HomeVideo TranscriptsFAITH BOOSTER #3


Neal Frisby Sermon 

1. Faith Booster, now that’s not faith buster, that’s faith booster Amen!, boosting faith, Now, the way this message came to me, well you can call a Tech if you want to bust them up Amen!. Faith booster was, it’s particles of other messages and I preached along, I think it was on that last message yet, we got so many things in there, I just come back, touched on a few new things and a few things and I kinda put some messages together that I didn’t finish up and by putting them together, as the Lord leads, it’ll boost your faith. it’s a faith booster for tonight and so forth. Now listen to it real close, and we are trying to get some pictures with this too. Now infinite view and knowledge, you know the Bible says tell of His Greatness, tell of the Greatness and mightiness of the Lord and when you begin to reveal His great wonders and His great signs, faith begins to rise. Something automatically, because of the creation. God begins to do because He has spoken it and we will be reading some from the book of Isaiah and He speaks personally in that book, that’s a Bible within a Bible in there. You know just reading something a while back that the Audubon society(a society for the preservation of wildlife especially birds) said, there are about 8,000 or maybe mere, 10,000 different species of birds. Billions of birds populating the whole earth every direction all over this earth, maybe trillions, they said there are a lot,many more birds than there are humans upon this earth, and yet the Lord said, in the Bible not even a sparrow falls without His care; oh My, see, infinite view, infinite knowledge in there. 

2. They say the Monarch butterfly, the one that is so beautiful, will fly 2,000 miles each year to a place that it has never been before to its winter haven. Born somewhere else but yet by some type of instinct scientists are puzzled by it, They say, it’s the most marvelous mystery they have ever seen. It will go for 2,000 miles and appears right there and has never been there before. I tell you, God is a wonder, yet God put something in there to follow nature, some think it’s a magnetic field of the earth that they know just when to get up and just when to go and you know they came out of a cocoon and then they butterfly. Maybe we will show a picture of that as they go, but anyway it’s marvelous and great things of the Lord. Now Job saw God’s greatness, now he(Job) was in a condition, he was believing the Lord the best that he could, he never would lose sight of the Lord. He held onto the Lord and he was in a condition that was deplorable, it was devastating he couldn’t unhitch himself from it. No matter which way he turned, somebody came by with doubt, somebody came by with unbelief or somebody came by with the wrong thing. It seemed that everything turned against him and he was rejected and yet Job held to the Word of God and the Lord appeared to him and the Lord began to talk to him and He (the Lord) told him (Job) of His (the Lord’s) greatness. He spoke to him concerning the great power of the universe. He told him of gravity long before men knew about it; when He spoke of the bands of Orion and the influence of the Pleiades and Octarus and his sons and He began to tell him of all of that, that was in the heavens. Job began to listen to Him (the Lord) how fascinating, and when God began to reveal to him all of His great power, what began to happen. The Bible says, he (Job) gave Him ( the Lord) back his complete faith. It erased any doubt of why he was in that condition and couldn’t get better, he erased it when God talked to him. He returned to normal, he gave all the negative feelings up; and all the feelings of pity that he had upon himself. He let them all go when the Lord began to reveal the secrets of the universe and the secrets of His greatness. Even the hair stood upon Job when the whirlwind of God came by. Also, and when you speak about the greatness of God; the Bible says tell of His greatness, tell of His power, you will inspire somebody, you will lift them up and pretty soon they’re healed by a miracle, next thing you know a doubt has been erased, the negative feelings are gone, a positive hold has taken hold of their minds and mentally they are sound, we have a Great God. 

3. Faith booster, when you talk about the Lord. Now He told Job of the mighty springs that are in the sea. He said, have you ever gone down into the springs of the sea?  That is what scientists are seeing today by the satellites, huge pools that are moving in the depths of the sea. He already told Job about Him. They see them right now, of course we have something similar to that on another tape, and He told him of course about the magnitude and the density of the heavens and so forth, and gravity and all that. Then He said to him did you know that the shadow of death had doors Job? Have you ever been to the shadows of death that have doors, and Job was puzzled again right there. He talked to him right there, and He began to explain. He said to the gates of death, you haven’t been to the gates of death yet, you are right near but you haven’t been there, the Lord began to reveal to him such great wonders. Also many other wonders. He began to talk to him, and Job said, I am ashamed, I don’t know anything that I thought I knew. See, and then he said all of his faith was restored and great power, all of those negative feelings were erased and the doubt. So it’s a wonderful thing. Listen to what the Bible says here, when we talked about it here, Jeremiah 33:3, call unto me, now that’s an effort like you know, call, let it come out of the soul where the deep calls the deep, call unto me and I will answer thee, I know what you need before you call and I will answer thee and shew, show and shew means the same thing and shew thee great, great He said and mighty things which Thou knoweth not, I will show you some things you don’t know anything about after you read this Bible three or four times it makes no difference Saith The Lord, I will still show you things you know nothing about, you read it throughout eternity and I will still show you things you know nothing about, Glory to God, Wow!, praise the Lord Jesus. 

