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1 “The Bride of Prophecy“- Behold I will anoint Mine Elect and they shall blossom forth as the flower! And will outshine Solomon in all his glory!! I have watered and now I shall give her more sunlight! (Anointing) For she is ready to bloom! Yea the pen of the Lord has written it!

2  The spiritual impact of this prophetic book(Scroll Message) will inspire the reader to respond to a compelling motivation to endeavor to attain the goal of the overcomer, and lift one to the realms of faith never known before! A profound understanding of the significance of the times and seasons we now live in will be obtained. One will be possessed of a far greater knowledge of the divine plans and purposes of God as supreme crisis of the age deepens. And doubt and confusion will be replaced by confidence. A sense of expectancy will take hold.

3 ATOMIC DESTRUCTION– Yes both England and the USA will be involved in a cataclysmic war with Russia and (Kings of the East). The earth will be burned and few men left! The third figure I saw involved with USA is West Europe. Russia makes truce with the West, but breaks it. Atomic horror follows!

4  PROPHECY AND TEENAGERS– Music will get to a place it will lead teenagers to sex violations. The rhythm will cause then to yield to a lust spirit. It will incite and stir up and cause a mental strain. Also rebellion and riot. Watch how they worship their idol singers. This will help lead to worship the beast and his image. Of course this will involve other things besides music. The connection is found Dan 3:15 (when the music sounded they were ordered to bow to the image!) Future events cast their shadows before.

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5  ANTI-CHRIST– I was shown a religious figure that controls the world and church (As Christ came forth of the anointed church seed (Moses, Joseph, David, Abraham, etc) -The antichrist will come out of the false church seed. (Cain, Babel, Jezebel, Babylon, Roman Catholics) Christ is called(Lamb),False Christ is called (beast) Rev 13:18. 666 is a religious idolatry number associated with gold  2 Chronicle 9:13.

6 JEWS– The Lord showed me one of the next but fatal moves of the Jews. They are working a way to take much silver and gold back to Israel (more than before). Then they will make a covenant with the antichrist, and build their Temple. Watch the news. When the Jews start to build the temple and associate with other religious figures. The rapture is near. Also, they are on the verge of a great discovery. I saw the Pope and Jews in the headlines often.

7 TWO PARTY System– when I entered my Ministry, the Lord told me the USA would change its two party system (This makes way for church and state to unite) ( Around rapture time)

8 CHURCH AND STATE– For some this is hard to see now. But church and state will definitely unite (but not Bride)  One of many causes, money and inner turmoil in the country. Vision is true.

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9 HOLY GHOST OIL AND HEAVEN– The foolish virgins are some other the nominal churches that received salvation, and declared they had the baptism of fire. Another is part of Pentecostals that received the baptism and now have quit praying and praising God  until finally their oil ran out, and begin to stop Jesus from moving in the church. Now there is another group of Pentecostals with oil that want to see and hear God move. These are the (wise) that keep the oil of power and moves with the Word!! Now watch, the foolish virgins with the Jews believed in God also, but rejected the oil of power that was in Jesus, like the foolish virgins did. (Thus saith the Lord!) So you see God has a plan for both, one group will move into the foolish virgins and the other into the Brideship( Before the end time many partners in contact with my Ministry will be filled with the Holy Spirit). Read Rev 7:14, Rev 21:9 and 7:4.

10 MOSES AND ELIJAH– Returning during tribulation as two witnesses. Also, two groups of people are witnesses too- Foolish Virgins- and the 144,000 Jews. How could the Bible say the world saw Jesus coming back, with ten thousands of His saints at the end of tribulation -(Because He first has to rapture them before He can come back with them.) You see the tribulation is a different group. Many prophetic writers are in agreement with this. Two of them W.V Grant and Gordan Lindsay. Rev 11:3 and 10.

11 HEAVEN AND CHURCH– While Paul admonished it is very good to assemble together, now some cannot find a spiritual church in their area that really believe in the Word. If you will set a certain time a day for prayer and Bible reading and are saved, Jesus will accept you. But it’s excellent to have a church home. Then to through hardships and where there’s no preaching, it’s hard to attend. Now the main thing is stay joined to Jesus. If at all possible, go to church.

12 HEAVEN AND DIVORCE– If you were divorced unknowingly before you were saved, then Jesus forgives, But if someone knows different and premeditates and plans to divorce after knowing the truth (then seeks forgiveness) now the Judge of heaven will look at it from a different view point. And then to some people suffering divorce, which was not their doings, but were victims of circumstance. The place the Lord gives them with Him through salvation will be by divine wisdom. God is all wise and will judge accordingly.

13 BRIDE REVIVAL– Yes, it will be quick, powerful and short. Although, many go to church it will be outside religious system. But not too many of the open hearted that go where the system is. It is to the church (Bride) within the church.

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14  SLEEPING CHURCHES– I saw this plain, the dead United Protestant churches unite with Babylon (Catholic) but not the Bride. The next move is first the Protestants all unite, then combine forces with civil power and join the Catholic spirit as one. -They so influence the state they become like Babylon. Then like Israel they will make an agreement with the antichrist system and go through great tribulation with the jews. Vision is positive.

15  MARK OF BEAST– Is when harlot churches unite with Government, then the antichrist system is formed. The mark is to take the word of the religious antichrist and government in place of God’s Word. This will seal their doom, if they do. Also a number will be issued.

                (Scroll 6)

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