Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Behold new things arriving — This old world is passing away into a new era! Just as the Scripts predicted technology is causing a total drastic change. “A new world union will finally come. A new order will come out of International crisis of all sorts!” — According to all facets of life and nature we have not seen nothing yet. Between now and the end of the century the earth is going to take a turn about in such a way not even conceived in the mind of those who do not know the future! Plus some volatile and explosive situations. 1998 more exposure, gossip and especially the beginning of the greatest delusion and deception ever seen! As foretold one can see the world has gone mad in radical thinking and unusual type of pleasure! “Finally this age will pass away into a total new beginning as they anoint the Most Holy in the Millennium!” — But first will come nuclear and bombing terrorists, sexual orgies, crime, violence and catastrophic quakes, weather and signs from heaven! And we are nearing the Great Tribulation! Soon the scarlet prince will step forth. — “And we are entering closer to the Translation!” — So technology and inventions will bring on a revolutionary system! — Be prepared and pray daily!”
Continuing prophecy- God’s angels are coming and going like flashes of light bringing in the elect harvest, and in our homes watching over all. For some very momentous times are just on the horizon — “Jesus will not allow the elect to be swept away into false doctrine, cults and hellish hearsay!” — Remember satan is the accuser of the brethren and will try to make many think that they are unworthy! But shout the victory and praise the Lord you can not be defeated! “Behold, Jesus is right beside you and will supply your needs and give you loving care!”
The fallen church and survivors — Delilah the sizzling lustful harlot betrays and seduced the mighty Samson, a type of the church into a fallen position! Caught off guard by Delilah symbolic of the wicked church. In the middle of apostasy and outpouring the lukewarm churches are in the midst. There are those who are just about ready to get their hair cut (clipped) by the harlot church system! Like Samson they will be naked, wretched and blind before God! (Rev. 3:14-17) — But some like Samson during the Tribulation will escape at the very end! Although he died others also will give their lives for their faith. — The Jezebel spirit is reaching into Pentecostal circles right back into Babylon. (Rev. 2:20-22) — These old spirits is becoming futuristic as they come together again! The temptation of the system will cause them to fall, but the elect will not be deceived!
The sun prophecies and facts foretell — us of the things to come! Science has found out that the sun is giving out some very significant information! — NASA sent up a satellite advanced telescope and saw new pictures of the sun. (Aug. 1997) It’s now taking pictures and they saw great rivers of gases and huge explosions of magnetic shock waves sending energy throughout the galaxy. They were able then to figure out the sun spots manifestations! They said the sun had a great affect on the weather on our earth (The Scripts have already predicted the 11 year cycle.) They believe the cycle period reaches its worst point by the ending of the century. — Jesus foretold of signs in the sun (Read Luke 21:25) and it gives a perfect view of what is ahead! — There will be eclipses and celestial phenomenon in 1998. — In 1999 great star showers and unusual planetary movements. Plus the year 2000 a total continental eclipse it is said, and May 5, 2000, a grand alignment of heavenly bodies! — March 1999 two planets shift, 250 year cycle completed, forewarning of great civilization changes!
Continuing important celestial wonders — I myself have already written of these heavenly events, but I will quote from a converted Messianic Jew his observation and it is a good report.
A Messianic Jew, has done extensive research on the correlation between astronomical events and the Bible. He discovered that a total eclipse of the moon occurred on April 3, 1996, the start of Passover that year. That was followed by another total eclipse September 26, the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles. A 92 percent total eclipse appeared over Jerusalem March 24 of this year, coinciding with Purim. And the total eclipse scheduled for September 17 this year (1997) will take place in the middle of the days of Teshuvah, a time of repentance.
During a recent eclipse, the darkened moon appeared red, which reminded some of an ominous biblical prophecy found in the books of Revelation and Joel.
Besides eclipses, the Hale-Bopp comet has a coincidental connection to the holy days as well. “I discovered also that on the day before the feast of Purim, the comet Hale-Bopp was going to make its closest approach to the Earth. So I said, ‘What’s God trying to do? Here’s this giant comet that’s going to show up and be visible for months before and months afterwards, making its closest and brightest approach on Purim.’ (end quote)
Note: The year ‘98 opens up the last week of February with a total solar eclipse! — One thing for certain the heavens are telling a story and giving warning of the soon coming of Jesus and the beginning of The Great Tribulation! — Luke 21:11, also confirms awesome sights! Also at some point in the future we will be entering the destructive period of earth’s cataclysms!
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