Neal Frisby video sermon November. 22 1981
1. Profound Promises, almost every page of the Bible is a promise of some kind. Profound Promises are promises to those who follow Jesus. Listen to this, “He shall have the Light of Life”, how many of you believe that? He is right there with you too. Sometimes you may not be able to see it, maybe you haven’t seen it yet but it is there. “He shall have the Light of Life”, meaning in John 8:12, you will have a Guide, and that guide will be the Lord Jesus and He will take you step by step. Then it says this, He shall have Eternal Life, those are bold and those statements are true. John 10:17-18, “Shall find his life”. And how often have you heard in Hollywood and different places, or television news or anywhere else and in your daily life, somebody saying ” I’m trying to find my life, see? That’s impossible, you can only find your life through “The Lord Jesus Christ”. He has fixed the human body, it is either Him(The Lord Jesus) or nothing. Amen! . How many of you believe that tonight?. He shall find his life, let him deny himself first, then he shall find his life, it’s that wonderful? And take up his cross and follow Jesus, that’s Mathew 6:24-25. Shall find his life, that’s wonderful. Not trying to criticize those people for trying to find something but the shortcut is “The Lord Jesus Christ.” Deny yourself, you got Him, Amen! He’s right there, repent He’s right there to find you.
2. “Shall have Treasures in Heaven”, isn’t that wonderful? You know you may work all your life on this earth, like I have often said, one time or another, the only thing you’re going to take with you is the souls that you have, but somewhere or another have got converted to the Lord Jesus Christ either by your prayers or by your finance or whatever it is, that will follow you into Eternity, isn’t that wonderful? What a reward, and He says it right here , “Shall have treasures in Heaven ” Mathew 10:21. Shall have a hundredfold this time! What blessings of the Lord and in the world to come Eternal life. You can not get ahead of that (Mark 10:29-30)
3. “Shall be fishers of men”, these are promises too ” Follow Me”, Now listen to that statement “follow me” Now that means through the Word, the only way you are going to follow Him. And I will make you…….. If you follow that Word of God enough, He will make you fishers of men, that means He will force it upon you if you follow the Word of God right, isn’t that wonderful? How many of you have already seen in your life that this happened to you many times? That’s right. He says follow me but you just do that, that’s (Mathew 4:19), and shall have honor and so forth, even from Heaven the Holy Spirit (John 12:26).
4. Promises of “The Bread of Life”, the Bread of Life giveth, bread giveth Life unto the world and that “Bread” Is “The Lord Jesus Christ” (John 6:32). He that eateth shall never hunger, now that’s spiritual, and it is talking about spiritual things “I Am The Bread of Life”, see Satan is nothing but a rock or a stone or something in difference from the Lord, how many of you believe that too? He will break you too tough, how many of you are still with me tonight? But I Am the Bread of Life and that’s Eternal, and that’s Eternal Bread “I Am the Bread of Life”, he that cometh to me shall in no wise hunger and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst, that
means Eternity after Eternity, Eternity and eternity, that’s (John 6:35). All the spiritual benefits beyond most mortal conception to believe, is Ours for the asking, it is wonderful.
5. ” Shall Live Forever” I’ll tell that to the world and I don’t care who they are, “shall Live forever” In eternity. This life has a time limit, you come like flashes of light upon this earth and you leave in flashes of light and you make your decision one way or the other and whatever decision you make will ring in eternity and I believe my decision will be the Lord Jesus Christ, and that’s what it’s going to be, shall live forever “shall have eternal Life” In case you didn’t catch the other forever, He comes back around and says Eternal, shall have eternal life (John 6:54). Wonderful promises “shall dwell in the Lord Jesus ” And He shall be with him (John 6:56). Shall Live by Jesus, shall be with Him there and that’s (John 6:57).
