HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 228

Prophetic Scrolls 228

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The age of ages – We are living in a very mysterious age! On the one hand great apostasy, and on the other to the elect wonderful miracles and signs are occurring! His glories and clouds have been photographed and seen, but yet the half has not been told. Soon we will see the heavens bust wide open and the spectacular glories of the Lord will be all around the Lord Jesus as the elect are caught up in a dimension that they have never imagined completely and a spontaneous rapturous feeling will be all about them! Also he will be surrounded by guardian lights (Ezek. chap. I). While the world is asleep this will take place! What a century! All types of prophecy and signs are fulfilling to the letter.

Continuing – The scientists are seeing fantastic signs in the heavens from God, but they don’t completely understand. “But we being born of God are not in darkness and understand that it is a warning of God’s coming judgment upon mankind!” There are wonders and signs from the Arctic to the South Pole; rumblings beneath the earth forecasting great upheavals ahead. The fiery tectonic plates under the seas tell us they will break up continents at God’s appointed time! Our generation is expiring! Islands will appear out of the sea and others will disappear out of the sea in volcanic eruptions! Cities and mountains will be leveled. The killer storms and quakes that have been predicted we have seen take place! More fulfillment coming! – Great sights have been seen from heaven already traveling at or beyond the speed of light!

The age of no care – Immorality is up front and wide open. What was hidden behind closed doors are shown in the family rooms! The fashions and actions of the people are exactly as the Scripts predicted! And you haven’t seen nothing yet. It has been said now that you can hardly tell a professing Christian from a prostitute on the streets. The Babylonian and Balaamite system is sweeping them in, claiming that there are 3 persons in God. That’s the same as saying there are 3 Gods. Oh, yes, they teach them to have miracles, but they have the wrong doctrine! “But the true children have even greater miracles, power, knowledge and wisdom!” I believe in 3 manifestations, but they are in One God. (St. John chap. I) – A lot of people ask me, what about all of the laughter of the spirit going on in the churches and television preachers lately. Nobody likes joy and happiness of the spirit any more than I do. “It is wonderful.” – But be careful the Lord told me that there is actually a mixture in their crowds that are laughing at the promises of God. – “Remember Sarah’s laughter at the promises of God that He gave to Abraham, but they came true!” Remember Abraham and Sarah were a type of the Church and it was in the latter years the same as the Church is today. And Sodom and Gomorrah went up in a fiery holocaust right afterwards! So this is another sign that a Sodom like world is about to go up in smoke and fire! Let’s be careful. There is a true joy and laughter of the Lord, and there is a mockery that can get involved. “One thing for certain I want all of you to be joyful and delighted in the promises of the Lord in a true spirit!”

Continuing prophecy – Also take note Abraham arose up early in the morning, evidently before sunrise and saw Sodom and the cities round about on fire! (Gen. 19:27-28) – He was 99 years old. – A clue: Between midnight and sunrise the USA could suffer an Atomic deluge from Gog out of the North. (Ezek. chap. 38- Rev. 18:8-10) – In my opinion this could occur just before or right after crossing over into the year 2000. “We may not know the precise hour, but one thing for certain God has said that it will occur!”

A celestial phenomena – Science reports that in February 1995 there is no new moon. And it is the only month in the decade of the 90’s not to have a new moon occur! (This I do know my calendar shows no new moon in this Feb. 1995) – Here is some interesting information! Man landed on the moon as a sign! The Song of Solomon 6: 10 represents the church! – Rev. 12: 1 also symbolizes under the majestic woman’s foot the latter day church! – So with this information, no new moon in Feb. could definitely reveal that the elect will disappear in this century! “Behold, the King of Kings cometh!” Amen! – One more item. In Feb.1999 there is no full moon. – But Jan. and March each have 2 full moons. “It means that the cup of iniquity has reached its fullness!” It means a great catastrophe will take place concerning Israel and the United States affecting the entire world. – Plus around this time, Atomic chill could well be setting in by 2001. Ice balls weighing nearly a hundred pounds! (Rev. 16:21) – Dark clouds circle the earth among eerie flashes. We are entering a chilling future ahead into the 21st Century! – Ice, blood and fire covering the earth. What a picture! – “Praise ye the Lord the elect are safely in the arms of Jesus at what hour that this occurs!”

Joel sees strange prophecy – Just as Nahum 2:4 saw the modern car (chariots) clear up into the computer radar controlled highways by using the words run as a flash of lightning! And as Obah.1:4, saw a space craft and actually space stations in the heavens! Joel 2: 5-8, saw an incredible insight evidently futuristic robotic intelligence of some type metal man made form! They couldn’t be killed, they couldn’t break their ranks, they were like men of war. 1t seems like they were under some kind of electronic or laser control. They could have been sent in where heavily radiated areas were. (Read vr: 3) – The Armed Forces are already well at work on robotic warfare to take the place of men. The only other answer is they were a special group that God had given supernatural powers too! – “Whatever they were the prophet saw a fascinating sight thousands of years in advance!”

In part from Scroll #187 – 1994 a prominent year signaling toward a later world crises! This sign will affect the next 5 years sending shock waves, especially from 1994 through 1997 bringing upheaval and crises concerning economics, religion, government, technology, banking, natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars! Every facet of society will change! Propaganda lies, part truths and etc., fantasy promises will increase… (What’s done openly and underneath will come back to haunt the world in the later years toward 1995-97!) – “Although we should expect the Lord now at any time, God’s children are going to need special comfort and shall receive it!”

Prophetic Psalms 95-96 –years 1995-96 – “This Psalm shows a special type of rejoicing for God’s people whither still here, preparing to go or are gone! His elect should be rejoicing! – During this period idols shall begin to increase over the earth! According to the Scripts these years bring us to world crises. A gathering together of important leaders! Some of these will be new evil leaders! The world will rock not only from earthquakes, but nature’s fierceness will be stirred, plus the nations are angry, there is a great turmoil!” Ps. 95: 10, “the Lord speaks of the 40 year warning and His grief with this generation! – Time is up, the world is sliding deeper into the hands of world government! They will have no rest saith the Lord! During 95-96 two major planets will make their move into new constellations!” (Job 38: 32-33) (More later!)

Continuing – “It is during a time, nations do not give the Lord just respect or praise. As we said a great increase in idolatry; for the gods of the nations are idols! – Evil, nudeness, sexual violence and debauchery unknown to man has been and is prevalent! – Sodom may look tame to what will finally occur. They will not give God the glory due unto His name either!” (Ps. 96:8-9) “Also people can’t tell between fact or fiction! – Because sorcery, magic, witchcraft and phantasm has possessed vast groups! Plus the anti-Christ should be rising during these periods we spoke about.” Ps. 96:13, “already gives a hint God is starting His judgment and is on His way to fulfill it as the next Ps. reveals!” – (Read rest of Scroll #187).

Scroll #228

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