HomeSpecial WritingsFAITH – DIVINE PROVIDENCE 014


This is a special letter concerning Scriptures of what the Lord is and will do for you personally! – “Is it God’s will to heal you? Yes, definitely!” (Ps. 103:3) In the commission, Jesus commanded it to be done. I Cor. 2:4-5 Paul said, “in the demonstration and power of the spirit and not in man’s wisdom!” – “We should be doers of the Word and not hearers only!” – James 1:22. And those that do, the Lord likened them to a house built on a rock! (St. Matt. 7:24) “He built Capstone on a rock giving us a very example of the Biblical Scriptures!” – And those who exercise these faith Scriptures below will be happy indeed!

“By faith whatsoever ye desire ye shall have!” (Mark ll:24) “By faith nothing shall be impossible!” (Matt. 19:26) “By faith salvation is yours and you shall go in peace!” (Luke 7:50) “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt!” (Matt. 15:28) – Unlimited abundance! “By faith you can uproot a tree and plant it in the sea! (Luke 17:6) Or even remove any mountain of trouble!” (Mark 11:22-23) Even power over the elements to those with action! – “Those with faith shall see the glory of God!” (St. John 11:40) – “See, Jesus has defeated Satan already for you. You must claim this and act, and steadfast like the house on the rock!” – “Don’t let the winds of doubt, pressure, gossip or any circumstance blow or uproot you away from His promises! Hold in His Rock of Ages!” (Word) – “Jesus gives us authority over all the power of the enemy! (Luke 10:19) And in our day ye shall see and do the greater works!” (St. John 14:12) “And these signs shall follow the action believer!” (Mark 16:17-18) “It is His will to heal!” (St. Matt 8:7) “Healing the sick is to do well!” (Matt. 12:11-12) “Those whom Satan hath bound ought to be delivered! (Luke 13:16) For it is the works of God!” (John 9:4) “Healing of sickness is for the glory of God!” (John 11:4) “Yea, I am close to thee, accept what you will, believe! The power of the Lord is present to heal!” (Luke 5:17) – St. Matt. 8:16-17, “He healed every kind of sickness there is, and He will today!” – Matt 15:30, “He healed all kinds! You can feel the dramatic explosion of God’s power around you now! Accept what you want!”

Notice, here is putting faith into action! – Jesus commanded the man with the withered hand! “Stretch forth thine hand!” (Matt. 12:13) – Action! – To the nobleman, “Go thy way, thy son liveth!” (John 4:50) – One with an infirmity for 38 years, Jesus said, “Wilt thou be made whole?” She said yes! (John 5:6) – To the man born blind, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam!” (St. John 9:7) Denotes action! – In Matt.8:3, “Jesus put forth His hand and healed!” And His hand is put forth on you, believe! – Luke 13:13, “He put His hands on her and immediately she was made straight!” Luke 7:21, “He has power to heal all manner of sickness!” – “Healing restores a merry heart. It will return backsliders to joy! It gives salvation an even more reality! Healing proves the resurrection is an absolute fact and confirms the translation is definitely going to occur!” – When you need to boost your faith read these Scriptures often and act accordingly! And you can also be like this, “According to your faith be it unto you!” (Matt. 9:29)

And now the Holy Spirit inspires me to put this note that was written awhile back for your benefit in this letter of divine providence to you!

In different places the Bible says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he!” (Prov. 23:7) Or, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh!” – Not only do our words build for the present, but they build faith for the future! – A person should think positive promises and not negative feelings! – Heb. 12:1 (latter part of the verse) – “Let us run with patience the race that is set before us!” Prov. 3:5, “We should always trust in the Lord with all our heart and never lean to our own understanding!” – “Here is wisdom, sometimes it may seem like God is not doing His part in bringing things to pass in your life, but His ways are not man’s ways! Our all wise Jesus will accomplish His will!” – It is unreasonable to judge the wisdom of God by the circumstances which surround us! One should praise Him always for every situation and don’t wait until the problem or difficulty is past to praise Him!” – Events are timed! Daniel or Joseph’s release from prison was perfectly timed by the one “who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will!” (Eph. 1:11) – And He will see you through as you trust! – “Positive praise gives honor and is the key to victory in receiving from Jesus!” – “Think success over problems. Think confidence! – Act!” If it’s for prosperity, give. If it’s for healing, accept His Word! – Do all these things and you can face the trials and perilous times ahead for the nations! – “Jesus will protect and keep you!” Rom. 11:33 reveals “the depths of His riches, wisdom and knowledge and how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!”

Potentials of faith unlimited – “All things are possible to Him that believeth! Acteth!” (Mark 9:23) – “There is plenty of power for those who ask and walk with it positive and accordingly!” (Acts 2:4) – “The Bible is full of even more promises, but this is enough to lead you in stronger confidence!”

Jesus love and bless you real good,

Neal Frisby


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