Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophetic insight — This is a different type Scroll for an unusual age! Strange and mysterious events are ahead for this planet. “Forth coming events will be startling and mind boggling to the world!” — Also society will go into another total phase of thinking by century end. — “The age is entering like a mysterious fog of illusion! Only the spiritual eyes of the elect will see through it.” — You might say the end of all things is at hand! — Let us update some current events that are transpiring.
Prophecy continuing — The News said some of the largest merging ever is taking place concerning the Corporations, banks and Insurance companies! Plus underneath church systems are subtly merging together creating Great Babylon! — This would fit perfectly with James 5:3, As rich men heap treasure together to enslave (mark) the nation! And the previous verses shows atomic war follows just a little later on! We are at the stage (1998) where the former and latter rain has come together as the Lord is ready to come! (Vr. 7) — “Praise Him! What a prophecy!” — Even the media reveals it. Note: As the earth crosses the century there will be International crisis preparing for a new false system and etc. Even now World Trade forms. (Rev. 18) — Read other literature.
Now we see dimensional prophecy — This has a double meaning, but it has been couched in mystery for thousands of years! — I was going to give a message at the Temple here concerning the face of the serpent, but decided to write it later. In Rev. 12:5, we see the first fruits elect suddenly caught up and the seed left went into Great Tribulation! And it says they fled from the (face) of the serpent (vr. 14) — One way to look at this modern technology. — Vice Pres. Al Gore wanted the USA to put up a special satellite in the heavens watching the earth 24 hours day and night! They have other types up there now and later will have even newer ones! — Note: Face, means image. So these eyes of the serpent (satan) through the satellite can scan day and night the places that the Tribulation Saints flee. It said from the face of the serpent! So unless God protects them they will be located and killed for their testimony! Evidently many perish in various countries. The dictator’s troops will be everywhere as the satellite locates the rest of the seed of the sun clothed woman. He will use the new inventions and electronics for subtle purposes and controlling the masses!
Miracles are real — On another note we will print something of joy and happiness! — This creative miracle took place in a strange and unusual way. This was confirmed, they showed it on a regular program! — “The parents give birth to a lovely little baby, but its liver was not functioning. And the doctors said in this type that there was nothing they could do. So they took the baby home and the mother would take and hold the baby by day and the father would hold it by night as they took turns waiting for it to die. Soon it stopped feeding. The doctor came by and told them the baby had about one more day to live, so they hoped and prayed. — Now here is something incredible! One of their brother-in-laws said he started to go to bed about 9 p.m. and as he lay down he suddenly heard a distinct voice that said go pray for your brother’s baby. He said he just laid there and the voice said again tomorrow will be too late. So he went over that night and he told his brother can I hold the baby alone? He prayed for the little baby, turned around and handed it to them, but said nothing about the voice at that time, and he went home. They noticed quickly that the baby started nursing again, death subsided and color came into him! Doctors checked him and were dumbfounded because God had given him a complete new liver! The man who prayed told them he was not a hero, he just obeyed the voice of God!” — He was just an ordinary person like you or someone else who has faith. God is moving in strange and marvelous ways. Don’t under estimate your faith! Who knows you could pray for someone in your family and an amazing miracle take place! We are near Jesus return! Shout the victory!
Presidential significance — Several things are going to happen concerning the White House or presidency by the year 2000. We may be seeing the beginning of this now. Nevertheless this is a reprint from a letter years ago and later from a Scroll. And we quote:
Presidential prophecy and other events — “Events are so erratic, often sudden surprise bringing swift changes!” — So we will list what any president could face in office or coming into office!(In 90’s) The scenario outline, one could leave office, be defeated, ousted, die, run part term (or not continue all of second) or one could continue a complete term, forced out by crises or be assassinated! — Because the presidential (20 yr) cycle was broken by Reagan’s recovery, a president could die at any time, but the next presidential cycle by assassination, or death occurs in the years 1999-2000! — And of course the last leader will become the character ruler of force! — “Will appear as a lamb, but will go out as a dragon!”.. .This leader will seem to have a feeling for the people at first, and seems to have the heart-beat or pulse of what the population wants and carries it out. Also is admired by the masses, but all will end in disaster! — The new world order is just beginning of something that will occur later by a leader!” — (A new social order, economics, political and religious) etc. Note: “This president will be charismatic and could be either a Protestant or Catholic!.. .But he will turn out to be a charismatic deceiver!.. .Looks normal at first, but sudden changes will occur! Watch and pray!” — (For more information read latter part of Scr. #199) — Note: (After the year 2001 civilization will start entering the stages of destruction and later the final climaxing!
Illusion or truth — This may be a futuristic alerting sign to the elect. These amazing and unusual events occurred and were seen by a little girl. We won’t take sides but describe it only to reveal a purpose! Her parents moved into a certain neighborhood and certain people who had long passed away came up to the girl and talked to her and played with her in a swing and became friends with her! She described what they looked like and so forth and when they brought out pictures she could pick them out and they had already passed away years before! She was checked by ministers and scientists and they said she was gifted to definitely see in the unseen world. Her father and mother didn’t know what to think about it, but they knew she was telling the truth. The ones she had spoken had once been church going, one was a Sunday School teacher. They were very gentle, kind and nice. — But then one night a different type demon shadow tried to scare her showing the other side of demon powers! It did occur wither by illusion or reality. Did the Lord allow this for a divine reason, and why? In I Thess. 4:16, It says the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then it says we will remain with them for a moment or for a while. And then we which are alive will be caught up together to meet them in the air. (Vr. 17) Because the coming of the Lord is getting nearer this may be a preview of what could happen to the body of Christ as all members unite together for the Translation. — And surely the demons of darkness will be left behind. Noah was given a warning, Abraham was given a warning, prophets gave a warning of the first coming of Christ. And all through the Scriptures God gave the things that were to appear! We could mention many other things and etc. Remember this Scripture – Matt. 27:52- 53 — The girl’s encounter is very interesting and we should take note because soon the real event, the return of Jesus, will definitely occur!
Natures fury — The year 1998 started off just exactly as predicted! News reported strong powerful winds and tornadoes in the country sides and cities! “Some described it as like a nuclear blast passing through! Some depicted it as death, hell and destruction!” Killer quakes are occurring and all will increase! A strange year as predicted. More mysterious events touching every facet of life, society, nature violence and etc. — Watch and pray!
Great hope and faith ahead — “In the midst of this that we spoke of, you will see a great shining light to the elect. A tremendous restoration, a quick short harvest work is on the horizon! — It will be like joy in the morning. His cloud of glory will cover the elect and they will be gone!”
Scroll #259