6. “Promises of the Resurrection” And He’s going to come back over in different ways. Those of the resurrection of the Just shall be recompensed, they shall be, listen to this, But when you make a feast, call the poor, the lame and the blind, that’s your Revival 1947-48, great outpouring came by the gifts and the power of the Holy Spirit, this is double type of prophecy here. And thou shall be blessed for they can not recompense thee , for thou shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the Just ( Luke 14:13-14) . You shall be, and all the crusades and all the revivals that we have, by helping those people with the gifts and power of the Lord, there will be a reward in Heaven for the spiritual things that are done. The bible says, they shall die no more, there’s impossibility for you to die no more. After you give your heart to the Lord Jesus, you may pass through this body, you may die in that manner but eternally speaking and spiritually speaking you live forever at the resurrection or on the translation with the Lord Jessus Christ. “Shall die no more”(Luke 20:35-36). “Shall live unto God”, these are promises, for all live unto Him (Luke 20:37-38). We have there, shall be quickened by The Son (Jesus), He will quicken you as you believe Him with all of your heart and then shall be a part in the resurrection of Life. Marvel not about, don’t wonder about this, don’t be amazed by this, don’t be startled, Jesus said, it’s an everyday thing for miracles and the eternal spirit that’s within me to perform these for you, nothing to the Lord, but to the human it is. He said marvel not of this, for the hour is coming and which all that are in the grave shall hear His voice when He cries out and shall come forth, they that have done good. Now this particular time that He’s speaking covers the resurrection clear on through the Millennium and the White Throne when they all come forth everything, the sea gives up its dead, you say My lands, how are they (elements and the dead) going to do that? Nothing is ever destroyed according to what science can tell you, you can get rid of it. Anyway God got everything spiritually numbered, He knows exactly where everything is at and when He calls it (creations) has to obey that voice because He is more than a mortal man or scientist. He is beyond anything we have heard about. There it is, so it says here, and should come forth, they that have done good to the resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28-29).These promises both ways are true, to those He has promised eternal life also those others He gave them another promise and that’s the Damnation for those not listening to the Word. If you believe in Him, He shall in no wise cast you out, He wants you to have faith in His Word, He wants you to have faith in Him. He will in no wise cast anybody out, this is real, shall be raised up at the last day, in case anybody just stumbles into one or two of those promises, coming in many different directions there. I shall raise him up at the last day (John 6:44), though dead yet shall he live, we have the translation where God will take people out at the end of the world, at the end of the age, everyone is read about it, Revelation 4, talks about the Open Door into Heaven and then He doesn’t allow just for that, but it says this, though you are dead yet shall you live, isn’t that wonderful? Remember when He speaks, all the atoms, all of what major bodies, the unseen have to come back to that command when it was first spoken, it will come back again, and He will do it. Though dead yet shall he live (John 11:25) we’ve got that.
7. Then Promises of The work of The Holy Spirit, these are all profound promises for every individual, not only in this television audience but every individual in this audience and throughout the world that is able to take a step of faith, the Holy Spirit will reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, He will reprove the hearts that are open , He will bring them immediately to the Lord Jesus Christ, I know of no agent known to man that can work on the individual as the Holy Spirit can work, none can work like He works, if you have been observing and watching the wonders of The Lord and I have seen people that are bound, mental problem, oppressed and completely just losing their minds nearly, one touch I’ve seen like a flash of light across their face, I’ve watched them as they relax, as something has departed from them and they felt something going on inside them, it is the aiding of the Holy Spirit, not only did He reprove them, He saved them, He touched them, He healed them, and many times baptizes them, isn’t that wonderful? That’s the power of the Holy Spirit that we have there and He will do that, (John 16:8). The Holy Spirit is the source of “The New Birth”, there can be no new birth, there can be no way you can become converted but by the Holy Spirit. This one am going to read here, The wind bloweth where it listeth and wheresoever it wants to go and wheresoever the heart is open and thou heareth the sound thereof, here, He’s moving, you see there’s a sound, Revelation 10, it says “The days of the Voice and the sound when the Angel begins to sound and the Voice of God brings forth the message and the Holy Spirit here says, thou heareth the sound thereof and you see them getting saved and the heirs of salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit moving upon them and says here, heareth the sound thereof but can not tell whence it cometh but you can see it active. You see the work, miracle exploding, God healing the sick, the Lord moving across the earth, it’s just like the wind, you are unable to tell from