Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The century casting its shadows — Incredible history making events! Church Age Ending! — President Clinton in again. The first time Democrats had won a second term since Roosevelt. —The Covenant coming! Later the Jubilee appearing! The beast power arising! — “The stage is being set for some of the most drastic and dramatic changes not seen in a lifetime!” —Also remember before or crossing the century evidently a president could die. This could be concerning a world crisis! (For more information read past Scripts) —We are now receiving the former and latter rain! Shout the victory! It was poured out at the beginning of the century and again for us at the ending of the century! Preparing us to leave! — Never shall the earth see such a global turn about concerning every facet of life and nature! — Also evidence reveals by 1999-2000 the scarlet prince will have come into his cycle and position! The masses have seen the most evil of the ages!
The expansion of vice and iniquity — For your sins have reached the heights of heaven and have bounced back and forth from earth to heaven and to God who sitteth on the circle of the earth. (Isa. 40:22) — “His wrath shall visit mankind!” — Fireballs from heaven, asteroids shall hit in the land and sea! The heavens will catch on fire! The dead will be strung out from one end of the earth to the other! — Winds will reach 500-700 miles per hour as the earth shall tilt its axis! The sea shall overflow its bounds! — (This should all occur at God’s appointed time.)
Immorality – wickedness — In the 1960’s I was piercing through the shadows and saw the great immorality of today! “And now it is reaching a boiling point and the fiery indignation of God’s judgment is falling and will increase as the months ahead pass!” The youth are confronted with every type of evil desire, perversion, ritual, sorcery and sexual sensuality of all types! The beast nature is surely rising! Drugs are consuming our youth! Young boys and girls are selling their bodies as prostitutes to pay for their habits. Perilous and crisis times are advancing into a nightmare in this latter century!
Modernistic age — My prophecies concerning technology and science have definitely been fulfilling! Where in the Scripts predicted technology and science would greatly increase and then by leaps and bounds would begin to reach incredible heights throughout the century. The news reported 1995-96 to be the biggest years yet. Right after the re-election of Pres. Clinton, Wall Street announced that it had the greatest increase in stocks in technology which included computers, IBM and etc. — Mankind will learn more now about the hidden energies and magnetic forces. As sciences peak, it seems that evil increases the same way! Behold, saith the Lord the whole earth has become a prostitutional system physically and religiously, except for His chosen few! (Rev. Chaps. 17 and 18)— It is definitely coming out of its shadows on the world scene now! The invention for the mark and control of the world population has already been invented, it’s just a matter of applying it at the proper time! — “Behold, the bride makes herself ready for My return saith the Lord in this hour!” — We are living in one of the most fascinating hours in history! “Let us witness and work quickly.”
Waves of power — When the Lord begins to do great and powerful miracles across the earth like He is now in the former and latter rain, Satan will try to lift up a standard against Him. But the Lord’s shield is great! Just lately a major magazine said this to try to offset this great spiritual move concerning miracles of the Old and New Testament. — Satan is crafty, they could not deny most of the miracles, but said some of them could have been done by nature’s means. How foolish can one be? Let me explain. — For instance they said the wind could have blown the water back for Moses to cross the Red Sea! “Sure God uses the wind, but He defied gravity and by the force of His energy He parted the sea!” —And at a certain point He may have caused an earthquake to shake down the walls of Jericho (supernaturally) but He appointed it. — Concerning Sodom and Gomorrah He ignited the salt gases underneath and blew everything into a flaming death holocaust. It may have been the energy from the chariot of the Lord!
Continuing — Ezekiel, Elisha, David and the children of Israel saw the chariot in the cloud and the fire by night. — Elijah actually rode in it. — God defied the gravity in the water and the axe head floated for Elisha the prophet! (II Kings 6.5-6) — The Lord has often used nature in His miracles like the wind, water, fire and quakes! — Now here are two out of many that can back them off. The three Hebrew children did not burn in the fire of the furnace. Even their clothes did not smell of fire, not a hair on their head was singed! (Dan. Chap. 3) — The lions could not eat Daniel —At the time Jesus died and was resurrected, His spirit (by an earthquake) rent the vail of the Temple. (Matt. 27:51) —And the Lord did use wind to blow in quail for the children of Israel and they never figured out how the Lord rained down manna for 40 years for them!
Continuing — The burning bush and Samson’s strength were both supernaturally done! Not to mention the coin in the fish’s mouth that Peter caught. — The widow’s son came back from the dead. (Luke 7:11-15) — Lazarus came forth. (John 11:43-44) —And the one they will never be able to explain. Even Pagan Rome recorded the incident (Matt 27:52-5 3) —Praise Him forever The eternal Lord Jesus lives! Scoffers are one more prophetic sign that the age is ending! — How will modern science explain this? Wherein Jesus gave Satan power to show him the kingdom of the world in a moment of time (Luke 4:5) — Or after the resurrection when Jesus walked through the walls to talk with His disciples! Instead of confusing how He worked the miracles they should seek salvation and how to escape the snare that is coming up on this world even now! — We could go on and on, but the wonders of the Lord are without end the Bible says! Take courage the angels of the Lord surround us and all things are possible to him that believeth.
1997 bad moon rising — and worsening through ecliptic moments through 1999- 2000. Comets coming; asteroids and star fragments falling! Heavenly signs of every kind and in every way as disaster fills the world. The cup of iniquity is overflowing! The elect should be preparing to leave soon! The moon is symbolic of the church. This means the church systems will worsen and even the fundamentals. The elect will be wise and more spiritual! It also covers every facet of world events including society and nature! Evil sun is setting over the nation! — Satan is on the loose! The snare has already been set for the nations! Soon the lamb will speak like a dragon at the appointed time. This nation will be caught in a trap too!
Prophetic hour — The time of all things is at hand! As the elect are changed and caught up in a twinkling of an eye; the final casting down of Satan will occur to take his position on earth through the beast. Scores of things are already forerunning this like some of the false lights in the heavens, etc. —This scripture will shortly take place: Rev. 12:12, “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” — Also the good lights of the angels and the Lord are appearing! Luke 21:11, reveals there is much yet to appear in the future!
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