Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
In this script “we will do some strange, fascinating and various subjects. Concerning numerical values we see God’s mathematical phenomenons throughout the Scriptures and they have a definite meaning. For instance, the number 13 …for some it is a superstitious number. Also in the Scriptures it is associated to ominous events and rebellion!” Gen. 14:4 “reveals they served 12 years and rebelled in the 13th year! – It is also associated to apostasy, evil and revolution! ”….”In prophecy the U.S.A. is associated to the number 13. It had 13 colonies at the time of its rebellion against England. Also it is seen again in Rev. 13: 11 where it was seen coming up as new land in similarity to a lamb, meaning religious freedom! – But, as the number states, it will finally rebel against God and speak as a dragon joined to verse 1!” -“Evidently before, or by, 13 years from this date (1985) full culmination will have taken place! But before this the United States will have witnessed fullness in apostasy and yet at the same time a sweeping miraculous revival will be seen!” … “Number 13 is futuristic and whatever we stated that it stands for will become more full fledged in verses 13-18!”
God speaks in numbers – “They have absolute meaning. For instance in Gen. 1, the first day saw the creation of light – a type of God! -Two is the number of division, and the second day witnessed the dividing of the waters! – Also, when Eve was taken from Adam, two people existed! ” – “Also one is the number of unity, you cannot divide it. It is independent and the source of all others!”… “As God is independent of all, He is the source of all! -One is the number of God! As the Scriptures definitely state, the Lord thy God is one Lord! – Jesus the absolute expression of God is spoken of as the first and the last! (Rev. 1: 11, 17) – He is first in priority, in rank, in power, in supremacy!” – “Now the number 153- 1, God; 5, redemption; 3, fulfillment!”- “The drought of ‘153 fishes’ has always attracted people’s attention and interest because of the exact count. And since 153 is mentioned specifically it means there is a particular significance to this number!” – John 21:3, “reveals that the disciples had gone fishing and had caught nothing. Jesus appeared (significant) and told them to cast their net on the ‘right side’ of the ship and they brought up a multitude of fishes (miracle), and yet the net was not broken! – We might add, before this they had fished all night and caught nothing! -Associated to this number was the exact count of 153!”… “The elect will also be on the right side, they will have Jesus! Number 153 is the numerical number of the elect; of course there will be many more than this (millions) … it just symbolizes it! – Many believe that there will be exactly 153 nations at the end of the age that God will deal with -taking out His people! – There was fish on the fire, denoting Israel was not counted among the nations! –There may be a few more that say they are a nation, but God will only recognize 153 of them, plus Israel, as nations!” – “It is also to be noted that ‘153 persons’ received a direct special blessing from the personal ministry of Christ! -This does not count the multitudes that received a blessing!” -“Now from another view point you add one to 5, plus 3, you have 9- the number of finality and judgment! – So God with the elect will judge the nations!” (Rev. 12:5) – “Remember, Abraham was in his 90’s when God judged and destroyed Sodom. Four tried to get out of Sodom, but only 3 were elected to escape!” – “Evidently in our age, the 90’s predict finality and judgment swarming over the nations! – These are interesting subjects. And each number has a meaning, but this lets us know that divine providence rules in them! – Also the Lord knows the exact number of the souls that will appear upon the earth from the time of Adam’s seed. And when this number is fulfilled in the elect body the elect will translate! ”
Genetic chaos – “Today the scientific world is directing itself towards genetic engineering in an attempt to duplicate life forms and to control it…and even to shape the perfect man!” -“Satan tried something similar to this during the days of the flood. Gen. 6 reveals genetic tampering took place and created chaos! -Men’s cells changed and huge giants and violence spread across the earth! – And Jesus said, as the days of Noah were, so shall it be in our day! ” (Matt. 24:37) – “God did not create Adam and Eve with any genetic flaws, but the strange union in Gen. 6 produced massive genetic changes and enormous perversion! ” – “ First before we speak about the chromosomes gene, DNA -the generation that was born in the middle 40’s has witnessed 4 different ages! -The Industrial age, the Atomic age, the Space age and it is now seeing the birth of the Genetic age! –The final genetic lock is the DNA. The DNA carries messages from the genes to the cells. Without this beginning our body would be a shapeless mass, but the Infinite has programmed a tiny seed, and when we come we will be exactly as He has spoken!” -“So man now is trying to tamper with these cells, etc. and he is entering a dangerous zone! ”
