“The Lord is really blessing His people and will even reward them more! – But never in all history are people living in such an hour as we live in now! – Every prayer must count for time is shortening. And I foresee and know by the Holy Spirit that the Lord will definitely comfort the people following this vital message who are helping me! – But also it is an hour of important opportunity to work in the time of harvest. What a privilege to live in such a time as this to witness the outpouring and coming of the Lord Jesus!” – “And He will also stand behind His people with a tremendous force of power as never before! The Scriptures and dispensational change confirms it!”

“I feel this letter is definitely personal to each one of my partners who have started with this ministry and remained faithful and, to any who are coming into the ministry, He will definitely abide in anointing and guiding them!” . . . “Behold saith the

Lord, now is the time when the elect church must go forward. My people have been maturing as ‘the wheat’ I spoke about in Matt. 13:30!” . . . “Yea, during the slow growth period from the former rain they are now ready for the latter rain! And then as the sun (anointing) shines upon them they shall ripen unto the final harvest! – Yea, My people are as the full corn in the ear!” – You can read the prophetic corn parable in Mark 4:28-29 . . . “My people have patiently waited for such an hour! (James 5:7) – The cloud of fire is ready to lift and My people must go forward into the Promised Land of the Spirit . . . a place that abounds with the gifts and fruits of the spirit! Yea, to prepare them for translation! Behold, even as the prophet Elijah was carried away; for he knew the time was close and waited and prepared himself; even so shall My people be aware of the nearness and be prepared to be translated in the glory of My Holy Spirit! In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye they all shall be changed in another dimension! They shall rest in the beauty and the eternity of the Lord of Host!” – “Be sure and let thy light shine for in this hour you are called to witness and to hear of these wondrous things! – Yea, I have chosen thee to abide in this prophetic hour and then ye shall enter into rest with the Lord Himself!”

“Yea, the stubble will be burned and the true fruit gathered! – But as the church elect enters its final phase My people will still meet with conflict, for Satan will try to challenge this move of the spirit. He will transform ministers into an angel of light, trying to deceive the very elect, but he shall fail! – And the flame of the Holy Spirit will turn him away and his attention shall be towards his anti-Christ followers! – While Satan is gathering his false ones together and the chaff ones I have blown (sifted) out, the Lord will gather His true believers into one; and as this unity is attained and perfected there will be a greater manifestation of My power than ever before among the true believer! – And lo I will be with them always, even to the end of their work! – Then truly will this saying be fulfilled, ‘the wheat is separated from the tare!’ . . . Amen, we must work and pray together, believe together and leave together with the Lord Jesus! – This is our hour, what a time of rejoicing! Let us be glad!”

“As we can see we have received from the Holy Spirit some vital information concerning the future of His work and we will fit into His plans as a pair of wings fold on an eagle’s back!” – “By divine providence He will guide us with His cloud of fire into the final phase of His harvest of souls!” – “Jesus is like a man who has been on a far journey ready to return. We must watch for Him at all times! (Mark 13:34-37) – Jesus’ coming will be very sudden and unexpected to those not looking for Him!

– It will be during a time of world distress, revolution and famine! . . . It will be preceded by an increase in knowledge and inventions! – It will be during a period of lawlessness; the children will be disobedient to the parents, it will be a time when some long trusted friends and followers will betray the true people and loyal and true ministers, departing from the true body into false doctrine! . . . For it shall surely be in this manner saith the Lord!” (Matt. 24:10) “It will be a time of devilish doctrines and foolish scoffers saying, where is His coming?” – “And yea, I say, behold I come quickly, even as a flash of lightning. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye shall you behold Me with outstretched hands! – Yea, for ye are living in the last times of the Gentiles! – For it is being fulfilled right before your eyes!”

“Here is some further insight concerning the anti-Christ system. I feel the Holy Spirit revealing that the mark, the name and the number of the beast will represent one and the same thing, the diabolical doctrine of the dragon! . . . The mark will be a seal of ownership, it will mean that the ones who take it belong to Satan!” – “For yea, saith the Lord, it is the seal of doom and is for the sons of perdition!” – “And My elect will never receive it! – For in destiny I have provided a way for them to escape with Me!” – “And in another original manner the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit mean one and the same thing! – The Lord Jesus is the head of ALL principality and power! For we will be sealed by His Holy Spirit and will become the children of eternity!” – “Yea, I am going forward with My plans saith the Lord Jesus! – And truly I am separating My people for a special prize that I have promised them! – Yea, and their reward shall be most wonderful! – Be not dismayed nor discouraged for behold I am with thee in a stronger way than ever! Behold, I will restore saith the Lord! (Joel 2:23-28) – “Happy is he that believeth and wise is he that findeth this understanding and acts upon it! – For the Almighty hath declared it so; and it shall surely come to pass! For in everything there is a time and season to bring forth His manifold purpose!”

In Jesus’ glorious work,

Neal Frisby

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