wonders one would not believe unless they see! – My opinion is the Translation will take place before or by the end of the century! – “Violence, crimes and immorality will be so terrible it will be practically unprintable to describe it.” – Also Western Europe will boom in world trade; they and the Vatican have much gold. The USA has much of it stored for them probably because we are heavily armed by weapons! – Loads and tons of gold, jewels and silver, etc, are and will be stored in the Middle East in the period ahead.
Continuing – Get ready the heavenly will shew forth fireworks and fireballs will fall to the earth! Beside celestial signs, greater sights than ever seen will be seen from the heavens in this century. Indeed what a sight was shown to me! – “Electrifying, fascinating and fantastic changes, mysterious and ominous events lay just ahead!” – Before and after this shall be great quakes!
Bad moon rising – Between 1997-98 the sun affecting earth also and worsens by end of decade! “The sun is hot – the earth is scorched – the land is cracked and dry!” – In many parts of the world, death in animals and people are seen everywhere! The latter part of the century and crossing over is stamped in horror and devastation of the human race! Conditions will be so pitiful, words cannot describe what has happened to this planet. The proud and even providential USA will wilt. “The death angel has struck; the pale horse with fiery eyes has ridden his course! Corpses are scattered across the earth like leaves of trees blown in the wind! – God’s prophecies all come true! It shall surely start and finish at the appointed time! Before and by the ending of the century, the world is turned upside down with woe and great shakings! – “Today is the day of salvation, and blessed are those who have it!” – My opinion is Jesus will come before this century ends! Words to remember, to be watchful and pray a snare is on its way!
The moon in aspect – prophecy – It is spoken of often in the Scriptures; sometimes in futuristic ways. (Rev. chap. 12 – etc) But first, here’s an interesting news article. Quote: The moon seems to have had a far more fascinating history than previously imagined. The most exciting findings include: Volcanic activity; A wildly variable crust; The possibility of ice lurking in the shadow of its south pole; A crater large enough to span the continental United States from the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains; A fresh-looking crater that may have been created in an impact recorded by sharp-eyed 12th-century monks. New findings beamed back from a pint-size military probe named Clementine have served up a full plate of lunar surprise. Bouncing light off the moon in 11 different visible and infrared “colors, ” the spacecraft produced more than a million images revealing extreme variations in both the thickness of the crust and the rigidity of the surface. The deepest valley – the floor of the continent-size South Pole Aitkin basin -is rimmed by the moon’s highest peaks, suggesting that an enormous object may have crashed at an unusually low angle, plowing up mountains in its path.
Note: We do know one can take a telescope and see that the moon has been bombarded by comets, asteroids and etc. In symbolism it’s kind of like the Church has suffered through the ages in persecution, and death! Also it is said to have been kept a secret that the astronauts found rare metals on the moon! – “In prophecy what scientists don’t know, the moon shall soon turn to blood, and the sun will black out.” (Rev. 6:12) – When I first started writing the Scripts I predicted that man would land up on the moon and he did! – “The Lord also told me that he would return in the same generation that this would occur!” – And it happened in 1969, so our generation is finishing up! “So be alert!”
A whole new age – Prelude – Have you noticed lately that the cars have both letters and numericals on their car license plates. (Soon unless you have the name of the beast or his number on your plate you will not be allowed to own or drive any car, etc.) – In our state (Arizona), people are allowed to use the regular plates or personalized ones. Also some print slogans or symbols across their cars, vans, trucks and etc. – “Many characterize the apostasy of the age; while some give a gospel witness!” – We will list a few of their sayings – For instance, one slogan said in bold letters, “Go ahead, hit me, I need the money!” – One personalized plate said,” UFO Joe” – One read “I’m a body lover!” – Then we have one that said,” Praise the Lord!” – One slogan read, “Jesus will return soon!” – One young man’s personalized plate said, “Beastly!” – One slogan said, “I’m a good time girl” – Another slogan read, “Jesus is Lord!” – One said, “I’m not religious, I just love the Lord!” (meaning from a spiritual standpoint) – One car in large letters, the girl said, “Beware Men, worship this bitch or die!” – Quickly we will list a few more slogans and plates. – “Happy Hooker” – “Babes majestic” – “Go fishing bare!” – “No God – No peace, Know God, Know peace!” – One plate read, “I’m crazy!” and underneath it said, “to know me is to love me!” – Another said I luv u 2″ – One said “flee!” And finally, a personalized plate said, “Ms Diet” – One printed on theirs, “joy!” – Mankind may have their slogans and personalized license plates on their cars, vans and trucks, etc., but here is one that will strike them all in awe! No comparison with the Almighty! – Rev. 19: 16, And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
A sign is given – Here’s a News quote; entitled Mysterious Star Appears Over Holy Land! Scientists have been tracing this Star since November ’94 and dubbed it Beth 2. They claim it is four times brighter than any star in the heavens, and since Nov., it has moved over Bethlehem and will still be there by the latter part of December 1994. – Hundreds of people say that it is a sign of the Second Coming of Christ. Some have even gone so far as to claim angels have appeared to them, but we cannot confirm that part of it. They say thousands have seen the unusual bright star, the Scripts have already predicted celestial wonders such as these and there will still be more yet to come! Scientists don’t know what to think of it because it stopped right over where Christ was born several thousand years ago. One of the astronomers said it’s definitely not like anything he had ever seen before! – But Jesus said, great sights and signs shall be seen in the heavens, stars and etc. (Luke 21: 11, 25)
The Lord Jesus in prophecy – Matt.25: 6, And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. – “Yea, I shall come suddenly, unexpectedly and quickly as the world slumbers, my elect shall be taken!”
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