Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Subtle forces rising — Illusion, delusion and reality is increasing everywhere! I’ve often said in messages here that the innocent games that children are playing with like, magic, electronic games and etc., would lead to mental conditions and seducing sorcery spirits! Here we have a real event that occurred and was told over the press and T.V. — This certain family thought they would get a Ouija board and some other witchcraft games. They started lighting candles and delving into the supernatural. Sure enough, their home became haunted with spirits that they thought were ghosts. They got into a real dilemma and were frightened and became concerned. Then they evidently read the Bible and began to cry out to God for help. Sure enough they saw while in prayer the angels of the Lord surrounding them in their home!”
Continuing satanic forces — These angels drove out these evil attacks! And they said after this experience that the peace and quiet of the Lord rest in their home! And as I said, this should be a warning to everyone not to play around with these new type games! As I told the audience here they will find out what they are looking for. “The wrong thing!” — It is far better to praise the Lord, read his Word and our religious Scripts! And the Most High will build up an atmosphere of faith and presence around you! We are abiding in the last generation and the devil is using every way that he can to trap and ensnare our youth and even the Christians! He is walking about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour! But our Lord Jesus is with us, and He encampeth round about us (with His angels) who fear and love Him! And my prayers of comfort are with you daily, and His presence will dwell with you! — The world will be facing some unusual, unexpected and some surprising events. Explosive and swift occurrences coming as we rush towards the closing of the century! “Watch and pray and be ye also ready!”
Prophetic clock — The next 3½ years — There will be more crisis, peace, the Covenant should also be signed! Diseases, asteroids, world droughts and famines, the black horse with scales, horrible conditions appearing! The pale horse of the apocalypse should evidently cross over into the 21st century with death, hell, fire and blood in its wake! Before all of this nature’s wrath will be unleashed in unbelievable manners to those left upon the earth. The weather cosmic like storms, arctic winter chills, heat waves, gigantic volcanic explosions of high fire and smoke, super quakes leading finally to an axis tilt. The tilt could be before or by year 2000-2001. — “The stars, the sun and the moon will act up giving forth great signs!” — My opinion is the church could definitely leave between now and 1999 followed by the mark of the beast! Or all may well take place sooner. Signs indicate Jesus soon return and the sudden appearance of a dictator! “All electronic and computer systems, plus new inventions are in readiness for a sudden snare! — “The scarlet prince will step forth in this century. Later the moon will turn to blood and the sun black as sack cloth. (Rev. 6:12) — The moon could be caused by missiles hitting and the warfare to change the tides of the seas. Scientists now claim volcanoes are underneath the moon surface. The blackening of the sun could be caused by the atomic devastation of the oil fields in the Middle East. From now to the year 2000, there will be great eclipses, fiery asteroids and comets!
Continuing — to the year 2003 — The Tribulation, Armageddon and the Great Day of the Lord could be over with. And Gabriel’s vision to Daniel should be fulfilled when he declared they should anoint the Most Holy One; meaning the Lord Jesus! (Dan. 9:24) — Millennium, new age! As I told the audience here, the Lord would give the elect the season. And we should not try to give the exact date or day of the Translation! Also I told the audience concerning all the dates above, one way or another the Scripts probably won’t be 12 to 18 months differential… “Just let me say this, the next few years ahead will bring some of the most drastic changes to the Untied States and world that has ever been seen!” And from 1999 to the end of 2001 the events will be so awesome that the human mind would not be able to comprehend the gigantic occurrences fulfilling God’s prophecies! We should watch and pray daily for his appearance! Plus, before this the world will echo with wailing and noise of a great tumult. Fire and magnetic forces will whirl and descend on the earth. Space wobbles as the heavens act up in signs!”
Continuing — Heavenly bodies will be moving in new constellations. In years ahead, some powerful eclipses and conjunctions will occur in association with the coming of some great star showers! Why all these calamities in nature and society, etc.? “Because the cup of iniquity has overflowed!” That is exactly why the strange phenomenons of lights are appearing in the heavens now and will increase! — The Church Age is in the midnight cry and a powerful short work that will soon end! The former and latter rain! But in the midst of this will rise the greatest apostasy and sin that the earth has ever seen! We write some more reasons! The awful immorality!
Continuing prophecy — As the Scripts said years ago, one would have to see the events ahead in order to believe them! Now sex and nudeness is right out in the open. Piped into the homes (T.V. Cable) — on the beaches, city streets, parks, etc. In some of the larger cities they have to run them out of certain large stores where they have sex on the floor, especially if one pertains to a theater. — The Scripts said it would reach the state of madness finally. Just the other day on the news, two men shot off their privates, and another man ran into a Baptist church in Phoenix and cut his off (penis) right inside. One told the paramedics he didn’t want his put back on! And things will worsen as the age ends! — “Not only pray for our nation, but pray for the youth!” — One news article said women are becoming worse than the men of old and as Sodom and pagan Rome were! One would have to be blind not to see what’s occurring all around us! This Scripture (Rev.3:17) is fulfilling too! — Even as one denominational minister said, there is almost as much nakedness, drinking and sin in many of the churches and cults as is happening in the world. — But God’s eye of mercy is turning toward judgment as His pendulum swings back and forth across the world — Prophecy marches on! — “Yea, the truth has been told! Amen! — Now is the day of salvation saith the Lord!”
Heavenly signs — Jesus said, look up your redemption draweth nigh. This actually takes in the fact for us to watch the signs in the heavens for His return and judgment. From now toward the end of this century celestial bodies will be moving to certain constellations. Already many have positioned themselves! There shall be a grand alignment on May 5, year 2000. — Throughout the rest of this century will come asteroids and brilliant comets, and some fantastic celestial wonders along with ominous mysteries! What an hour!
Alien deception — More strange creatures will land upon the earth claiming they are from outer space, but will actually be demons and illusions! — Some of the lights seen in the heavens now cannot be reputed! Even the government says something is taking place including some abductions! Some women claim they have had affairs and talks with these creatures. Much delusion is definitely going forth! What is happening is we see the good lights (angels of God) and the evil phenomenon from Satan! For he knoweth his time is short! And woe unto the inhabitants of the earth for he is ready to come down. (Rev. 12:12) — Luke 21:11 concerning fearful sights and great signs from the heavens! — This was to occur just before Jesus return!
Prophetic conditions — Midnight clock strikes — “Jesus is like a man on a far journey and now ready to return!” And because the cares of this life and carelessness the multitudes are completely asleep! This is a very exciting time and it is the hour of the elect. Let us take advantage of His fullness of the spirit and the precious time we have left to witness to others! — I foresaw like one would see flashes of lightning at night. “The elect in a different way will see flashes of God’s glory among them uniting them in complete restoration! As God’s spirit will sweep suddenly as a sweet wind healing them and preparing them for the catching away! The midnight cry goeth forth!”
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