Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
STRONG DELUSION – Just as the Scripts predicted unusual events would close out the age. For instance, one type paranormal (in this case evil appearances) – “In Japan just lately, some ghostly apparitions have been photographed and seen in different religious rites and those that deal in these cults!” Even some have seen these weird spirits appearing on T.V. in the background. And sometimes they would turn the T.V. off and these apparitions would still appear on it. Bizarre accountings have been reported. This country (Japan) as a whole has rejected God. What they are actually contacting is Satanic forces! So God has real angels (positive) – but what they are seeing and photographing is evil spirits in form! It won’t be long that not only this country (Japan) but the Oriental nations will be judged by God! They worship mostly Buddha, the sun, idols and etc. “The real children of the Lord have no real need to fear these type delusions because all they have to do is rebuke and claim the blood of Jesus! And nothing by any means shall harm them! – “This is one more sign the age is closing out swiftly! – One day Japan will be shaken, burnt to the ground and mostly sunken! Also they are in the process of building the tallest building in the world because of space and the vast population!
A FALSE REALITY – In the last few years the Virgin Mary has been appearing to the people. She appeared to certain individuals and according to the News report have given 9 secrets and is waiting for the 10th secret where they claim she will reveal all of the mystery! One man for instance said he saw beautiful lights spinning around like the sun and that he would never forget the experience. To the certain individuals that she has been appearing to they say she is never on the ground but standing in the light as she speaks peace, peace as she relates a few things to them! To them what they are seeing is a reality, but it is a delusion and a false system. The Scriptures tell us that this is to occur in the last days! (II Thess. 2:4-9 – I Tim. 4:1-2) – Truly this is the hour of great deception! “Let us hold on to the true Word of God and stand firm as Satan is deceiving the nations!” In the next few years all these type things will increase and even worsen! – “Let us witness and save souls quickly while there is still time!”
VISION FULFILLING – Talking about God revealing such amazing wonders. Right on the Front Cover of Omni Magazine it shows a nest, with a large egg breaking open as a picture of a new world emerges out of it. – You remember the prophecy I gave how the earth would precede into drastic changes! And this is occurring over the globe! We are living in a world of fascination, fantasy and magic dimensions of electronics! Soon they claim it will be a world connected by wireless electronic waves! We are seeing Daniel’s Covenant being prepared to take place in this decade! – I named 3 nations in particular out of the nest to be involved! – USA, the Vatican and Israel. Of course, China, Russia and the whole world will unite into this final peace! The News is even talking now of a cashless society, a numerical or mark, and International type police state! Surely we are rushing towards the Translation. In my opinion in this decade! – “Whenever, like a flash in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the chosen will be gone!”
IMMORAL PROPHECY FULFILLING – It seems in the last 20 years, step by step the world is disintegrating into debauchery and wickedness! Little by little, more is allowed in films, magazines, news, T. V. and etc. – Now by cable they can actually watch any kind of sexual act that they so desire to pay and see. Carnal sensuality and sex will worsen into the very flames of hell. – “Just before and entering the Great Tribulation, it will be so terrible that the Lord will translate His true people! – We will take one case that has been widely publicized over the years occurring in Florida. This woman said the doctor gave her a certain medication that she said gave her nymphomania. The doctor denied that this caused what she did. But nevertheless she wanted and needed men nearly 24 hours a day. So her husband made a prostitute out of her and started bringing all types of men to their home for sex… policemen, officials, politicians and etc. Supposedly she sued the doctor, there was a great scandal. She related that she could just go down a bumpy road and orgasm. When they finally picked her up on charges they gave her some time! Since her release she has made 3 X-rated movies. They ask her why she did it. She said for money, why not? – She said in her new movies she is going to name all the men that she had affairs with at that time. She mentioned the woman in California that procured women for movie stars did not mention the men’s names. But the woman in Florida said she is going to mention their names. Somebody said, what are we going to see or hear next from our once earlier Godfearing nation? But most of all, what does our youth have to look forward to? – Drugs and all these type things are available to them on every street corner! – “Let us truly pray for restoration among our youth and for revival that we may snatch a few out of the fire, and even death and woe!” – Truly we are living in perilous and dangerous times! It can happen to any family. Let us remember all of our partners as we unite in faith.
REMARKABLE SIGNS – The Scriptures say fearful sights and great signs shall there be from the heaven. (Luke 21:11) The wording does not only include atomic explosions, but the falling of large asteroids, fire ball fragments, powerful storms, unusual magnetic electrical displays (in the future we shall see some great ones.) – By the way, scientists have just discovered colored lightning which I predicted in a film shown here at Capstone. – The wording covers many things, but one more event. God’s supernatural lights and Satan’s satanic light forces. – Remember he is the prince and power of the air and can come in any form of an angel of light. But now every magazine and as one program stated no one can deny the lights that are appearing in the heavens! It’s because the cup of iniquity is overflowing into the heights of the heavens! – “Even the government can no longer deny the events in the heavens!” – In fact, in a late article it retold the true facts that these strange lights appeared over the White House years ago! (And I remember when it occurred) – Evidently these were angelic. The government radar picked them up; they would appear and disappear! Then the radar operator said, they sped away with tremendous speed as a flash of lightning! Why? – “Because God was warning the president and nation of the coming wars and already terrible immoral conditions; and showing mercy even though the Lord knew that iniquity would increase, and it has!” – By the time that you receive this, different groups are going to unite a million people to appear in front of the White House (end of April) to remind of the nation’s Christian background! And that the nation must turn, because God’s wrath will follow! Evidently some are of different beliefs, but they know that the nation is in terrible condition!
SCIENTIFIC THE FUTURE – The Scriptures proclaim that fiery and other type asteroids and star fragments will strike the sea and earth. (Rev. 8:8 – ) it did not give any date except that it would occur in the generation that Israel went home! I’ve said that some would fall be fore and larger ones by the end of this decade! Considerable sizes has already fallen in the sea and some in the desert. The scientists give an important warning. They are watching several asteroids and one in particular. Now they say should strike the earth by 1999. – But evidently some may very well occur before then! The heavenly bodies are warning of disastrous and tremendous events that are occurring from 1999-2001. – Catastrophes will have already shaken the earth into the most awesome changes ever seen! – By then, 10 the pale horse of the apocalypse should have already ridden leaving blood and diversion across the earth. Let each partner pray daily and prepare to leave!
THE CYBERNETIC ELECTRONIC GENERATIONS IN PROPHECY – Yes, we are definitely now living in an information and data age! The government now has in its power by various computer chips to know information and can later under the anti-Christ control every person in the world and this nation! They now have what they call a clipper computer chip that they can keep a dossier on each individual. In fact, it can fit in a machine that can fit in one room. When the scarlet prince rises he will have all of this at his disposal. All of this is going on now, but when the people find out about it, it will be too late to do anything to prevent dictatorship! In fact, the whole world will be marked with the same type of information on them! – “The Scriptures say, pray that you escape all of these things and stand before a living God!” – Actually the mark of the beast has a great possibility of being given before or by the ending of this age!
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