Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Signs of the generation — It shall not pass till all be fulfilled! (Matt. 24:33-35) — ‘Our prophecies concerning the Middle East and Arab nations involving the Jews have come to pass! And we can predict with confidence that there is yet more to occur in the Middle East. (See Nov. 1981 Letter) — Israel is God’s prophetic time clock! And has signed a peace treaty with Egypt. But this is not the agreement that will be signed with the anti-christ!” — “It will be a coming separate agreement that is yet to come, and the false prince will probably guarantee them protection from all the Arab countries and Russia!”— “And the false sinner Jew will make a fatal mistake by doing so! (Dan. 9:27). But true Israel will not accept him (the deceiver) as the messiah and God will seal them!” (Rev. 7:4) — “The Lord said He would bring back the Jews and make them a nation! — This definitely occurred in 1948. (Ezek. 11:17). God’s perfect timing! They were to be dispersed until the time of the Gentiles were to be fulfilled! (Luke 21:24) Therefore we know that the Gentiles have practically fulfilled their course if not totally run their time! And the Gentile bride is ‘in a translation period’ waiting for an outpouring and translation!’’ — “The sign of the Jewish Temple is nearing fulfillment! Rev. 11:1-2 clearly indicates this! — Jesus came in God’s name and they rejected Him! (St. John 5:43) — He said another would come in his own name and that they would receive this evil star! This king of doom is rising now and will appear in the immediate future. And the world will be off guard concerning his real intentions!”
Who will control the middle east — “First, according to prophecy relating to the last days, the Arab nations are in two groups. . . the inner section of six are Jordan, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. — The outer four are: Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey and Persia (Iran). This false prince will control the Arabs and the Middle East and ultimately the world. But according to prophecy the outer four listed and possibly, a few more will finally rebel against his forces (kingdom) at the end and join Russia for the final battle!” (Ezek. 38:1-5) — “He will also deceive most of the Jews as their messiah, but before this the reason for the covenant (treaty) will be to bring peace to the Middle East! He will guarantee Israel’s rights. And 7 ‘years after this treaty is signed the battle of Armageddon will start! But the Gentile elect will have been translated beforehand!” — “He will claim to be the messiah to Israel and the Saviour of all men. He will instigate a new economic system on an international basis.” — “God has forewarned us of this super human dictator (II Thess. 2:4) known as the beast and will be given power over all kindred, tongue and nations. Now listen to this closely; it says ‘ALL of those’ who dwell on the earth shall worship him, except the elected saints! — He further states, as a snare shall it come on ALL of them that dwell on the face of the earth!’ (Luke 21:35) — “The reason lam writing so much about these subjects is that my partners have asked me to reveal all that I can to them. And because we are entering the final phase and count down for God’s people!”
Prophetic insight — “The anti-christ will use two particular things to draw people into his trap and to give them the mark. One will be his seal of economics (money) and the other control of the food and energy!” — “He will be a super deceiver, an imitator of Christ. He will bring about a federation of churches and denominations. But finally denying the Lord Jesus Christ!” As Jesus will have a bride, (Rev. 19:7) so will the anti-christ!”(Rev. 17:5) — “As Christ has power to heal the sick and to do great wonders, so the anti-christ will seemingly have power. But they are lying signs!” (Rev, chap. 13 — II Thess. 2:10-11) — ‘‘He will be a shrewd politician!’’ ‘‘It says he shall come in peacefully at first and obtain the kingdom by flatteries (Dan. 11:21) building up their heart and mind into a fantasy world of worship!” — “He will promise to end wars with peace and prosperity to all. He shall accomplish this for a short while!” — “Many including the Jews will declare of a truth that he is the messiah! But Dan. reveals the true inside of his character! He will be a great orator, even challenging the Most High. (Dan. 7:25) — He will wear out the saints who are left in Tribulation! A mouth speaking great things. (verse 20) — A mouth as fierce as a lion!” (Rev. 13:2)
