Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
UNBELIEVABLE AGE – shocking hour – To some this will catch off guard, but the elect are being foretold the exactness of the future and time! “While we see the immorals are reaching beyond imagination of what those would believe just a few years ago, are now seeing it perfectly described 25 years in advance!” – We receive reports from people and in the News to that you can actually witness couples having sex right on the beach, decks of their boats in the water, having oral sex right off the streets in the cities in the ally ways. They have, and other types coming new inventions of pleasure for men and women that are beyond the human scope for their evil or satisfying of the flesh! Even reaching into the realms of demons (touch and see) producing spirits that can actually be felt. Other scenes we will not print or describe. Nudity and semi-nudity is right out in the open as never seen before! Even in common bookstores, news racks in shopping centers reveal it right out in front on the racks. It seems like their is no more shame or respect, just totally unrestrained to do as one pleases! We will take note of a few things showing how societies mind is. – On the back of one man’s car it read, Born again pagan. Today they have their cults of worshipping gods and goddess just as in ancient times! – And on the back of one woman’s station wagon right in the middle of town (we won’t print the words, you can read between the lines what it meant) and it had nudity pictures plastered on it. It said F–K authority. And I don’t guess the local policemen were doing anything about it! This age of debauchery will reach its peak in this decade entering a fire storm of desolation and apocalyptic events from heaven! – And Jesus foretold the outcome of this generation.
A REMARKABLE GENERATION – New technology and astonishing inventions are springing up everywhere! They are building great electromagnets. The article said it would create as much energy as a stick of dynamite. And they were going to use them in physics and science to create many new things, even in new colors of lights and etc. A news article stated just now that people are buying a microwave chip to slip under their dog’s skin in case it gets lost they can find it. – Later this will be used in many ways and also by a world dictator. – They now have digital cameras that work in various ways that ordinary people can buy now! You don’t even have to look through the camera you can just point it, take a picture and if you don’t like the way the picture comes out you can just erase and continue taking pictures until you get what you want etc. – They are working on sending up satellites now that can observe the earth in completely new ways! – It looks as though as if everything is becoming digital, linked to every facet of technology and invention, finally leading to Rev. 13: 13 – Because of so much sin, lawlessness, terrorism, crime and atomic scare etc. will soon lead to a world dictator who promises to control and give peace and prosperity in the wake of a crumbling civilization and chaos! The earth is trembling and natures upheavals will continue! The uproar will not subside as this century ends! -“Jesus said, that the old heaven and earth would pass away, but that His words would never pass away!” – Salvation and the Holy Spirit is the answer for all of mankind. Let us pray for God’s people to be ready!
THE FUTURE – Already we have seen what the Scripts have predicted has come to pass but people would not believe it until it occurred! Later in the age people will act and do things seemingly beyond science fiction! As the scarlet man of deception rises! And even now is getting ready to be revealed as they prepare the covenant. Our government and other countries are working undercover not only concerning this but vital things of which the public knows nothing of, which will appear later! – The film industry in Hollywood are releasing films corrupting the entire world and the other countries are following the pattern in their films! – “But Calif. will be visited with the greatest quake forces ever known there in my opinion before this decade closes! And then later the world will receive a tremendous axis tilt and shift as the cities of the nations fall!” – Let us keep things in perspective as this world follows the god of pleasure! “Let us place our eyes on Jesus and keep His word in our heart being full of faith, witnessing and looking for His return!”
WORLDWIDE EVENTS – Tremendous events are happening in religion including the T.V. Evangelists and the charismatic movements! I’ve been told my Scripts, T.V. and satellite programs have caused a new stirring among Christianity, including the fundamentals! – “Shaking up Babylon some and awakening the real elect to the midnight hour!” Although all of us evangelists may not agree with one another entirely (I don’t mean this article to be negative, but as prophetic and for those to be watchful.) – As you know a charismatic Pat Robertson ran for president, but then remained faithful to his television work! Just lately he has been expanding and urging the people to work quickly I have been told. Because he knows the hour is late. (Also Lester Sumrall of World Harvest Network has been active and expanding to, knowing now is the hour to prepare!) Although I have not seen Pat for years on T.V. just lately there have been some very interesting magazine articles concerning him, and we will quote some phrase from them! In U.S. News & World Report, he was on the front cover. They were talking to him about his religious empire of T. V. Network, Satellite and etc. He said there seems to be a big push to witness overseas, so it seems that he will enlarge more in that direction.
CONTINUING FORESIGHT – May IS, 1995 on the cover of Time Mag. it said, The Right Hand of God meet Ralph Reed, His Christian Coalition is on a crusade to takeover U.S. politics and it’s working! Reed said, The ranks of conservative Christians are now too large, too diverse, too significant to be ignored by either major political party. – Pat is involved as the founder or the head of the Coalition. – They have some good points, they want to see that the gospel is not stopped from being preached, and are pushing for the traditional standards of the conservative party! They would like to bring some changes and influence elections. But even though they can bring changes many will be overturned before the end of the century. – “May I warn through prophecy politics can be perilous and very dangerous! And many lessons within the next few years will be learned the hard way!” In the next few years heavy burdens and opposition are not only coming on those main ones in this type of movement, but Pat should be very watchful 1996-97 – concerning different facets of his work! – And also other evangelists should be very careful, we are entering a world of crises and world shaking changes! The unexpected will hover. Also the scarlet woman and beast is spinning a web to entrap the great fundamental movement. I could go into greater detail, but this is all I’m going to say! Whither all see eye to eye or not, let us pray for Pat and all the other ministers in this hour of destiny. He has faced many hardships, may he stand firm!
GOD FULFILLS A PROMISE – I told the people here and evidently in our literature for a period of time the Lord would put this ministry on space satellite. This has come to pass! Some very powerful and dramatic messages are going forth as a witness – I’m glad I have just a small humble part with my partners in bringing in the sheaves! And I want to dearly thank them! – Note: “The Capstone’s prophetic literature and Scripts have been called the foremost prophetic writings in the world today!” – All the credit belongs to the Lord Jesus! – Although I have been heavily fatigued at times in the past the Lord has made it possible to utter His events and soon return! – “The joy of the Lord is my strength!”
THE SHIMMERING LIGHTS OCCURRENCE – As we said among the true prophecies even the false would prophesy and sometime true events, but not of sound doctrine and in a false system! – Much has been said again about what they call the famous Fatima vision of the Virgin Mary in about 1913 and what was spoken! Not until just lately did they reveal some of the things that were said. It was revealed to the Vatican, but leaked out by one of the girls who actually heard it said the Roman church by the 20th century would be shrouded in darkness and great upheaval. And that Satan would take it over through a false leader! The woman appeared in a great glowing light over the woods as thousands witnessed the light. (They published a picture of it) – Why would the Virgin Mary reveal this, also a world holocaust to follow? Because the Bible contains these truths and would have been revealed anyway by God’s true ministers! “Rev. 17 does declare that the 10 Kings will destroy the woman (Vatican) that sets on the 7 hills of Rome!” As a warning to all Christianity, be careful! “Jesus said, many other type things would appear to deceive the very elect if possible! But it would not be possible!” – Note: Soon there will be a one world government and religious system ruling the earth, until God destroys it. (Rev. Chaps. 17 and 18) – The world has already entered fantasy, delusion and illusion! – “Also the midnight cry is now going forth!”
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