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A lot of true believers are going home, as they sleep in Jesus Christ 036

Meditate about these things.

This message points to all who are in different corners of this earth, getting ready, expecting our change, and journey home to glory. Some are young; some are wrinkled through their journey through this earth. The storms, trials, temptations, encounters with the works of darkness and the elements on earth, have changed the appearance of many. But on our travel home we shall be changed into his likeness. Our present body and life cannot stand our real home. That is why a change is coming, and all who are going on this journey are making themselves ready. To make this journey, there must be expectancy on your part. You can be picked up for this journey anywhere and anytime.
The joy of this journey home is that it will be sudden, fast and powerful. A lot of changes will occur, beyond human comprehension. Study 1st Cor. 15: 51-53 “Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”

The Lord himself will give the shout, the cry, and sound the last trump. These are three distinct steps. The dead in Christ will rise first; only those in Christ and going for the journey will hear theshout,(the former and latter rain messages), cry, (the voice of the Lord that wakes up the dead in Christ) and the last trump (angels gathering the elect from one end of heaven to the other). These people will be changed from mortal to immortal bodies: Death and gravity will be overcome by these people. All nationalities and colors will be there; social, economic, sexual and racial differences will be over, but you must be a true believer. Angels will be involved and those who are translated are equal to angels. When we see the Lord, we shall all be like Him. The clouds will show wonders as we are changed into His Glory, away from earth’s view.
There are many who are asleep in the Lord. All who are dead in Christ are in paradise, but their bodies are in the graves, waiting for their redemption. These are people who accepted Jesus Christ, as their Lord and savior, while alive on earth. Many of these people were looking for the coming of the Lord, but were called out of the earth at God’s appointed time. But they will rise first for the journey home and that is how God has designed it. These brethren slept in Jesus Christ having the faith that in my flesh, I shall see my redeemer. Resurrection requires faith and that faith is resident in the spirit and not the flesh. That is why by faith the dead in Christ Jesus shall rise again at the moment of the translation. They may be asleep but their faith is not asleep. In the spirit in paradise they are confessing their faith for the resurrection. How many do you know are asleep waiting for our journey home? They will rise because they had faith and believed in the resurrection in hope. God will honor their faith.
Here is where the activity is at this time. There are a lot of people working in the Lord’s vineyard, in different parts of the earth. These people are witnessing for the Lord, preaching, fasting, sharing, testifying, groaning in the Holy Ghost, delivering the oppressed, healing and setting the captives free, all in the name of the Lord.

A lot of true believers are going home, as they sleep in Jesus Christ – Week 36


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