Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Preview order in perspective -While doing other Scripts I did this one on the side quickly because people want to know about these mysteries! So this information reveals the order the age turns from one period to another!
First -” Restoration and sudden Translation! ” -Then the Great Tribulation, rising of the beast, the mark, Armageddon, Great Day of the Lord, followed by the millennium, then the White Throne Judgment, then a new heaven and a new earth! Finally the Holy City comes down out of heaven and time blends into eternity!
Looking through the window of time – In this Script will be revealed amazing knowledge and revelating secrets of things to come! After the flaming atomic war that destroys much of the earth and all of its beauty as described in Joel 2:3. Behold saith the Lord I will shake all the cities to the ground. (axis tilt) -“Yea, saith the Lord even greater and beautiful cities will be built again by the command of the Messiah!” -Note: Not much has been said about the great millennium in writings, but this will occur sometimes right after the end of the century! “There will begin a thousand years of peace and the most Holy, the Lord Jesus will be anointed as the real Israel comes together under His rule!” Gabriel foretold this to the prophet. (Dan. 9:24) – A very large millennium Temple will be built for the ruling of the nations that are left after the devastating war! (Rev. 12:5) -Also there will be tremendous population expansion during this thousand years of peace. (Rev. 20:8) -“Also the elect will have their duty and position with the Saviour!” – Plus science will increase beyond anything imagined by man during this period. The elect have eternal life, but the people during that time will live to be a long age. (And those who stay true later, have eternal life also.) And the earth will be changed and be as beautiful as the Garden of Eden! -Note: even though one dies at a hundred years old they will still be called a child. (Isa. 65:20)
Informative viewpoint – Before we continue any farther I would like to add some more knowledge that should have been put on possibly at the beginning! Note: This concerns a celestial wonder, and the scientists know this occurs too.
The celestial view – According to scientists and astronomers Venus the Bright and Morning Star (symbol of Christ- Rev. 22: 16) confirm that this heavenly body grazes across the sun about once every 100 years! The last time this occurred was just before the turning of this century began! The next time this occurs is around 2003-2007. “How beautiful the Bright and Morning Star rising or connecting with the Sun of righteousness!” (Mal. 4:2) -The earth should be well in the millennium and the dead buried and the earth cleansed by 2007-8. (Read Ezek. 39:9,12) -And the elect will have been translated long before this and Armageddon will have ended quite a while before this!
Baffling and strange but true – People have wondered about this Scripture. What meaneth this? Isa. 4: 1, And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. This occurs during the millennium. God goes back to the Old Testament style because He is going to replenish and populate the earth like the sands of the sea. (Rev. 20:8) – Because of such a catastrophic war before this there was a short supply of men. -Isa. 24:6, The inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men left. – (Read Rev. 14:20) -So 7 women evidently shall be in common by one man and use his name. Evidently God allows this because of the reason we explained above. (In Noah’s day when the flood wiped out the earth He allowed men to have more than one wife or concubine. – (As one can see this Scripture is not for our age.) – Read the rest of the chapter of Isa. 4- (it’s wonderful) – Everyone that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up once a year to worship the King. (Zech. 14: 16) – No doubt they travel by advance aircraft. -Also in other Scriptures it says that each family will have their own personal property under the new government of the Lord! – Plus I foresee beautiful new type cities will be built everywhere!
Continuing – Zech. 14:17- Then it says the Lord withdraws the rain because some do not go up and worship. This is because Satan has been loosed for a season. (Rev. 20:3) And he tries to usurp the position of God’s rulership again! -Also the Lord may have changed the law of marriage to one again. Nevertheless Satan evidently brings in idols and immorality. But not all follow him, but those that do surround the city of the saints, and God swiftly calls fire out of heaven and devours them. (Vr.9)And then casts Satan in the lake of fire. (Vr.10)
What a scientific age – Before this last happens, let’s explain more of this period of a thousand years! – Manifold dimensional knowledge. – Hab.2:14. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. The Bible is not silent concerning this subject. – “Jesus will reveal many fantastic new things to men concerning knowledge, building, space and etc.!” – Mankind himself will reach a zenith of super science like unto a peak of a pyramid! Science of the ages! Man will be given secrets hidden from the foundation of the world. Secrets concerning inventions and technology! – “Spectacular wonders will surely be seen! “
Continuing – God may reveal to man how to do some of the things (Ezek. chap. 1) saw. May show man more about space than the fastest man has ever traveled. – “What Ezekiel saw ran and returned as a flash of lightning!” He may learn how to fly by energy magnetic forces in the air or teach him how to use the forces that are in the stars! New and revolutionary thoughts will reveal much during the one thousand year peace! Since the days of Adam he will finally reach his peak in knowledge!
Our time and beyond – These Scriptures are prophetic of our modern day air flight and space travel! And probably have a double meaning; maturing knowledge on into the one thousand year millennium! – Obad.1: 4, Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. – Isa.60: 8, Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows? – It says in Deut. 30:4, If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: – (These Scriptures mean space stations) – He shows us people will be living in space. Isa.40: 22 said, he spreadeth the heavens out like a tent to dwell in. (could possibly mean other worlds too.)
What a mysterious glowing beautiful sight – “In a hidden way the Lord used this inventive age to foreshadow a spectacular supernatural wonder!” He has allowed man to use a space shuttle to go up into the heavens and live in it while it circles the earth. Also Russia has put up small space stations to live in. The United States are planning even larger space platform stations to live in! So in a miniature way the Lord has allowed mankind to type and foreshadow a great event to occur in the future! – “The world’s most wonderful and marvelous dwelling place and it will be universal gem glowing and sparkling like a precious stone!” One might say that it will be the greatest space station coming out of heaven ever seen! Where the saints will dwell and come and go as God commands them to do his business! – “It will be full of the most amazing, mysterious and wonderful secrets!” It will not be materialistic, but supernatural (eternal). And we read Rev. 21:2, And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru’sa-Iem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (The jewel star of splendor (Jesus) rules here with His chosen bride.) – Vr. 11, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; – (It reveals it was like a precious stone, as clear as crystal. What we are seeing is a transparent masterpiece.) – Vr. 16, And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. – (It seems to be pyramidical like. It also describes that it is 1500 miles in different directions and dimensions! Nothing ever seen like it.) – Vr. 18, And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. – (What a magnificent view the new earth will see! Also within and without it will be divers and beautiful colors. Words will never be able to describe what John saw! Evidently one could even see through the gold – It will be shimmering, amazing!) – Vr. 19, And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. – (A rare marvel vibrating and pulsating with eternity!) “Jesus the Bright and Morning Star will be the light of it!” – Man will never in all his creation be able to compare anything on this earth or in space with it.
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