Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The mystery of the ages – God’s manifold wisdom will be delivered unto the Saints! “They will be given supernatural knowledge and power just before the Translation beyond anything they have ever imagined or seen!” They will not live in a make believe world, but of dynamic faith and reality! They will not depend upon their sight and five senses alone, but will rely upon God’s Word and promises! According to Daniel they are the wise children and will foreknow His secrets and events to come! “In the spirit, like the great shepherd He is, He is calling them all by their name.” Besides the Holy Spirit He is giving them the sealing of confirmation. God’s plan of the ages for His chosen jewels is reaching a peak, and they will hear the voice of the Almighty as He says, come up hither! The catching away is near! He has promised us a quick short work of righteousness in the last stages of this century, even beginning now! – “While men sleep, the Holy Spirit is gathering His true sheep!”
The mystery of iniquity and falsehood – While the world is living in a wonder and fantasy land. The verge of civilization is about to collapse into a whole new deception and system which will govern and control them like an electric robot. Lurking around the corner looms fast and unexpected alterations and surprises in the world including the USA. – “Apostasy is mixing even with the Fundamentals from the top down through many Full Gospel Organizations and etc. They are living in a world of imagination and pleasure, instead of the solid faith and Word of the Lord!”– Satan is putting them into a dream world as a powerful snare is looming just ahead. But they will not be able to see it because of a fog of delusion! On the one hand, the elect is preparing for a joyous union with Christ, and on the other, the world and its false churches are getting ready for the Great Tribulation and uniting with the beast powers! (Rev. chaps. 13 & 17) – Take heed the Lord’s true will hold steadfast with this Scripture. Rev. 3:10 – Part of the temptation spoke about here is that some of the lukewarm churches and systems will give in to the Babylon imitation of the true thing! “Behold, saith the Lord, the hour is here, the midnight cry is heard! Soon cometh the Day of the Lord! Be ye also ready, for in an hour ye think not you shall see My face and appearance as a flash of lightning!” Praise the Lord we have just heard the word of prophecy given in the spirit by the Lord Jesus!
The stage of world events – The next 5 to 7 years will be the most incredible events that mankind has ever faced! Knowledge will be increased to produce inventions that seem almost supernatural. Also by using magic and special effects the earth will be led to its platform of doom! So vast and amazing changes will occur concerning society that one would not believe it until it has occurred! Just like the Scripts said about other things in the past, they didn’t believe it until they saw it. “More is yet to transpire beyond anything ever seen!” People’s minds are already and will be changing swiftly entering the rest of the 90’s. Between now and by 1998 and ’99, one would not even believe they were living on this planet, but on some super world elsewhere! – “That’s how tremendous the alterations, changes and occurrences will be!” – “Let’s pray that the elect will already have been gone!
Continuing forecast – Also because of cable T.V., motion pictures, plus world satellite and other inventions will bring on the worst degrees of immorality surpassing Sodom and Gomorrah! As predicted, years ago the boys and girls are getting younger and younger that partake of the most lurid orgies ever imagined! And at times mixed with sorcery and witchcraft which will intensify the madness of false worship with their scenes of debauchery! – Even News Commentators have said, how can things get any worse? – “Well, the love of many for the good and the gospel will wax cold!” – And before age ending things will definitely worsen in this category over the earth! Violence and evil will control the masses and etc. But remember T.V. and world satellite will do two things. – “It will help spread the gospel witness to all nations; but then too it will bring forth the false and the glorification of Mystery Babylon and the anti-Christ dictatorship!” – Just before the age ends more nudity, see through fashions and styles of looseness attitude will appear!