More prophetic insight — “He will be a commercial wizard. He will have complete control over the finances, silver and gold!” (Dan. 11:38, 43) — “He will be a military genius controlling a superb international army — He shall destroy wonderfully (Dan. 8:24) — It says, who is able to make war with him?’’ (Rev. 13:4) — ‘‘The first of his reign is marked with prosperity and all men bow unto him; but he will eventually bring them into a class of slavery and mechanical peons that the world has never seen! (Rev. 13:13-18) – The earth will be paralyzed in his satanic presence. . . Watch and pray 0 ye elect that ye escape all these things, (Luke 21.36) and stand before Me, saith the Lord!” (Isa. 30:26)
The projection of things to come — “Jesus said, during the final hour of our age we would see signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars! (Luke 21:25) — And that they would be intensified as the age closes out! And we will list what will occur at the final end.” We quote this from an interesting article. 1. Isaiah prophesied, “. . . the light of the moon shall he as the light of the sun” (Isa. 30:26). 2. Joel said, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood (Joel 2:3 1). 3. Jesus said. . . . the sun [shall] be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light (Matt. 24:29). 4. John saw “. . . a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood” (Rev. 6:12). The picture of solar and lunar activity at extremity of the age:
The sun will enter a nova stage, becoming very hot and bright for a period of one to two weeks. Since the moon reflects the light of the sun, it is scientifically accurate that it will be as hot and bright as the sun normally is. There will be no relief from the heat, even at midnight. As the light from the sun begins to wane with the exhaustion of its remaining hydrogen supply, solar winds and atomic gases will fill the solar system, changing the color of the moon to an eerie red (verse 12). As the atoms are stripped of their outer shells and all space between the electrons, protons and neutrons is removed, the compact mass will allow no light to escape. The sun will become dark and the moon will reflect no light. All life on earth will hang in the balance. Without sudden divine intervention within a few hours, Earth will become a dead planet. — Matt. 24:22, “the days will be shortened or no flesh will be saved!”
Another article concerning knowledge (Dan. 12:4) — We have written some on this before (Scroll #99) and we add more from a magazine quote:
Grotesque genetics — Hollywood’s King Kong may be closer to reality than we think if genetic engineers are allowed to follow their present course. The world of the future may take on the appearance of a fantasy dreamed up by a Frankenstein. It is now within the reach of genetic scientists to open up a visa of nightmare creatures that once could only have been dreamed up by space fiction writers. They could soon be in our backyard! Now within reach of reality is the elephant- size cow that can produce 45,000 gallons of milk per year. Genetic manipulation may splice human genes into chimpanzees and create a generation of subhuman work slaves. Are they going to give us chickens that will lay eggs the size of an ostrich egg and eagles as big as a small jet? They confidently expect that one cow instead of producing one calf every year will be able to produce hundreds in its lifetime. Other frightful repercussions could be opened up. “(Note — Also women are taking fertility pills and some of them are having 5 or 6 babies at one time! . . . And new sex drugs are coming on the market to add to what is already out of control concerning the pleasure world of orgies!) Continuing from another viewpoint — “It could easily become possible for a dangerous virus to escape from the laboratory and spawn a whole new spectrum of diseases. In Eccl. 3:11, the Scripture says. ‘He hath made everything beautiful in His time, ‘but adds in Ecclesiastes 7:29, ‘But they have sought out many inventions. ‘Man‘s optimistic Utopia is a pipe dream. The world is headed into a storm, not a Shangrila. Whatever revivals God is pleased to bless us with, coming judgment and the Great Tribulation are inevitable and cannot be averted. We are in the days of Lot and in the days of Noah. The seventieth prophetic week of Daniel is not an era of blessing, but the time of ‘Jacob‘s trouble.’
Clarifying the order of coming events — “This was done in one of my books, but we will list it here again with a few more Scriptures!” — “First there will be a translation of the elect. (Rev. 12:5) — Then the last part of the Great Tribulation starts (verse 6, 17) — Now after the Battle of Armageddon and The Great Day of the Lord . . . this is what occurs step by step! . . .
Scroll #110©