HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 247

Prophetic Scrolls 247

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The god of forces — We know in ancient history Egypt, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans worshiped nature and the god of forces like lightning, thunder, and volcano eruptions; the winds, 4 elements and etc. The past in a far greater way is coming back into our future only in a different and greater way! — But in his estate shall he (the anti-Christ) honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not. (Dan. 11:38) — Again in this manner through modern technology using man’s inventions, by electronics through special effects like magic they are able to create a fantasy world. Not only this but through a thousand different ways including digital, laser and computer! They are now using magnet waves, they are even using laser with an atomic power. Just like the Scripts said they would finally use different light rays! Now by a combination of lasers they can x-ray the body without any harm like the regular x-rays sometimes cause! (We will add more in a moment.)

Continuing prophecy — Some Christians may think they have a lot more time, but not so. God told me in one year between now and end of this century the whole world will be completely altered and changed! “Also Jesus said, in an hour ye think not!” Bad moon rising from 1997 on has proven absolutely accurate and will be from henceforth. 1997 started off with the worst northwest floods seen since they can ever remember! Howling arctic cold wind and snow broke all records! Society is changing and prophecies are moving so swiftly that people can hardly keep up with them as the News media reports what’s happening! Incredible changes in leaderships will take place in most parts of the world before the century ends. By then the snare that has been spoken of will begin to take its forceful effect upon the nations! If you ever wanted to do anything for God you had better do it now. The midnight clock is striking zero hour! What a joyous and yet catastrophic period is rushing toward the population!

Significant signs – Science will reach a zenith in the years ahead including the most deadly weapons in the sea, air and ground! Besides society use, they have discovered a little bitty chip that they can plant under the skin in checking the blood and urine and find out what’s wrong with a person in a matter of minutes instead of having to wait days to get the results! This will be associated to the mark of the beast. Throughout the Old Testament they worshiped the god Bel and we know God gives us a clue. In our day, bell is connected to the telephone and especially electronics. According to one major company they trust to put wireless cellular phones in 190 million homes before the century ends and by satellite worldwide! Also this will be used by the anti-Christ who will be worshipped over T V Satellite. — Plus electronic radar computer controlled highways and planes! Knowledge will increase faster than the public can keep up with. “Jesus is near. In a moment in a twinkling of an eye we will be gone!” Think about it.

The dimensional spirit — The anti-Christ appears as a 3rd dimensional personage! Then after the Satanic prince enters him out of the pit he becomes similar to a 4th dimensional personage by doing all kinds of lying signs and wonders! Actually simulating appearances and disappearances as the world wonders after him! (In this manner, he tries to appear like Jesus) — They will be worshipping him and he will be exalting himself above all gods. (Dan. 11:36 – II Thess. 2:4 — Rev. 13:12) This covers illusion and science miracles! This still includes the god of forces, atomic, electronics, laser, and etc. Note: Science has invented a 3rd dimensional digital camera that takes picture, but uses no film. Also man is building space stations already like Russia and etc. The USA also before the century ends wants to land robotics on Mars. The ancients always associated Mars as the heavenly body concerning the god of war, strife and turmoil. This I know by prophecy foreshadows war and tumults before the year 1999 and greater ones after! By 1999, the population will understand what has been written on the Scripts. Let us pray for we will be gone in a twinkling of an eye soon! Also Jesus allowed Satan to show Him the kingdoms of the world in a moment’s time. It was visionary or in some other channel of future time! Men are trying to discover these secrets today. “The answer is, we the saints will be in it, it is the Translation passing from this time into eternity!”

Light rays and forces — prophecy fulfilling — As predicted man has learned to use and harness electromagnetic rays (or waves) that surround the earth and that are in the air and have connected them to people‘s brain which have a small amount of these charges any way. The scientists on the news gave top priority to what the people said. They feel a presence in the room like angels or like someone touching them; a high utopia. They said it was akin to another world. The scientists also said they could cure pain and other brain cell damage. Remember Satan appears as an angel of light in wizardry. And as we said, the Bible said he would use the god of forces! They are going in to fantastic realms where angels fear to tread. (Scripts predicted these forces, special effects fantasy, new light rays). Prophetic footnote: Science over the news said they begin to see the sun, moon, heavenly bodies and constellations have an influence upon the earth concerning the nature, even sometimes quakes, weather, ocean currents and so forth. In all of this they noticed the magnetic waves, lightning and other aspects. Read Luke 21:25 — Ps.19, Job:38:31) This subject is very deep and will have to be written on another Script. The Scripts have already predicted the wars and crises of 1997. Watch, many more unexpected, exploding events are on their way.

Prophetic view — One night I saw roots coming up and the Lord revealed to me that the roots of this nation are dying! That’s the youth. This is the last generation the next one is the millennium. Pray for revival for our young people a few have a chance! Crime, drugs, alcoholism, immorality, cults and false religion is taking its total. Just as Jesus spoke, upon His return, practically the whole world is naked, wretched and blind! It’s over!

Reprint: prophetic numericals — A remarkable foresight paralleling divine providence and something interesting! Neal Frisby birth sign. — Born the 7th month, July 23, 1933. If we took time to explain the events surrounding each 7 years it would take up too much space. “But we will project the dates and important events that happened around each 7 years and often new beginnings concerning the U.S.A. and world!” — 1933… There were world shaking changes including the president’s action and etc. — 1940, War looms! —1947-48, Israel became a nation! — “Gifts and former rain started!”—1954, So many events from that point on we cannot list. — 1960-61, My ministry! — (60’s Kennedy years and his assassination.) — 1967-68, The old city Jerusalem fell into the hands of Israel. — 1975, Just before and after powerful things occurred, presidential, Nixon-Ford, etc. — 1982, “New beginnings everywhere!” — 1989, Time Curve! Soviet Union and Berlin wall fell. — 1996, the great outpouring predicted on the Psalms Scroll (#187). People rejoiced in the former and latter rain! — 2003, The whole world will be in a completely new era that has never been seen before! — We have just compiled ten 7’s added to the year 1933. — My opinion is the Lord could come between now 1996, forward! — “The world is headed for the most incredible and perilous times in history before the century ends and a little later!” — 10 is the ordinal number of completion and starting anew! Note: 1933-40, The first 7 years after my birth was the rise of Adolph Hitler and World War II. — The last 7 years 1996-2003 should be the nearing of a world dictator and another catastrophic war! (Armageddon) — There will be no mystery about him by the year 2000, he will be totally in the open!

Continuing — If we add one more 7 it would make it 2010. But 11 sevens show dissention and division, shows it’s all over with for it cannot fit. Plus 11 sevens (or 77 years) add this to the birth sign 1933 is 2010. Already The Most Holy one (Jesus) already is anointed in Jerusalem and my opinion is they are well into the Millennium already and the Temple. The whole world has already been transformed into a total new era! This is our century and we could leave at any time! We are going to have the greatest problems from now on that we have ever seen, but 1999-2000 will begin to start the most perilous and catastrophic troubles and problems that this world has seen in 6000 years! Ozone layers will break up! This world is headed for more than fire balls and asteroids. Much more could be said, but take my word. Just prepare now! “His elect shall leave swiftly in a flash of lightning!” (This generation).

Scroll #247

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