which direction or how that is occurring but it is occuring just like wind blowing in the trees, you might not know anything, but you know that something is blowing in the air and it is in the trees, from whence it cometh or whether it goeth you do not know. So is everyone that is born of the spirit of God (John 3:8), and when you are converted, the wind of the Holy Spirit, He is choosing, coming to you, coming, wooing, moving by the Holy Spirit, you do not exactly know from which direction or where He came from, but you know He came from Heaven, He is Heavenly thing, but just like the wind all of a sudden the work was complete and by the measure of faith, each person has that measure of faith in their heart, they may have covered it up through negativism and so forth like that but that measure is a gift. It is given to each one, it’s there, I am not saying you have the gift of healing or the gift of miracle but even the gift of Christ is a measure of the Spirit given unto you. A measure of faith given to you and the Bible says it is given to them without measure, the power of the Holy Spirit so with this little measure that you have, great exploits can be performed. If people only realize what kind of power that’s within them, ready to get loose to make you fishers of men, to cause you to pray and to shake Nations, causing the people to come to God not only in this Nation but all Nations, faith moves the hand of God and at the end of the age, He will have a certain individuals and He knows in His heart, they will have faith and they will pray and He will shake kingdoms for the power of God, it is going to take place. So we see that, and so when you were saved, He bloweth, He came as it is the time for Him to come by your way; and begins His blowing that we have there and so we see, He shall quicken the believer, it is the Spirit that acteth and quickeneth, the flesh, it profit you nothing if you listen to it (flesh), the Word that I speak unto you they are Spirit. Now if you know the spirit of God you can feel the anointing coming over this microphone in this television set. You can feel the power of God as it’s moving, I can feel it in my body vibrating and the anointing to heal and to bless and to bring back to God or to get you deeper in your salvation and deeper in the Holy Spirit, it is there and they are spirit,see and they are Life, we have that. He quickens the believers, for My Words they are Spirit and they are Life. There is Life in the Word of God, and when it is presented by a strong anointing, by the power, it is just like an atmosphere of electric current in the air, people just reach out and they are healed by the power of the Lord, we have that. Then the Holy Spirit, these are promises of the Holy Spirit, there are so many promises of the Holy Spirit that you could preach all night long nearly. By the promise of the Holy Spirit if you take each one and collaborate it with the rest of the Bible bringing that promise of the Old Testament and the New Testament together, it’s incredible. The Holy Spirit shall testify of The Lord Jesus and talk about Him and He is the Spirit of Truth and when He comes He will testify of Me (John 15:26).
8. He shall Teach you All things, if you have anything to know, or you want to know anything. He will teach you all things and somebody says, “well I wish He would teach me, how have you been in these services out here? do you see the Holy Spirit teaching each time in the services; bringing something, sometimes it’s old, sometimes it is new, but He is blending it together, so He shall teach you all things, and I believe none other than the Holy Spirit is the genuine, genius and the One that will bring what you need to know. How many of you believe it in your hearts? Can you say Amen! Tonight to that?. It is wonderful, and shall teach you all things that you want to know. It is wonderful, shall guide into all Truth, He shall guide you into all Truth, He will never lead you into a lie, lead you off away from the Word of God, but He always leads alongside that Word of God, and the Word of God is right within Him. You won’t get into trouble, nobody will, hold to the Word of The Lord and by the anointing power, you know many miracles are performed, we have on recording, on radio recording, on tape, television. Everyway we have those miracles recorded that the Lord did, I never tell the people to just believe me because that I’m working a miracle, that’s fine: it will help the people and they see the miracles and it’s miraculous. But I would rather that people follow me because of the anointing that’s associated with the Word, there’s the sign, can you say Amen!? The other is the gift and it comes to show and confirms the anointing, it confirms the Word of promises, but you listen to the anointed Word and it has to have the anointing and it has to be coupled with the Word of God. What is it? It is very potent, it is very powerful, then you have true repentance in the heart, true miracles of the Lord , then things come from the Lord in a greater way. You can have it mixed up, have it watered down, you can bring it any way you want to, the Best way is the anointed Word to confirm the miracles of God, isn’t that wonderful? Because at the end of the age, some can get misled if they just watch miracles, you got to watch the Word of God and you got to watch the anointing with that word, and coupled all three together. It is very potent and powerful, miracles, the Word of God with the anointing is very powerful. And we have that, then it says here, He is the Great Comforter too, shall teach you all things, shall guide you into all truth that we just got through (John 16:13).
