HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 260

Prophetic Scrolls 260

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Deep mysterious dimensions —Satan was created in the ultimate light machine! (Ezek. 28:13) — and at the end man will give his identity over to the ultra machine, electronic computer, and etc. The computer and electronics will be the master and man will be the slave (mark) and satan through a dictator will have global control of all nations! As Eve listened to the beast, the world will listen to satan’s dictator! He also honors and controls the god of forces! (Dan. 11:38 – Rev. 13:13-15) —Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17: 1-5) will be in control until destroyed by its own counterpart. (Vr. 16)

Here in is a mystery secret— Rev. 12:12 — (It’s good to remember this again, here is a revelation right out in the open about the time period left and the Translation.) Rev. 12:5 reveals the departure of the saints (man child) and then, let’s read vr. 12, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. -Right away we see here the saints have already been caught up in the heavens and are rejoicing! This definitely depicts the elect are caught up before the mark of the beast is given! As the saints go up satan comes down and controls the world, a false god dictator! Other Scriptures gives us the same truth, the blessed hope of the church as the body of Christ is taken up! It also reveals at that time that satan’s time is shortened and he unleashes his vehemence against those who are left upon the earth and the two witnesses! (Rev. Chap. 11) — Rev. Chap. 12 reveals very significant events! You can read more information in other literature! Anyone with any spiritual sense can look around and see the signs that our time is short to work and witness! “Praise Him forever more for salvation and healing! Rejoice!”

From 1999 through 2003 — Will enter a total new era of changes never seen in 6000 years! Before these dates and afterwards shall be wars, omens, destruction and great upheavals in nature! From Scroll #113, “When children act like men (drink, crime, rape, etc.) and have no correction- And women rise on high and are rulers as men (political, groups, etc.) then witches shall take charge and sorcery shall lead —it shall stand!”- Note: We have all seen over the media the children killing students and wounding many in many parts of the country! The officials are dumbfounded in what to do! Also girls and boys ages 10 and 12 years of age are being used in prostitution right in this nation, also overseas! So young girls are acting like women and boys like men! Plus it stated they are also executing women now for murder! — We see women are in the highest of political offices in the land! “It said it shall stand!” — This has two meanings, one is that the prophecy would not fail and it didn’t! (More information on Scr. #257) — Also the Scripts stated we are entering a dangerous and perilous era never known before! And it will be worse than Gen. Chaps. 6 and 19. — Civilization will be entering a cycle of doom after 1999 and 2003.

The great restoration— There is a powerful influence of the spirit like a cloud moving across the earth! “We are in the midnight cry and the mighty outpouring!” We may now be in the beginning of the quick short work! “We are in the hour of speak the Word only and it shall be done!” So at any moment God could touch you! Be awake spiritually! I’ve never felt the urgency of God’s power so strong on me in my ministry as now! So we are nearing some very very vital and important events of the age! Take note, be alert because on the other hand satan is going forth as a roaring dragon of apostasy! We are living in wicked and days of extreme madness in our society. — Also even Hollywood is releasing motion pictures of great disaster that is to befall the earth, comets, asteroids etc. Even mentioning Armageddon. — T.V. Released natures forces as the violent planet being torn apart. The axis tilt will come! (Amos 8:9 – Rev. 6:14) — Despite all the tragedies forthcoming, God’s angels, lights and spirit is all around His elect and will comfort them! “Keep Him on your mind daily and He will give you peace, and the anointing will help you tremendously. I wrote about dates above and after 2003 civilization will go into a cycle of doom and destruction and evidently a little later on the millennium! God knoweth the right timing! Indeed this is our hour to be ready to depart. Be prepared! My prayers are with you! Amen!

One thousand years of peace or what? — A heavenly phenomenon will occur about the calendar day that summer starts in the year 2002. — A heavenly body will conjunct with another one called the sceptre in the constellation cancer (moon sign). After a calamitous war a king will be anointed and bring peace for a long time! — This prophecy was given over 400 years ago! I took time to arrange it so it could be understood! Some interpreted it as Christ being anointed for the millennium! — “But I believe according to my Scripts that it has to do with events 1999 to possibly 2005 or so!” — The Bible does say a king (the most Holy – Dan. 9:24) will be anointed. But there will be overwhelming events taking place during the period spoken of gigantic magnitude! (Also remember the anti-christ makes promises!) — The prophecy is very mysterious and very intriguing! One thing for certain there will be a thousand years of peace! (Rev. 20:6) — “The elect has been translated long before the millennium starts!” Whatever the outcome let’s just leave this in divine providence and keep our eyes on Jesus soon return! — “Nevertheless the date 2002 from starting of summer through December will be events quite startling!” — Note: I checked it myself and the two heavenly bodies do meet in a certain constellation in the year the prophecy mentioned! And it could have a longer term consequence!

Knowledge increase — Electronics, super technology, science and inventions will revolutionize and make this planet a new place to dwell by 2001, but not for the better! It will worsen into sensuality, pleasure and chaos!

Scroll #260

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