Deeper into the future – The Holy Spirit is compelling the forces of the gospel to be steadfast and determined and also alerting the world to wake up out of their sleep! But few will take heed! – “As the Scriptures says, Many are called, but few are chosen!” God’s celestial clock is ticking! The heavens above and the Scriptures and prophecy foretell us time is short. My opinion is they will cross over with fire and death into the 21st century! Numerical cycles and the prophetic stone of inches are also warning of a great catastrophe between now and the year 2000. The Scripts also give a tremendous insight of what’s to occur! – “Plus 1999-2001, will be the most important, intense and terrifying dates mankind will have seen!”
Continuing events – From now through the decade the earth will witness some unusual wonders from the heavens! Even science will see things that are incredible! Of course, Jesus said it would reveal His soon return! (Luke 21: 11, 25) – Nature and weather will speed up its travailing with powerful shakings! “The tectonic and fiery plates are moving under the sea and earth getting ready for the Great Day of the Lord!” Fire beneath the earth is acting up! Volcanic activity is everywhere! – “Deep within the earth, scientists are confirming great rumblings and quakes!” – The Scrolls predicted these years in advance! Our solar system and galaxy is going to wobble; this planets axis is going to jar the entire earth! – It’s time for the believer to get ready to leave!” – I found a Scripture that is very interesting showing this insight. Hag. 2:6, For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; – Note: This is exactly some of what we are already witnessing! “Plus by foresight I can say more demonic powers from the pit will be released upon the population of the earth because of idolatry and rejecting of God’s Word and accepting mans systems!” – This century is going to bring everything to a dramatic and explosive conclusion leading to the final things that God will do thereafter as prophesied!
Fulfilling – immorality and future – In 1987, I told the audience from the spirit that a time curve was coming! Right afterwards in 1989 events suddenly took a curve there after involving Russia and Eastern Europe, including the USA and Internationally concerning governments and surprising changes like East and West Europe coming together again, Berlin Wall and etc. – Immorality took on a new dimension especially in the USA! Everything became careless and out in the open more than ever! Movies, T.V., Magazines and etc. – “Again, it will enter a new dimension of debauchery in this decade!” The Scripts predicted this a long time ago! It’s reported on pay cable T.V. that acts of intercourse are seen daily in all types and ways! Even worse in Hawaii they say anything and everything can be seen on cable! In Hollywood and elsewhere it seems to be popular for them to want to be called high class bitches and otherwise in their movies and daytime Soap Operas. – In this age of immorality it is affecting the old and the young the same as in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen. Chap. 6 – Gen. 19:4-8) – Today almost anything goes or any desire that comes into their minds! We see a repeating of Jer. 5: 7- 8 – “For instance, in Paris they imported young girls and the men would line up like in troops waiting any type including oral sex, etc.” – In Las Vegas, it is said that they are going to build another Great Pyramid Hotel and Island for adult entertainment only. This is a mockery of God’s true Pyramid. Satan seems to be on the wild side like a roaring lion knowing his time is short! – What a corruptive age! No wonder God is giving these warnings in the Scripts, “while men and women are seeking unforbidden pleasure they are running right into the wrath of God!” – Las Vegas is headed for some calamities also! Plus speaking about the rest above the world in a large part will be wiped out by new energy weapons as the age ends in atomic holocaust!” “Yea, saith the Lord remember this Scripture it shall repeat again Jude 1:7 – Behold ye shall do well to read the whole chapter of Jude, saith the Lord your only wise God and Saviour!” (Vr.25)
Hope and sorrows – The earth will enter the wonderful age of the millennium as appointed. But before this we see the world is entering the last stages of our civilization! From now until the very end of the century it will be caught up in delusion in a thousand types of forbidden pleasure! Just before the atomic purging of the earth the USA and nations will be asleep with false peace! It will occur like in the time of Belshazzar. (Dan. 5:26-28) “Wherein the handwriting was on the wall then, and now it is on the wall again for the inhabitants!”The Interpretation reads, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” – He also said that the kingdom was numbered and finished “And so shall it be saith the Lord, once again!” – Note: We have a very short period ahead! “Let us watch and pray. This is our hour to quickly fulfill the harvest work!”
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