9. “Shall give power to the witnesses”, somebody said Oh if I could just…… You have it, you have power to witness, power, that’s positive, power that is determined, He is giving power, shall give power to witness; the Bible says, but ye shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you. The Holy Ghost says here, and ye shall be witness unto Me, both in Jerusalem and in Judea, all of it, and Samaria and unto the utmost part of the earth, you see electronic satellite going unto the utmost part of the earth and the Gospel is going to be preached from one end of heaven to the other and one end of the earth to another and then He will say “Come up hither” We will see the translation but this gospel shall be preached in all the earth and right now by electronic, it can happen in a very short period of time. We are living in the 1970’s the decade of the 80’s might bring this in, many people that…., I don’t have time to get into those prophecies tonight but in the decade of the 80’s , that’s is the hour, and this is the hour for every evangelists, every layman, everyone that is a Christian in one way or the other, this is your hour, this is the time to pray and to act and to believe, you will never have another time like this. The decade of the 80’s, how far will it go on, only God knows, but it is our time. The harvest is ripe, He is getting ready to do something, He’s going to bring revival, He’s going to bring it to His people, you watch and see just before He sweeps them into the kingdom of God. Revival is coming, a great sound of revival rain, the stirring of the wind in the Mulberry trees. He gives you the time, His determined time in scale rule they called it “Fixed time”. He has the event timed, they’re coming one by one and can not come any sooner or later but He brings them just like the Messiah came right on time, He came exactly four hundred.., I believe it was four hundred and eighty- three years (483 years) in exact prophecy of the seventy weeks which is seven years per week of Daniel and He came right on time, have they (Israel) had known the old Testament and studied the book of Daniel from the heart and not the head, they would have known He was the Messiah when He came, because He hit right on time. The events all through the scripture are predetermined, many of those events fall just exactly. You have wars, you have peace, you have revival, you have this, you have sins, you have apostasy, everything is lining up, some ages were idolatry, the next age swept with revivals, there are sometime providential things that the Lord does, other things He allows to go on but His hands are on all of it and He is watching there. And so we see, power to witness to the utmost part of the world, we are going to get in, so in the 80’s , with all these events, we see perilous times ahead, and I can stand here for a moment and begin to relate the events that are going to take place that is just ahead of us, that’s on another recordings, and it’s also in books, in scrolls, prophetic scrolls and so forth like that. I can guarantee you one thing, any of you that believe in your heart just a little and you come out to Capstone Cathedral at Tatum and Shea Boulevard, there is a miracle for you, how many of you believe that? Amen!. Cancers , tumors, it makes no difference, whatever you need to be created, God will create vertebrates, put a long hand, it is the power of the Lord, I boast not of myself but the Lord Jesus Christ, I can do all things the Bible says. How many of you believe that tonight? We are headed for revival and in the 80’s, He will pour out waves of revival and at the same time, at the same time He begins to do these, simultaneously there will be apostasy, lukewarmness, He spues them out: But on the other side there will be the type of the Philadelphia church, Revelation 3, gives you the whole story in there, you see the ages coming together, coming on out there and a great outpouring to those with an open heart, and when the midnight cry is given, the wise will wake up, the Bride is already awakened, she ( the bride) is giving that Voice, we are nearing the time the bride will depart. It’s time for Him to say the midnight hour, “Go ye out to meet Him” Are you ready? Such an hour as this? Mine what a time just ahead of us to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the utmost parts of the earth, electronic publishing, you name it, let the Lord do it, He will do it. He is making plans. He is going to bring the people to the Word of God and give a great explosion of revival. He will bless His people, how many of you believe that? That’s prophecy coming out of my heart and He’s going to bless, He’s going to guide, He’s going to bless, He’s going to guide, He’s going to lead, He’s going to fill, He’s going to quicken, He’s going to be with you, He will not forsake you, He will not leave you, He’s with you, sometimes, people sometimes go by feelings, you know, don’t ever do that, go by faith in the word of God. You will have tests, you will have your trials, but note I will never forsake you. He’s witnessing to you tonight, come on into the power of God. He shall give power to witness (Acts 1:8).
10. “Promise of Jesus presence”, Jesus to be with the believers unto the end of the age, no where you can escape it, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. You know tonight, the hour that we live in, all of these things which came by the Holy Spirit that we have here tonight and He commanded us to listen because this is the Word of the Lord and He says, I commanded you. You know Jesus was kind and He was very sympathetic and of great compassion, He even wept and all of those things but did you know when He wanted something done, He commanded it. How many of you believe that? They said by what authority does this man speak, with such great power even the seas and the waves obey Him? Through all of His kindness and through all of His compassion, yet that authority lay within Him, and when He commanded that devil, “turn that man loose”; The cripple walked and when He commanded that “hold your peace” in that power,demons came out, He’s real, can you say praise the Lord?
