HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic scroll 75

Prophetic scroll 75

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

IN THIS SCROLL WE WILL TAKE IN THE PROPHETIC LITTLE BOOKS often overlooked! “Some events are strange indeed, they are loaded with enlightening mysteries! The little volumes speak of the past, present and future prophecy combined with dual meanings considering our time also!” In Rev. 19: 10, “says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy! And we expect the force of His spirit to anoint this script!” – In Obad. 1 :3-4, “this speaks of the ancient judgment of Edom; but it also leaps forth in our future wherein it says,” – “Though thou exalt thy self as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars thence will I bring thee down saith the Lord.” – “This is your modern space platform that they are going to set in the stars to live in! The ‘eagle’ types the exalted craft!” – “It gets into a race of pride as the age closes!” – “Man will invent death rays, atomic and electrical weapons unheard of, also new type cosmic and laser rays! Men will have a space war at Armageddon!” (Dan. 12:4) shows the keenness coming for super inventions, but they will all be brought down to the ground to be judged! Horrible holocaust! (Zech. 14: 12 – Rev. 18:8). Isa. 30:27-30, “shows the burning anger of the Lord!” 

AMOS. 8:5-6, “THIS OCCURRED IN ANCIENT TIME, but it gives a perfect picture of our age wherein it says, That we may set forth wheat making the Ephah small and the shekel great and falsifying the balances by deceit.” By causing one to give lesser amounts of goods for higher prices. This is exactly what the governments are doing through inflation! – Read verse 6. Verse 9 shows the timing and destruction. – “The anti-christ system and his partners are taking the inflated currency and exchanging it for gold, silver, land and property, heaping up treasures for the last days!” (James 5) – “And it was to occur during our modern age!” Nah. 2:4, “shows it was during the time of the last automobiles! The gold has been stacked up in bars already in storage and they are trying to get the rest stored now; to bring forth a mark by controlling all wealth, food, etc. (Rev. 13:11-18.) State, government controlled world! The Scriptures show how crafty and cunning his system is doing this and then give it over to the man of sin himself!” Isa. 10: 12-16, “It speaks of our day exactly!” “Daniel saw his stout heart and high looks!” – He says, “I’ve robbed (partly by inflation) their treasures, he took the riches of the people like you would gather eggs! And no one even lifted a finger to stop him!” The above paragraph explains how he did it! (Dan. 8:25 – Dan. 11 :38-42, “reveals his immense treasures and diabolical control over all weapons” – “Isa. 10: 16, 17 reveals a burning fire is put upon him as age ends!” Nah. 1: 11, “reveals this wicked counsellor coming forth in this modern and inventive age as seen in first part of Nah. chap. 2 and chap. 3, modern inventions. Shows missiles and tanks, etc.!” – “Atomic missiles, bright sword and glittering spear and multitudes dying all at once!”

THE HOLY SPIRIT UNCTIONS ME TO PUT THIS SCRIPTURE HERE! HAB. 2:2-3, “Write the vision, make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it! (In other words let’s get our work done there is just a short time left!) For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry!” We are in the tarrying time now to get our work done! (Matt. 25) Because in our time all of these events will have taken place plus Matt. 24 and Luke 21. With all prophetic evidence it points to the coming of the Lord before this last generation ends!