4.The Lord Jesus knows it all and He reveals it to us, those that have the faith and power to listen to Him, that’s exactly right, He does. Now Psalms 33:13-14 and we see here, the Lord looketh from the heaven, He beholdeth all the sons of men, that means all at the same time, He can look upon all the souls of men, somebody said you know the trillions of birds, He looks each one of them, not even a sparrow falls, that He don’t knows about it? That’s right, you say we have to have a lot of eyes but He has trillions of eyes, the Holy Spirit is made up of eyes. He has more eyes than He has stars in the universe, cause He’s a massive presence of fire and a massive presence like that, that He can appear and sit on the throne as a majestic figure and yet the fire and flames of His power is all around Him, and He’s in the universe right then, you see the whole universe is inside of Him, His presence and whatever is created still stays in that presence, we have a Mighty God; tell of the greatness Saith the Lord, great and powerful. He beholdeth all the sons of men from where He’s at, everyone at the same time. See, 2nd Chronicles 18:9, now verse 14, from the place of His habitation, He looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Somebody said oh that’s too great for me, David one time said, it is beyond me what the Lord has, it is the state of wisdom and knowledge never known by man and yet it is right there. Listen, as we begin to go in here and we build your faith, it will boost your faith in the power of God. Now watch this and Isaiah 40:12, who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hands, he said He measured them with His hand that’s what it means and meted out the heaven with the span, that’s right, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure. He comprehends the dust of the earth in a measure and weighs the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance. Now you know what that means? That means that the Lord knew and knows right now the exact weight of the earth even in its wearing away, He knows the exact weight of this earth, probably scientists do not know that. He knows the exact weight with the population on this earth from minute to second to second at each birth. He knows exactly the weight of the season of the lakes and water that’s upon this earth, He also knows how much evaporation goes out of the earth and how much evaporation comes down, he (Isaiah) said, in His (God) hand He weighs the water. He’s really powerful, He’s really great. He’s right here with us on this earth. This earth is living and breathing by God, how many of you believe that?

5. You see from the place He looks at all inhabitants, another thing I say He Knows that exact time of each war, He knows the exact population of each nationality upon this earth, whether you’re Indian, Japanese, Chinese, white, black or whatever you are. He knows the exact things, how many of you believe that? It doesn’t make any are Czechoslovakian, Russian, it doesn’t matter. He knew exactly at the tower of Babel. He spans them all nations up and every tongue and every language. He knows all about the exact nationality, to make sure of everything. He knows all that is in the United States. They came from everywhere, every nationality came here and most of them the reason is to hear the word of the Lord. Out of there, of all nationality, He will take Himself a Bride. Isn’t He wonderful? God is great in all of what He does. He knows exactly what He’s doing, so we find out He knows the weight of the earth and all of these things and His knowledge and exact evaporation. Now He knows how much food will be produced per day and per year, and He knows how much won’t be. He knows about the starvation during famines, and the idols that caused it. In all of that, sin crept in and those that rejected the Most High, and unbelief in other false religions across the earth. He knows all about that, He knows when it’s not gonna rain and He knows when it’s going to rain, He knows everything,the time of your birth, it is timed exactly, the doctor say this is late, it will take another two days, well it’s wasn’t another two days and the doctor say it’s gonna take another three days but it will come and God will know the exact moment that child comes forth, whether he lives or dies God knows it. How many of you know that? Or if it’s going to come early, He knows the exact moment of that birth, whether it lives or dies, He knows all these things, He told Job is there anything hidden from the Most High? Is there anything that I don’t know? He talked to him. Now your faith will rise if you listen to me, it’s automatic. It is a faith builder and faith booster because the mightiness of God will come out of man, come in you, if you will open your heart and you will witness miracles. God will be in your life to help you and every move that you make and what you do, the Lord will help you in those movements. Constantly believing in Him steadfastly, systematically believing all the time in the Lord, He knows the exact moment of death when it occurs. Somebody said, I thought that person would be dead 10 years ago, they are still walking around. God didn’t say it, man did. Somebody said why is that person there after all they’ve been through in their life? You know, and sometimes these people are healed too, and God gives them longer life and says that, and they are living on. But God knows the exact moment that you come , He knows the exact moment of each passing away, no matter if it’s murder, no matter if it’s suicide, no matter what it is, He knows all those things. Yeah and more than that, saith the Lord before it happened, oh My! You know what that is? That is Providence, predestination there, He knows the beginning before it ever occurs, the Lord knows. He talked about all the eyes that see everything, and His great knowledge and great wisdom. Did you know first God sees it gonna be, here it comes after, that’s one witness, but He can’t judge the earth on that one witness. He said in the mouth of two witnesses a matter shall be established, I saw it once go through, He doesn’t ever have to look again or any other way, anytime, He already knows all things. He knows His elect, He knows the stars, He knows everything, but after that He said, He sitteth upon the circle of the earth, looked upon everything upon the earth. He knows everything that’s going on and He watches it through. It comes back through again, that’s your second witness, you will come to see me at the throne then. Now do you see He knows the believers and unbelievers yes sir. He knows all about that, and the third witness are the angels, He’s got three witnesses isn’t He really great? How many of you believe that tonight? 