11. And He’s commanding us tonight to observe these things and it says here, He will be with the believers to the end of the age, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world, I am with you. That’s Matthew 28:20, to be in the midst of the believers and in this great revival, He will be right in the midst of the revival, walking in those seven golden candlesticks in Revelation 1, “I Am Alpha and Omega”, ” I Am the A and the Z”, “I Am the Beginning and the End”.There He walks among the seven golden candlesticks in the Sun, communicating in power. There He is and He is coming at the end of the age, right in the middle of the churches (Church ages), the body of Jesus Christ, we don’t go by any names, or go by any system. The body of Christ belongs to Him. His name is stacked on it, ” The Lord Jesus Christ “. How many of you are with us? Leave out independent, leave out any kind of system, just The Lord Jesus Christ is what we need, there is the Body of the Lord. How many of you believe that? I know in Revelation when He came in there, He was standing in them golden candlesticks that was Him. At the end of the age it’s going to emanate from Him, pulsate, the power of God will spread and He will be in the midst, He said, in the midst of the believers, for where two or three are gathered even that many, He says, He will be in the midst of multitude; and in the midst of even two or three gathered in “My Name” (The Lord Jesus Christ), there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). And then He says, He shall come to Comfort the believers. A believer is one that acts on the Word of God, clings to the Word of God, that’s a believer. An unbeliever acts in the negatives , the reverse of that, doesn’t believe, but a believer clings, and a believer acts, and he trusts, and he puts into action and he believes the spoken Word, he believes the power of the Lord and he has faith in his heart. Before his senses even know anything about it, he has it, he has the unseen with him, that’s faith, that’s a substance, it’s powerful. And it says, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you in John 14:8, did you know at the end of the age, as it begins to close out, Daniel predicted that events will happen rapidly. Like a rush, like a flood, it will come in as a flood and suddenly he (Daniel) spoke of an age, like an erratic, a quick age of knowledge. They will dash back and forth, he says, run to and fro as your automotives today by jets and by car and everything that we have there in all of our computers and all of these things today. It is an age of swiftness and so the people are tense. Perilous times are just ahead and we are getting deeper in the age that the world and what’s around the world will oppress. But Jesus has an answer, He will not leave you comfortless and anytime in the world that you need the Lord Jesus Christ, it is right now. He won’t leave you comfortless and I will never forsake, He will give you the strength, He will give you the Spirit in such a way that He will comfort you and give you such confidence and such faith and power that no matter how the world is negative, no matter how they oppress, you will have the Joy of the Lord. He will be with you, even unto the end of the world. He commands us to believe this way, I believe it with my heart and I know this, no matter how they oppress, no matter how the age is erratic, what happens at the end of the age that we see, He will come and build us up with great power. The Sun of Righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings, He will just reach and overshadow us and the power of the Lord will be among His people and He will bless His people, how many of you believe that tonight? Anybody on television, you should be a new person now, just reach up, reach on out and ask Him to touch you. You will be healed, you will be saved by the power of the Lord, it takes an act of Faith, and then it’s there. When the anointing is present and powerful, whether it’s going through television, radio, publication, whatsoever, but when you can see it, and when you know, and you feel it by the power of God, it is very simple, reach up He’s right there. His power is there to heal, to save and to comfort you, let not your heart be troubled, He said, how many of you believe that? You believe in God, He said believe in Me because there’s no confusion because we are all in One, how many of you believe that? And in Unity and in power, He’s the Eternal One. 12. And tonight, He’s the Great healer, the Great physician, He will touch your heart, how many of you can feel the power of the Lord? Beginning to turn, I want you to wave your hands in the audience, and begin to shout, my message is coming to an end, anybody hearing these words, give your hearts to the Lord, ask and you shall receive, the Lord said, knock and it shall be open, to everyone that asketh receiveth, believe it in your heart, reach out and get your healing and salvation. No matter what you need, He’s there to heal you, He’s there to bless you by the power of God. Let’s praise the Lord in the Audience here, wonderful promises “Profound promises of the Lord”.You can not beat it, you know, in one place in the Bible it says (my message is over with but I want to read this here Mathew 22:14) ” Many are called but few are chosen, remember that, we have to witness everywhere, it doesn’t make any difference how many accepts that, that witness goes forth and the Lord will do the choosing. That’s a wonderful part about it, because if we have to do the choosing, we will fail on it, we are not God, because He is sovereign and because He is Eternal, when we witness, He does the choosing by the Holy Spirit and when He does, you can count on it, it will be right, Amen!.