Scientific madness – “Despite all of its knowledge and experiments, only God has created life! -Satan can copy or counterfeit, but he cannot create! Each time that man says that he creates, like a tadpole from a tadpole (and they have done this), he still has to use the egg cell or genes from the other tadpole! ” – “They have done certain things and they are wanting to experiment with humans, etc. We cannot go into full detail, there is so much of it. When God created His creation, He saw that it was good. Men can only make it evil! Science thinks that doing these things is the wave of the future, but it is the eve of destruction!” …”It is really not as brilliant as they say, because whatever they use, God has already created it! –Let us explain one thing. A clone is an exact duplicate of the other! – Some point out that Eve was a clone from Adam, but if so, Eve would have looked just like Adam! – Eve was part of Adam but still yet was a direct creation from God bringing forth a female! And if she had been just like Adam there would have been no reproduction upon the earth! …So in their creation they were exactly the opposite!” – “What satan is trying to do is to duplicate the creative power of God! – All of this is just fulfilling prophecy! …How far man goes down the trail of cloning and gene splitting we do not know, but the Lord will interrupt his plans!” – “Science is very deceiving. They say they create, but they only steal from what God has ‘already made’ and are giving themselves the credit instead of the Creator! ” – “Now it is just like when man said he produced the atomic bomb. He only split the atom unto his own destruction that God had already created! – So, by dividing the cells, they can only do it at their own destruction! -Remember in Gen. chap. 6, it produced sexual monsters and extreme wickedness! -So men should leave what God has created alone! …The sons of God (which some believe were a type of fallen earth angels) or Adam’s seed mixed with the daughters of men and produced genetic chaos! ” – “Regardless of what beings, it did produce an age of destruction! – As Jesus said, as the days of Noah, so shall it be again! – Although done by science it means about the same thing! ” – “Jesus also says as in the days of Sodom the insatiable urges in humans will occur again! – Prophecy marches on!
God is marvelous in his creation – “When a man and woman get together at the exact time a baby is conceived, the blueprint is programmed right then! – Actually what the child will look like and be (girl -boy, etc.) takes place right there, color of eyes, hair, skin, etc. -The actual birth takes place then; it takes 9 months to develop what God has set in motion! ” – “David said the Lord precoded his body members and personality from the time of conception in his mother’s womb. And his size and stature were fashioned in continuance as he came forth!” Read it. (Ps. 139:13-17) -“So this definitely tells us that God foresees what each one of us will look like to fulfill His plans! -So always think good of yourself, because you are like you to fulfill a divine purpose! – To confirm this Lord said He foresaw Jeremiah before he was conceived! (Jer. 1: 5)
Man is not the creator – “Scientists in their arrogance say that they plan to bring forth the perfect man (a super race) by cloning or by tampering with his genes right after birth! -They believe they can make a perfect moral person, one without evil thoughts or crime! – But the Bible says immorality will increase as the age closes out! But instead of man becoming morally better, he worsens!” -“We will sign off with this article! ”… “UPI News reported several years ago a man, 32, married his dog named Spunky, who he said, had been true for 13 years while others had come and gone! – Amid 100 well – wishers, the knot was ‘tied’ in a ceremony in a Florida home. He said he had been married ‘once legally and three times morally’. ” -“The ‘wedding vows’ read, ‘Do you take this lady to be your lawless wife, to love, honor, comfort and throw in a can of Alpo?’ – And he said, ‘I do!’ -“This is exactly what prophecy said would occur at the end of the age!” -“We might point out in many cases this was the trend of Sodom, only they even took in consideration the goats and serpents, etc.” -“We might add that many children and grownups have different pets and that is okay!” -“But to marry one is taking things clear out of order!” -“All of the things we read here give us one more sign…the return of Jesus is very near! And the only thing that people can do without salvation is to make a complete mess out of the earth finally!” Rom. chap. I, “reveals many signs that will take place before the age closes out. Watch and pray! – Look up, for our redemption draweth nigh! ”
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