6. Oh somebody said, see, how does faith come? By preaching it right like it is, making God real. How in the world can you ever receive faith if they take it (The Word) and water it down. If they take and mix it up with tradition and mix it up and kind of pass it from the power of God and the anointing of God. How in the world are you gonna have any faith to go into Translation, Or even get out of here? You are not going to get out of here, you’ve got to have the same type of Faith that Jesus said, and put it right down there, same type that John said. The Axe is laid against the tree, let it fall where it may, there it is, you can’t get it any other way. You’ll be a robber and a thief, there’s no other way that you can get in or get anything, it’s by Faith. It’s impossible to please God, but by faith, and you can’t ignore His greatness, you can’t ignore His mighty power, you can’t ignore all of His sovereignty, He’s infiniteness, no one can ignore it. Just look into the heavens at night with a telescope, and go deeper and deeper and deeper into His great knowledge and time zones into the infinite. God is really great, He’ll build your faith. So we find out the exact birth of all things as stars, He knows them by names, He knows them by numbers, He knows every one of them, He knows how many stars they are by number. He knows the elect by number, they’re all in His book. He knows all of that, He knows the size of hell, He knows the size of heaven, He knows the Holy city and the dimensions of the Holy City, how many of you believe all of that? Listen to this, after measuring out in the balance, who had directed, in Verse 13, Isaiah 40 , who had directed the Spirit of the Lord or being His counselor had taught Him, who can teach Him?He told Job, who can tell me anything, Saith the Lord. With whom took He counsel, who instructed Him? Who taught Him in the path of judgment? Who taught Him Knowledge and shewed Him the way of understanding, who did all these things? No one, no one can do it, I know of no other God He said, not even Jesus tells Him anything or anything because they’re both together as one, how many of you believe that right ?

7. Then He says behold the nations are as a drop of a bucket. You can put all of the nations in one drop in a bucket. He is really, that cancer ought to be gone by now, that tumor ought to be getting on out here, because I’m bringing this faith toward those kinds of spirits and those kinds of sicknesses are not gonna stay around this. They either get healed or they depart themselves both together, but they are not gonna stay where His powers and glory are at, Hallelujah! Can’t you understand faith and power? Jesus says Amen! What have we to do with thee, they (demons) said, and fled because of the power of the Lord. And when I woke up, how He said shut up, that was a demon though, not the way you people are shouting in joys and victories and so forth. We’re on TV now, so it’s kinda right to, if you want to shout, if you don’t want to it’s okay, but nevertheless, Jesus knew which was what and what was going on there. 

