“In this special writing we will explore some significant facts! Yes indeed, some unusual and fantastic things are occurring and even more incredible as the age is finishing. – What can the elect true believer expect in the future? What cycle are we moving into? We can assuredly predict that we are in the wheat and corn cycle!” (Matt. 13:30 – Mark 4:28-29) – “It says at harvest, he ‘immediately putteth’ in the sickle, a quick short work! – It is the time of the latter rain, and the rainbow dimension of the Elijah power! The double portion, the three-fold power of the 7 lamps of fire anointings!” Zech. 10:1 . . . “In the time of the latter rain He shall make bright clouds

– the type that Ezek. 1:28 depicts! In other words, He will appear in a special personal way to His people and my partners! Joel 2:23, 28 speaks of a great outpouring. I will restore fully saith the Lord!”

“We are entering the realm of infinite possibilities wherein all things are possible to those that believe! (Mark 9:23) – Wherein Jesus said, ‘ask anything in My name and I will do it.’ – The faith dimension of speak the Word only and it shall be done!” (Matt. 8:8) – “In the future we can expect even greater creative miracles of healing, evidently, as well as creative miracles of supply . . . and supernatural movement in bringing prosperity to the believer! . . . This can occur in many different ways. In a real necessity once Jesus even created a coin in a fishes mouth!” (Matt. 17:27) – “And in an emergency He created oil and meal for Elijah and the widow woman! – Remember Jesus created bread for the multitudes; filled a whole net full of fish for the disciples, etc.” – “Jesus said the works that I do, that ye shall do and even greater for our time!” (John 14:12) – “We can predict in the future even more of the raising of the dead in certain cases, as Jesus did so Himself! – We are moving into the mustard seed cycle of the greater faith! Wherein Jesus said, nothing shall be impossible unto you!” (Matt. 17:20)

“We are entering into the dimension of commanding faith, a dominion of power over the enemy! – We can predict more mental and cases of insanity will be healed . . . all types of oppression and possession delivered! It will be like the days of Jesus when He delivered Legion. Jesus gives us power over all the power of demons!” (Luke 10:18-19) – “We are even walking in the realm of power over the elements. Jesus was in the midst of the sea with His disciples and He ceased the storm and immediately the boat was at land! Many Bible students have marveled at this. Because He and the disciples had to transcend time and space into the 4th dimension of faith and power!” (John 6:19-21) – “In a twinkling of an eye, they appeared at shore!” – “Remember Jesus said, The works that I do you shall do, and even greater! – In the future we can expect the elect to be in a position that it can be said, whosoever can have whatsoever he saith!” (Mark 11:22-23) – “Amen! Yes, speak the Word only is upon us!”

In the future the elect will see more of the presence and glories of God along with the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. In the Old and New Testament, believers actually saw the glories and powers of the spirit! . . . They saw the tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost, the glory in Solomon’s Temple, etc. We have actually seen it here and photographed the real presence of the Lord!” . . . “Jesus once said, believe and thou shalt see the glory (presence -clouds)! They not only saw Lazarus raised from the dead, but saw the glory of God!” (John 11:40, 44) – “The coals of fire are now among the people of God doing signs, wonders and miracles! We are in the days like as the shadow of the disciple passed by them, they were healed every one!” (Acts 5:15-16) – “And as many as even touched the garment of Jesus was healed! . . . Also Paul sent out prayer cloths in his day and great miracles took place! – And I can certainly predict that more will be healed through my anointed prayer cloths as we send them out! – Amazing wonders to behold are certainly appearing!”

“I predict in the future the elect will receive more knowledge and wisdom, for we are entering the ‘manifold wisdom’ of the Lord of Hosts! – In other words, sitting in heavenly places under the magnetic cloud preparing them for rapturous flight!” . . . “I would like to denote one other thing. I believe that Jesus will appear in visions to people before His return and that angels will also be seen before the age ends!” – “Now all of this about faith is taking us into translative faith! . . . Jesus one time defied gravity and walked on water. And soon our faith will be so strong we will defy gravity, enter into another dimension, be changed (glorified) and translated away in perfect ecstasy!” . . . “So we see, step by step in this last revival and even in this writing, Jesus is causing ‘faith to grow’ into a final conclusion of the dimension of faith for the translation!”

“We will see In the future great miracles of salvation upon the sinner; a mighty restoration! A compelling force will go into the highways and hedges. . . and people will give their hearts to God where they have never been seen to do so before!” – Jesus said it will be the open door policy! – “And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely!” (Rev. 22:17) – For it says at the end of the age “the spirit and the bride say, come. And those who are athirst will come unto the Lord Jesus!” (Verse 17) – “So we will also see astounding and great miracles of salvation concerning our relatives and friends, etc.!” – “I predict in the future He will move in high places, mid-places, low places, to the rich, to the poor and to all nationalities, etc.” – “Yea, for behold I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Blessed is he that accepts and believeth it!”

“Also along with this great revival I predict that a super and false church will rise over the earth amidst crises, earthquakes, famine and perilous times! – It is near!” – “And the Bible predicts this flaming sorcery whore will be burnt with fire just before Armageddon!” (Rev. 17:16-18) – “And a little while afterwards Commercial Babylon will be destroyed by fire!” (Rev. 18:8-10) – “I have foreseen already the atomic war that will definitely occur in our generation! . . . I predict those who believe this special writing and have faith in the Scriptures will be gone before the desolation takes place!” – “Before I finish, I predict by the spirit that some Pentecostal organizations will tie themselves into a knot that they cannot untie and will go through the Great Tribulation along with the other foolish virgins!” (Matt. 25) – “Indeed it is good to know the whole truth and to have complete faith in the Lord Jesus! . . .

Through this ministry He is revealing Himself to the elect.” . . . “Yea, for the wise will understand and be blessed!”

In His abundant love and blessings,

Neal Frisby


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