THE FIERY FLYING SERPENT – “Now we will place forth some Scriptures that have been very mysterious and let us see if we can bring a revelation from it! It definitely has to do with the evil seed!” Gen. 3:1, 14-15 – Isa.14:29-30, “For out of the serpents, root (seed) shall come forth a cockatrice (adder) and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent! This shows the seed of weapons and inventions of destruction! In other words the ‘very seed’ of the anti christ beast system!” (Rev. 13) – And at the end of the earth by crying peace “he will destroy many!” Isa. 30:1,”They are called a rebellious children!” Verse 6, “again repeats a viper and the fiery flying serpent! Verse 10 reveals they like smooth things rather than the true Word!” We don’t have space to completely elaborate on all the deceit and trouble that this seed can cause! The children of the Lord can speak in tongues and so can this seed imitate it! The children of the Lord can dance before the Lord, and so can this seed try to do the same thing! The Lord’s seed can sing, and so does his seed sing right along! Now here is the difference in the two seeds “The children of the Lord Jesus will take the ‘authority of All His Word’, but ‘the serpent seed’ will not go all the way with the Word of the Lord, but will depart from it in finality!” – “This is not written for the real children to quench the spirit, by all means continue to praise Him and use the gifts! But this is to reveal to some of you who have wondered why, some of those who act like real Christians suddenly depart because the Word of the Lord is brought forth in truth! Remember the anointed Word will reprove and also prove the real seed! And the real seed definitely wants to see Jesus!” – “Even some of the world’s planes look like fiery flying serpents! This evil seed brings on the destruction at Armageddon!” – “This seed welcomes the anti-christ as its head and the true elect will come to its head, The Capstone Head (Jesus) will be translated!’

WHILE ON THIS SUBJECT LET’S GO A STEP FARTHER “While on the one side this serpent seed can be real religious (Rev, 17) and on the other hand it can be of the cruelest evil!” – “Let us bring out a point concerning the children that are being polluted by pornography and debauched films. Also the Los Angeles police reported that certain vile persons are buying children from across the Mexico border through the underworld just for the purpose of murdering them and also in pervasive acts! The L.A. detectives are definitely trying to stop this (the news reports)!” – “Now we can readily see what was meant on Scr. #9 that occurs in finality. Let us reprint it here again (part of Scr. 9). It’s remarkable to see how much has already transpired since written (1967):

“ENTERTAINMENT – SODOMITE SIGN – This is written strictly as a Biblical sign. The ancient orgies of Rome and the persecution will repeat suddenly. Jesus spoke of the pleasure sign. Luke 17:28-29. Soon through films, stage shows, books and music media people will receive a perverted lust, that has slowly been growing through sin, and abundance. Finally people will get so possessed they will pay to watch sex and perversion for entertainment, as a form of madness will control them. They will want this demonstrated before them, actually more than if they were partakers. Morals will mean nothing, to satan’s lecherous and un-principal crowd. Openly contemptuous of all that is good. (This will lead into Sadist spirits that will now appear in the lowest form) and will produce and ask for a weird type of pleasure! (Even that which is against nature) God gives them up! The (LSD Hippies and beatnicks are the beginning and will lead to worse things. Books with pictures of perversion and actual scenes of lust will be bought later as easy as a newspaper. Jesus tells me this will gradually grow until the tribulation where obscene madness takes over, and finally leads to when the people who are left during that time will be submitted to heinous crimes for not obeying the beast 666. The Lord shows me this, they will force women and men who believe in the word to be submitted to perversion acts, and other ways for pleasure of the audience, of the demonic sodomite people for watching pleasure. (Raped, forced to obscene acts, and killed) All this will be done in a profane, blasphemous abominable way. For lack of sanity their chief purpose is torture and degradation. (It will come to pass!) The Bible states there never was a time like this. The nations are preparing for it now. People will be like animals, in unspeakable debauchery, (nudeness will become more popular every day now) because satan rules supreme. ‘Pray saith the Lord that you will be worthy to escape this, for it cometh! I have spoken it and not a man’. (God will take His chosen away) Only the Jews and the foolish virgins who would not accept 1000/0 of God’s word are left. Even then the mercy of the Lord will protect many in hiding. Watch I say lest I find you sleeping! – Finally the extreme picture of this is Zechariah 14:2. Remember at first it comes as an angel of light, like unto God, but is then transformed suddenly to a ferocious beast.”

PLUS SCR. #9 MENTIONS the weather patterns and inventions. Some authorities say the Russians have already invented ways to change the weather patterns and may have tampered with the weather the last few years already! – Years ago in one of my magazine articles I forecast in advance the sound explosions that took place on the west coast towards the east.

Scroll #75

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