Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The last twilight — While we are living in the most joyous times ever for the elect yet tremendous devastating changes and events are just ahead for the earth! “The utmost importance now is the message of salvation, deliverance and telling the masses of the soon return of Jesus!”— Our Scripts and messages has had an amazing effect on the fundamental ministries and those on T.V. — Most are declaring now that the age is definitely ending and we must work and run swiftly in every way that we can to witness! “Signs are all around us!” — The NASA Hubble Telescope has just seen pictures in the heavens that they said were incredible, a majestic sight they say and wonders never seen before! — “Also in our galaxy, God has been doing some incredible warnings and celestial prophecies to the earth! Not only an age of electronics and wonders, but of fulfillment above and below concerning God’s Word.” — When I put it all together it spells out some dramatic events concerning Israel, USA and of course many other nations! 1999 and the year 2000 will send shock waves all over the globe concerning prophetic events and the day’s bewilderment. (More later)
The sun and the moon — Just as the earth and sea is giving forth prophecies concerning the 4 elements of nature; the celestial above is forecasting ending of Church Age and the beginning of Great Tribulation! Besides the most mysterious and unusual Comet ever seen in 1997, as predicted other events also have been occurring since 1996 onward. — A Messianic Jew began to take note of what I knew to and here is what he said. “Since 1996 on each holy day an eclipse has been taking place and right on up until now (May 1997) — 3 eclipses have taken place (3 over Israel) and September 17, 1997, one more will take place! This is significant for Israel and will concern the world. These eclipses covered Israel and the Middle East, and yet other eclipses have taken place over the world and etc. Watch out! It is sending signals for the rest of the century! I have already written that 1998 will be a year to remember! The Scripts were correct about 1997, bad moon rising — about weather, nature, society and etc.
Jesus said, fragments from heaven would fall — The past will definitely come back into the earth’s future and will worsen past the year 2000. — Rev. 6:13. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. — Here is an article: Occasionally, the earth in its circuit about the sun meets an unusually large swarm of meteors. We then witness a brilliant shower of falling stars. The most notable one in history appeared in 1833 on the night of November 12-13. Beginning before midnight, the meteors increased in frequency until they were as thick as snowflakes. Bells tolled and frightened sinners prayed, believing all the world was about to come to an end. In the morning all was serene, and it is to be feared that many of the sudden “penitents” reverted to their old ways. Prophecy informs us that there is to be another star shower just before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord (Rev. 6:12-17). Other signs in the heaven such as the darkening of the sun and the moon shall cause the impenitent inhabitants of the earth to be filled with panic and to cry, “to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Rev. 6:16-17).
Continuing — These signs above will progress and advance throughout the century and through the Great Tribulation and until the Day of the Lord in His last indignation. Scientists now claim that larger asteroids will fall. (Smaller ones have already hit). The Armed Forces are already measuring ways with nuclear devices on how to break them up! They had better watch out, they might create a Scripture similar to this. Rev. 8:7, The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. — Read verses 8-10 — Nevertheless poisonous star fragments and burning asteroids are coming besides the ones that are mentioned! Atomic War will occur and with ultimate modern weapons! “Finally the cities of the nations will flatten out through the world’s greatest earthquakes and the axis tilt” — It’s good to be in the arms of Jesus in the times we live in! It will all end and all these things will take place in this generation! God loves you! Praise Him!
The Almighty speaks – Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. (Isa 44:6) – Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no Saviour. (Isa. 43.10- l1) — That pretty well sums up who He is as Isa. 9:6 explains! — Behold I come quickly! (Read I Thess. 4:16) —As science says the universes are continually expanding! He is our great Creator! His promises to return is nearing!
Reprint — events of the past — Was there a pre-Adamic civilization? … If so, is it for a sign? — “Along with other Scriptures it is certain from Isa. 14:12-15 — Ezek. 28:11-17, Lucifer was ruler of an earthly kingdom long before Adam! — And Satan’s reign existed during this time measure between Gen. 1:1 and verse 2! — Although Jer. 4:23-26 was speaking of two things, he definitely wrote of some type of prehistoric age! — He said the earth was void, and no man; it has not been that way since the gap in Gen. 1:2!” (Read Isa. 24:1) — “After this cataclysmic destruction, restoration was necessary!” (Gen. 1:28) — “For God told Adam to replenish the earth! Meaning something else was there beforehand! — Also the restoration was spoken of as six days and the seventh day God rested! — But when you take in both the first creation and the restoration days it speaks of it as being done in ‘generations’ of time!” (Gen. 2:4) — “Satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom was destroyed and evidently the great ice age void came between the gap we spoke about and the creating of Adam! — We find out that Ezek. 28:13, reveals Satan had been in some type of Eden of God before he was cast out! — He was called the cherub that covereth, and that he was once on the Holy Mountain of God! (This was not where Adam’s Eden was at!)… And that he walked up and down in the midst of stones of fire! — The wording, stones of fire, is symbolic of angels! It could have been ‘fiery chariots’ with angels in them, like Ezek. Chap. 1 speaks of! — Evidently God’s ‘celestial chariots’ were flanked before the throne and Satan in dramatic awe walked between them! — Elijah, the prophet, was visited by one!” (II Kings 2:11) — Ezek. 28:16, “reveals that Satan was ‘cast out’ of the mountain of God!” But now let us get back to the subject! “Where was Satan’s earthly kingdom? — Some say they have found this lost continent that was destroyed. — They call it Lucifer’s Pre-Adamic Kingdom! … Proof of this ancient legend was supposed to have been confirmed in 1977! — Underwater explorers found beneath the sea a highly developed ancient civilization of ruins! … This is near what they call the Devil’s Triangle off the coast of Florida!” — “They found a huge capped Pyramid underwater! Satan’s attempt to usurp God’s coming Headstone. Christ! — The explorers said it looked like a cataclysmic destruction had hit the place! They saw pillar carvings of an advanced civilization! — Shown on T.V., this underwater explorer found a crystal ball inside the Pyramid, which he said he took out of two carved-looking hands that had been holding it!… When they put heavy metal over the top of the ball, the steel floated away from it! — They were able to film some of the scenes underwater and you could see what was left of some ancient buildings and stones! — Many strange things happen in this area… some have seen strange eerie lights going in and out of the water, some say it is Satan’s UFO s still visiting the area! — It is said a compass needle in this area points towards the ‘North Star’ instead of the North Pole! Why? — Evidently Satan still wants to be like the Most High!” (Isa. 14:13-14) — “Many call this occultic area, the lost civilization of Atlantis! Whatever it was called it was believed to be Satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom that God destroyed!”— “If what they found is true, then this is ‘a sign of Jesus’ returning very soon! — There are many more strange events associated to this sign that we may possibly write of later, but time will tell of this discovery off of the coast of Florida!”
Update — On a science news broadcast shown May 21, 1997, with new equipment, they went down and found this lost civilization! They found perfect roads under the sea and other unusual craftsmanship work. Evidently after Satan fled from the North the demons or those who had fallen with him worshiped him or a Satanic prince and built some kind of imitation Paradise! — “And God overthrew it and sunk this smaller continent, probably in a volcanic earthquake or asteroid!” This reminds us that Satan is about to come down and take over the nations in false worship! And once more God will cause geological upheavals all over the world including the North and South Poles! Gigantic changes! — “He actually twists the face of the earth and prepares for the Millennium!”
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