Meditate about these things.
Prepare, Act – Matt 24: 32 – 34. We are in the transition period. Most notable sign, the Lord Jesus said, when you see this sign, Jerusalem and Israel becoming a nation, He said the generation that sees this will not pass away till all these things are fulfilled. We are in a transition period now. God said, to Abram, “know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and they shall serve them and they shall afflict them four hundred years,” (Gen. 15: 13). The sojourning of the children of Israel who dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years, (Exodus 12: 40). People are living in a fantasy world, today; but the Lord on the other hand is moving in with His glory. The glories of God are coming upon His people. Isaiah said, the earth is full of the glory of God, (Isaiah 6: 3). I am the Lord, I am the same yesterday, today and forever. The promises of God are infallible. God said I will give you a glorified body and you will live in eternity. Also, the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is infallible, and it is getting close.
The earth is shaking, nature is out of course. The weather patterns are erratic. The droughts are all around the world, the economies are shaky. Perilous times, the seas and the waves roaring. Sons of God are preparing. Get your faith in order, get your house in order. Get the power of God in your life. He has done His part; by the power of the Lord, the Holy Spirit has been poured out. We must do our part. Within us is the energy of the Spirit; the Kingdom of God is within us; the seed of faith that God has planted in each individual.
God wants His people to praise Him, give thanks and to worship Him. As we begin to do all these three, we move on into that energy, and faith begins to grow; creative faith. Luke 8: 22 – 25: Jesus asked the disciples “Where is your faith?” It was a miracle, all of a sudden, everything changed, all the clouds gone, the waves ceased. The disciples turned around and said “What manner of man is this?” God-man. The seas and the waves and all the elements are under His command. And He said, the work I do shall ye do, and greater works than this shall ye do, (John 14: 12). These signs shall follow those that believe, (Mark 16: 16-17). Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and will come back and take you to myself.” But you must be ready too. For those that were ready went in with Him and the door was shut. Too late to act.
God’s power overrules everything. The dead hear His voice and come back to life. Even gravity obeyed Him; He walked on the water and He didn’t sink, (Matt. 14: 24 – 29). Also, in Acts 1: 11, He went up against gravity and two men in white apparel said, this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall come in like manner as ye have seen Him go up into heaven. There is a group of people now that is going to defy gravity; they are going to change and go into another dimension and go in the translation. Everything obeyed Him; He went down to hell and demanded the keys of death and hell, and they were given to Him! And we, by praising Him, worshiping Him, and giving Him thanks shall receive all we ask. All things are possible to him that believeth. So, prepare, “in an hour you think not,” will soon happen: Act now, Prepare, for soon time shall be no more. Then it will be to late to go with Jesus Christ. Are you born again, filled with the Holy Ghost. Christ was born to die for your sins. Think again,
Prepare – Take Action – Week 26