Alert Nuggets


On page 15 of Daniels Series part three this word of wisdom was inserted, “The Lord will allow His people to...
Finally instituting a credit number in the flesh. On the dollar, the eye above the pyramid represents the All-seeing Deity....
The Lord shows me to trap many Pentecostals, Satan devised a clever snare during this revival. During the out pouring...
Electronics, super technology, science and inventions will revolutionize and make this planet a new place to dwell in by 2001,...
The Angelic personage is the angel of the Lord God in the pillar of fire, to me as a messenger...
The signs of the last days are actually over taking the earth. We are leaving twilight soon, darkness is just...
The Lord said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto...
THE GODHEAD REVELATION Behold this is a revelation to my chosen, and those of the world who say it is not...
THE SEPARATING SIGN TO OCCUR Be careful, every Bible reader knows Judas fellowshipped right around the disciples. Jesus said Judas had...
THE ROCK SIGN He has given a witness and sign to the very elect! Israel received great signs coming out of...
This nugget comes from scroll 283 and needs careful study. As you know time is moving faster than any can...
Bro Frisby said, “Jesus told me some incredible and exciting things are in store for the Bride at the end....