8. Now He knew His calling and He knew also the predestination of His calling. Now the nation’s bucket, He counted them as a small dust of a balance, behold He taketh up the aisles as a fair little thing. He just takes up an aisle as a fair little thing, infinite expansion is what He is and Lebanon is not sufficient to even burn. If one starts a fire for Him, it ain’t even sufficient, for the whole country to start a fire they said, and nor the beast thereof sufficient for a burn offering If you really wanna do what is right to the Lord, there isn’t enough of them as a burnt offering, you say isn’t that great? I thought He’s walked in Jesus, that’s right. He didn’t walk in you like that, but all that presence in the universe, and all that presence in His glory and the infiniteness is still there too, Oh my! Ask saith the Lord and ye shall receive, everyone that asketh receiveth. He knows everything, doesn’t He? Amen! Call unto me and I will show you the great and mighty things that thou knowest not of, Oh! in the night visions and the dreams and the prophecy and the Word and in the Bible, I will show you these things, how great He is. Now we get along down through here, and He counts them and all nations before Him as nothing, they are counted to Him less than nothing, and vanity. Some of them will never be worth anything, He already knows that (they’re) less than nothing but the Elect, if you read the Bible the Apple of His eye, the Elect are very Valuable. The Elect are very vital, they speak of the Living God, they are part of God, they have the power of the Spirit of God within them, they are the believer, they are the ones that build faith and power. Well He said they’re (nations) less than nothing, now if you wanna argue with Isaiah and the Lord, that’s right in this book of Isaiah He (the Lord) talks Himself; make no mistake about it, the Everlasting Father talks Himself in Isaiah 9:6 did you ever read it. Make no mistake about it here, and it goes on through there. Now listen to this right here, as we’re going down through here, now He’s talking about His greatness, His power and so forth. It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth; now listen to this right here, He sits upon the circle of the earth. If you ever see the earth from a satellite from way up, it’s just a round ball. He’s up there like that satellite and the whole earth turns, (will show you a picture) and He’s right above there and somehow it’s just like a little globe in His hand: and with all their minds that He’s got, He knows everything. He said, listen to the rest here, it is He (God) that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants of the earth are as grasshoppers. Now he sees them running back and forth to the going up and in planes back and down, jumping up and down, coming up and here, coming up and past there, He knows all about that. How many of you believe that?. 

9. Now, because you know now, He can use different things but uses that and the heavens. He said He stretches out, now stretching means the universe is constantly expanding in speed of light, the scientist (says) that’s going on like that whole galaxy, as we’re seething out here, where He put us here. He described to Job how we’re hanging on nothing, He said, and how that centrifugal forces for a certain speed and the pulling of the gravitational field set up pulling against one another and stayed there. He started explaining gravity, it took thousands of years before scientists ever knew what it was. He stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, you ever go home and pull your curtain like that, that’s the whole heavens. Great, tell of all the greatness of the Lord, it says in the Bible there. He stretches that curtain out like that, and just like you stretch your curtain out, the whole heaven. He spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in, you say what does that mean? Well, you know the little pup tent you go hunting and so forth like that, well that’s how big heaven is to Him. It gets up when you get in it, and yet they can’t find the end of it, but it ain’t big enough for Him, Oh my! Now He can form Himself down in the present surrounding all of that, and walk in Jesus, sit out in there with Abraham, or stand by the door and talk to you Amen! It’s exactly right, His wonders are great, the very fact that He can condense everything down like He does. He comes in a ball or blue light or red fire in a pillar of fire the same way, but that doesn’t take away from the magnitude of His presence, which cannot be numbered. It is so far and so dense and so deep and so forth, and so full of power and knowledge. It cannot be, it is an impossibility to number with man, it runs into infinite, it can’t be numbered, see. So it said, and it occurred and just spread it there, He bringeth the princes to nothing, and they can become nothing overnight, we see the Old Testament, how that happened there. He maketh the judges of the earth as vanity, their knowledge is backwards to him. He can do all of those things there, then He says here, He says, to whom then will you liken Me or shall I be equal; who in the world can we liken God to? Or who in the world could be equal to Him. He’s trying to talk to the people that have any questions. He’s trying to bring this question to see if you can answer them here, saith the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, behold, who has created these things that bringeth out their host by number. He calls them all by their names and the greatness of his might. He knows the number of them all, how many of you believe this right here? We’re getting down here to something in just a moment. 

