Special Writings


“Jesus told us to let not our heart be troubled. He said, My peace I give unto you, My peace...
“Trust you are happy and enjoying the messages. May you have a joyous, very spiritual Merry Christmas and may you...
“Prophecy is alive and fulfilling very rapidly in nature, weather and international events! We see by the news across the...
“What the world needs now is the Lord Jesus and the full force of His anointed power! As we look...
“In this special writing let us touch on prophetic signs and time cycles that the Lord gives throughout the Scriptures....
In Luke 21:11 it says, “great signs shall there be from the heavens!” “This takes in both sides of the...
“This prophetic special writing is about a fascinating important subject! Much has been said lately of the signs occurring in...
“In this special writing we will consider the facts concerning prophecy and the soon return of the Lord Jesus! And...
The mighty angel Gabriel, often called the time angel and visited Daniel and said, thou art greatly beloved! – “Yea, saith...
“The handwriting is on the wall, the nations are being weighed in God’s balances and they come up short concerning...
“All signs point to the closing of the age! – Bible prophecy strongly indicates this! . . . But also...
“In this special writing we will let science and some writers using the dynamics of the human body to reveal...