Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophecy leaps forth – The Chinese leader arrived in the USA (Oct. 1997) to talk to Pres. Clinton, and they signed an agreement on trade! — Global Trade is already here! Suddenly Asia is awakening, as the Kings of the East prepare! The Asian trade block is fitting into world development. Japan was a forerunner! “But later Japan will fold up and sink either by atomic fire, great earthquakes or tidal waves in this generation!” The Scripts predicted China would be stirring in the 90’s — it is so! — And the Kings of the East will acquire our technology and later turn right back around and destroy Western Europe and our USA cities! In fact the world will be in a flame of destruction! Watch, many events concerning global conditions are coming! Finally when they all speak peace they will actually be planning war for later! The apocalyptic events are foretold!
2000 and beyond — The earth is soon to enter a Global Empire! It is already prepared underneath. The people are just waiting and this leader will be on the scene by then! He is alive and already maneuvering toward this position of a false dictator. All facets of our society are being deceived into it. The next few years the earth will witness the unbelievable because they are not Word Wise! — “Behold, saith the Lord be alert in all seasons!” Amen. Note: 1999 into 2000 shall be something to behold. — “Let us pray for Translation soon!”
Prophecy fulfilling — Certainly strange events are occurring! Mutation of frogs (by cloning or chemical?) in lakes and ponds in Minnesota and other places! Also, fish up and down the coast line with strange diseases, new diseases and pestilence are being reported and worsening all over the world! — Three great fire balls hit the north west and then a day later the news reported near Nevada a meteorite struck and burnt up a whole field. “The heavens gave forth a warning, an omen of greater explosions to come!” — Also, people have heard strange sounds in the heavens investigated by science! — Ocean currents are warming! Also, a report of sun-spots acting up sending out huge magnetic flares (waves) of energy towards earth. The weather patterns and quakes will greatly increase past the year 2000 — Science media say, we are witnessing more volcanic activity than ever before from the sea and earth.
Continuing immorality and destruction – Ordinary TV was bold enough to release a lesbian program. This Sodom act was generally kept on cable. Strange sexual rites and etc. are plaguing many U.S. cities! — Also unusual type violence and murders! It seems the movie world has gone mad concerning immorals and corruption! — Men too are taking cells God created and are cloning animals! — “Remember God took a rib out of Adam and made Eve.” -This reveals Jesus return is near!
Note: Electronic and new type computers and technology will change the face of earth and society in the next two years! — One man of credible authority looked and saw before or by the year 2007 that the earth was burnt and a waste land. (Joel 2:3) — The Bible says, a prophet saw visions in the night!
Prophecy fulfilling – World out of balance – A teenager in Mississippi killed his mother and then went to school and murdered and wounded many other teenagers! Many said it was connected to a cult. — In some cases parents have been caught killing others including their own children then acting as if something or someone else had done it. Strange types of violence and unexpected unusual events are occurring in satanic sorcery, witchcraft and cults! Not to mention serial killers and the coming dangers of nuclear terrorist! The century will see an increase of all of these events! — On another note, a school teacher (and married mother of four) got pregnant by a 6th grade boy! Her husband was shocked. — Many in the public are doing what Hollywood films depict. Our society has become what films have created! — Just like the porno harlot said on the Internet I am like what America has made me (a harlot) — Our nation is in fantasy and delusion of no return, except those who repent and accept Jesus! — Rev.17:1-5, Babylon is rising higher! — The earth is now ready to receive the great deceiver! — Yet just a little while! — (Like pagan Rome the U.S. is crumbling inside with immorality, collapsing into Babylon, later bringing worldwide destruction!)
The miraculous gospel — And the prophet said Jesus carried away our pain and iniquities lifting the curse of sickness and sin! The believer is living in a marvelous hour! While we see many miracles here at Capstone and in the mail, this one was reported in a regular TV program. — A girl was riding her horse and it suddenly raised forward and quickly, throwing the girl off, but the horse fell on her leg. Later severe pain began to come all over her body! The doctor said it was the type of pain that no type of drugs could help or cure her! — The mother prayed over her for months using the name of Jesus!” — The doctors said there was little hope for her, but the mother continued to pray for her each day! The girl was constantly in agony, but faith worked, her mother’s prayers were answered! —“While she was in bed a voice spoke to the young girl and said rise and stand up! When she did, all pain left and she was healed!” — One nurse said that it was nothing short of a miracle! The doctors are still confounded! “A mother’s love and faith touched the heart of Jesus!” —For His mercy endureth forever!
Various events to unfold – From now and the year 2001 some of the greatest tidal waves will strike the earth! A variety of celestial fragments will also hit the earth scattering fire and panic both land and sea! — 1998 beginning year of greatest deception and delusion of every facet in unexpected ways concerning politics, religion, society, nations etc. — Strange things concerning the sea! — Unexpected breakthrough in medicine, new drugs, along with new plagues and diseases!
Century — The Chinese is building what is said to be the world’s largest dam for industrial use and they know a world food shortage is coming! (Rev. 6:5-8) — 1998-2000 onward major upheavals affecting every nation. (Plus new Religious leader). Awesome events coming earth, sea and sky also — plus years of the unexpected; shock waves for sure. Pray! — The media will have their hands full of earth shaking events. Be Alert!
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