10. Now we’ll come back to that in just a moment here, now the Bible says He knows the infinite second of the translation, I said the infinite second, that’s beyond our second of time, He knows the infinite second of the translation, and it’s getting closer Saith the Lord all the time, you’re moving towards it. You know we’re not going back, we’re moving right towards that and we are coming right into it. He knows the exact time of the tribulation, the exact time of the rising of the antichrist powers. He knows all of that, He knows the infinite moment of what is going to take place with the atomic in Chicago, Detroit, New York, whatever it would be. He knows the infinite moment that’s going to take place. In the Bible Revelation 16, there will be at one time on the earth, it says, at the end when the axis changes again and the convulsions of the whole earth shake back and forth. It will be the world’s greatest quake in Revelation 16, towards the end of chapters. He knows the exact time that He’s gonna set that off. He knows all about it. See California is waiting out here for a tragedy, a disaster like a sword hanging over the head, day and night out there for all of that’s going on. All the narcotics, everything is happening there, and at the exact second of time infinite, He knows when that will break and some of the greatest earthquakes and largest earthquakes that they have ever been seen in the history of the world will start taking place there. But that’s only omens of some great ones that will come all over the world, it is omens of one of the greatest that will finally shake and when it does the earth will reel back and forth like a drunk man. God will begin to fix it up, so it goes towards the millennium at the end of

Armageddon and when it does then will be the world’s greatest quakes. And the cities of the nations just all crumble just like you just see some buildings coming down. It says the cities of the nations fall, wow! What a Great God. They couldn’t do that with all the power they have. He shook it like that. He knows where every one of those faults are, the San Andreas fault. He knows the fault that runs through every nation. He knows the faults have already been preset. He knows in the ocean underneath, the plates are moving right now and they’re heading for a cataclysmic jolts that’s going to hit California, and some other places in the United States and down in Mexico: also places where we wrote some other things will take place. He knows where a continental shelf lays in there and is moving and when He gets ready, you talk about a continental movement, a worldwide international movement of quakes in Revelation 16; in Revelation 6:12, gone down through there in Revelation 16 towards the end of the chapter, this whole world has never seen anything what is going to take place. All these earthquakes that look so large and so powerful right now, these are just sinister omens of things that are going to come in a grand scale, such that they’ve never seen before. There will be places open up in this earth much larger than the Grand Canyon of Arizona, before it gets finished. When God gets through this we’re gonna be on a new planet. I can tell you that when He gets to it, did you know on this planet, there’s been fire on this planet, that God redone this thing several times; even during the great creation of time and the fallen Lucifer and so forth like that. Fire and ice, and ice Age and so forth like that, that God did and changed it in many different ways. And it’s been changed through time in different ways. They’re already finding it out but looking way up high and I will tell you it will be changed and when it does, it will be a new heaven and a new earth. I mean He knows all the exact moments. Now, if you knew all of those secrets, He’s the only One that knows when that translation is gonna take place, that’s exactly right. 

11. He (Lord Jesus) doesn’t care much what they know about other things but He’s got that (time of Translation) hidden. They did like to know about the time of it, He’s got all of that down, it’s close to the empty infinite moment, it’s beyond our Timing, He knows the last Gentile prophet, major prophet that will come to His people. He knows all about that, how the rejection or how that they will receive it. And the knowledge and the power and the wisdom, He knows and all of the others that He sends and all of the power and the Elect and those that are come. He knows the last ones that leave this earth without dying, each name oh put your hands in My hands saith the Lord. Who can you liken unto me? He’s talking to you this morning. Faith booster , faith builder, if they don’t build your faith, I don’t know what I can do for you, saith the Lord. Right, yeah, the infinite moment He’s got it right there, the exact moment, you know. He knows the exact moment that Israel will talk to the false prince that comes to them. The man cannot say one word, that he doesn’t have a time, the first word that comes out when they make the covenant, that’s exactly right. He knows the moment that the true witness in Revelation 3:14, will step out. The Ancient of time that had not been seen will be there. God in all of His power He knows all about that, He knows of all the visitation of lights, satanic lights and Godly lights that are coming up on this earth. He knows all of those things that Ezekiel saw, everything that’s coming and going. He’s really great in his power, so He says this, lift up your eyes on high and look, look at all these things that I’ve (the Lord) made, and many other things created that you have never seen. But those who are chosen and believe shall see a multitude of new things, signs and wonders isn’t that wonderful?

How many of you believe all that?

12. Now look, we’re going to head to this right here; right now all these things, there is nothing and if you ever watch in all of his kingdom, the instinct of the animal, the way, the marvelous ways that the migration takes place, the way the whole earth is moving, the way the rain, the way the sun moves and all of that, you know, let me bring this in. Where the Lord sitteth, He sitteth upon the circle of the earth and watches the inhabitants below. He sitteth upon the circle. We will show that the astronauts came back and one of them explained that by sitting upon the circle of the earth that’s up for gravity. Where they’re not in gravity and more, and the earth is spinning real fast and they’re sitting in one place up there no gravity, no gravity and they look out their window and they see a sunset and a sunrise, a new sunset a new rise, to them they think every 90 minutes but you can’t do that down here but the earth is turning see, and they’re sitting way up above here, so they see the sunrise and to them it’s like a new sunrise and new sunset but it’s not, but that’s the way it is. They see the sun again every 90 minutes and go down and come up, God is really great. He sitteth up there, how many of you believe that? Among other places that He’s at, He’s very mysterious and a habitation. He sitteth upon the circle of the earth and watches it, and all of His eyes and so forth like that. 

Now, knowing all of this, who calleth them all, knows every one of them. Now this begins to tell us the greatness of the Lord. Job then when he couldn’t get in and he couldn’t help himself in any fashion or form; he couldn’t unhinge himself, he couldn’t extricate or whatever you wanna call it, and get away from  his situation when he was sitting on ashes: yet God and his great mercy moved towards him, with all of that power. Then He began to tell a sermon that I’m preaching here this morning. He began to reach out with it and then He clarified some things with Job. He told Job you know, the earth wasn’t just square or you walk flat across it, it’s hanging on nothing, (Job 26:7); Job does that solve your problem? The Bible said it hangeth on nothing, centrifugal force and gravity is like our faith is, just staying out there. He sets his laws and holds it together there. He says,so all of these build faith. Job’s faith began to grow and as we know his life was lengthened, restored back, it was restored back ,all that he had lost such greatness came upon him after that. So Saith The Lord believe and it shall be restored, and will reveal things and He will lengthen your life, how many of you believe that? He’s Great. 

13. Now, see, watch this right here; now we’re in Isaiah 40:31 all of that was said, so we can get right down to this right here, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Now this is after He sitteth upon the circle of the earth, called all the stars out by name, knows them all by number and who can you equal Him with, you can’t equal Him with anybody, then the next verse down in here before the chapter ends He sums it up, that’s for us right now, at the end of the age to take advantage. As we preach this sermon our faith begins to get more powerful and the faith of the Lord begins to build into translative faith and all: we can hardly stay on the ground, we have got to go. It’s in the same chapter as He told us all of, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagle. Here we are coming to the end of the age, we’re gonna fly away in that translation, They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, O! such strength, such rest, such refreshing, such power is coming again. It will be restored, in that Latter rain will come as the Former rain, then comes as the Latter rain to bring that renewing back one more time again, both together it is a new thing indeed, two rains at the same time. 

14.Why? most certainly it is, they shall run and not be wearing and even if they walk they shall not faint, how many of you believe that’s on that chapter after revealing all of this. We know those verses are depicted as help for those at the very end of the age , this verse can help them all through the ages, but right at the end of the age the verse that we just read there about the renewing of power and renewing of strength, like the eagles: and when they fly and so forth like that, and not be weary, we’ve always known that that’s God’s word to his Elect. The last people on this earth shall receive that, the strength and the power from that. So we find out how great the Lord God is, Jeremiah 33:3, call unto me now saith the Lord and I will answer thee, in a positive manner, in a great way, see and surely I will reveal and open up things and doors that you have never seen before: and shew thee great things and mighty things which thou knoweth not, and have no way of knowing unless I reveal them to you, that’s Him (The Lord) talking that, pure Scripture. 15. Psalms 33:13, The Lord looketh from heaven, He beholdeth all the sons of men, from the place of his habitation. He looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth. He knows it all, how great He is, how powerful He is, and He foreknowing every individual face, foreknowing everybody that should come, our hands are in good hands. God has everything under His control, I don’t care how but a while satan runs, I don’t care which way that satan is acting up out there, or what satan says through different scientists, and so forth like that, it doesn’t make any difference or how many weapons that they’re creating out there. They had to explode that they’ve never seen before coming into the scene, it doesn’t make anything difference, God has everything, who can you liken to me? Peace I’ve given to you, see, He has everything in His hands and when you’re in His hands, you are in the hands that measured the water of the earth, that measured the earth, and He said I know the exact weight of the whole earth, oh My! What a God, give the Lord a handclap! We’re going up here. Amen

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