Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Where do we stand in time? – “How close are we to the Translation?” -We are definitely in the season of time proclaimed by the Lord Jesus! Wherein He said, “this generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled!” (Matt. 24:33-35) -“There are quite a few prophecies left concerning the Great Tribulation, anti-christ and etc. But there is hardly any Biblical prophecies left between the elect and the translation! …Except more fulfillment of the final prophecies already given. And the Scripts prophecies will be taking place daily and even forecasting what will take place after the Bride of Christ is gone!” -“The predictions concerning fear, unrest, perplexion in all nations reveal to us that we are in the final hours of the age! – If you could look and see what has been revealed to me concerning the future from about 1988-93 concerning wars, killer quakes, weather, famine, economics, leaders, terrorists, assassinators, shifting of the nations, banking, credit, technology, electronics, computers, highways, cars, cities, different type spellbinders, religion, new weapons, space, television, fantasy age, coming of a 3-dimensional era, projections concerning Israel, U.S.A. and Western Europe, International laws, changes in the way people live, work and dwell, etc….This is just a few of the things that will change the world as we know it in the dates given! ” – “During ‘the ending of’ this period, give or take a little, in my opinion the anti-christ could also enter the picture! …The world’s greatest turn about and change looms before us in the near future!” -“World-wide events will literally shake the earth! …The foundations of society rotate into a new order! …If the christians could see the total picture of what’s coming I’m sure they would pray, seek the Lord and be very serious about His harvest work indeed!”.
The world scene – “May we add to the above that as the age ends except for a few breathers, the mood of the nations will be more of the fable quality , phantasmic-like, outrageous thinking, a sort of madness, and would have been called insane a few years ago will be accepted as the norm for many people! …The things that people think of to do will be very strange and weird to the christians who will stay the same in belief and looks; but the world will take on abnormal sensuality, debauchery and lofty living in drugs …opium of fantasy will seize the mind of the youth! A revolutionary phase is appearing! …Perversion of all sorts will take place in the masses of society that would cause Pagan Rome to blink! …New type and Sodom-like spirits will be released upon a herilous scoffer-like populous!” -“A new type of demon powers will invade society, and the rich and the mighty shall not escape this onslaught either! …People will severely indulge in all fleshly and emotional-type pleasures !…Sorcery and witchcraft will literally dominate hordes of people!…The lukewarm church that we see today will become the apostate world church of tomorrow!” (Rev. 17:1-5) -“The sign of the prostitute in clothing and look will be the trend of the nations! …From see-through fashions to nudity will be accepted as the age closes! –Much more can be added to this, but as you can see, nonsense will finally replace common sense! …People will actually crave the satanic and subtle delusion rather than things that be of the Holy Spirit! ” – “During this time Jesus will give a great outpouring and be closer to His true children than ever before in the history of the world! ” – “Yea, My hand will be with all of those who love the truth and delight in My Words of Salvation and Eternal life! I will appear to them soon, and I will be with them forever and ever!”
Signs in the heaven – “According to news reports the public will soon be going into orbit circling the earth in space craft rides!- For the first time they will feel what it is like with no gravity!…And they will be able to view our world from space! -The price of the trip will cost $50,000 and the first flight they say should begin by the 90’s!” -“When we see events such as this of the nature it is actually symbolizing to us that the translation of God’s people is near and we will defy gravity and go into a space dimension with the Lord Jesus!” -“Now, will we be first in going away or will their trip be forerunning our translation? It’s something to think about! – Anyway we look at it, our time is short! -Jesus said, just before the translation that He would give us signs in the heaven! …And we are witnessing strange and fantastic events in the heavens, space and etc.!”
The future – ”It is said now that men are working on rocket ships that will be able to transport people from one end of the earth to the other in an hour or two! … And they are planning to orbit up and then drop down in any city of the nations in a matter of no time at all! – They are also working on spaceships and aircraft that are suppose to travel at 25 times the speed of sound! -We see this is about 15,000 miles an hour! …And for traveling in space they are planning to strip the atom through a process and use the energy for space flight! Others are trying to figure out ways to use the electro-magnetic waves that are already in the air for extra terrestrial flight!” -“Man is also using the laser for creative purposes and for destruction! …They are finding out that many different light beams can do various things!-Several laser lights cannot even be seen and yet they can destroy an object! ” – “Also by combining laser light optics and computers they can hang a 3-dimensional holographic image in the air or in the midst of the room! …The form, in life-like clarity, that a person can walk around and look at! -New inventions in filming and bringing forth images in light will eventually appear in the living rooms, etc. in life-like- form as never before!”
Time running out – ”And now man says he is able to make new life forms by gene-splitting and supposedly through the cell create a duplicate of animals and later people through cloning! Only the Lord God knows how far this madness eventually will go! ” – “Besides this, man doesn’t really create anything, he just uses the cells that have already been created by God! – One thing for certain if science is looking for strange new forms, he will find all the supernatural creatures that he ever hoped for in Rev. chap. 9:7-18!”- “Now talking about man splitting the cells and making duplicates and etc., this reveals to us that we the elect will soon change from this fleshy cell body into our new glorified body that we may partake in the translation! … And the gravity of this world will no longer hold us, but we will meet the Lord in the air and go away with Him! Of this change in body we can be very certain of…and this science can never do! –Jesus is the master of our destiny!”
The neutron message -“Besides the cobalt, hydrogen and atomic bomb they have what they call a neutron bomb. The message they forecast is people better run! -This particular type bomb does not destroy the cities or property, but transmits large dosages of radiation over whole cities at one time destroying all life forms in its path! – The people will just drop wherever they are at! -Not only this, but all type weapons will be used at the Battle of Armageddon!” – “The Lord revealed to me in prophecy that some awful rays of energy and vapor-like smoke in different parts of the earth! …And no matter what man says, I feel that germ warfare was being used in the final hours of Armageddon!” – “And now by reports they have a certain germ toxin they invented, that if properly dropped into the atmosphere in certain places that only 14 ounces of it could wipe out the population of the earth! …It would spread until it devoured all and there is no antidote! -You say this sounds impossible, oh no, for Jesus Himself said, unless He intervened in the midst of these weapons that there would be no flesh saved! … In other words the whole planet of people and animals would be wiped out by fire and deadly disease! ” (Matt. 24:22) -“No wonder the apocalyptic horse rider of Rev. 6:8 is called death as he rides across the earth! -The yellowish color in pale would also describe radiation and germ warfare! -Let me say this, those people who are here during the times that these weapons are used had better know how to quote the 91st Psalm for they are going to need it!” – Zech. 5:4, Zech. 14:12 “speaks of the aftermath of germ and radiation warfare! …These prophecies are not written to scare the people of God, but to alert and warn us of the coming conditions so that we may be ready in prayer and watching! ” – “The Lord has been revealing to me the dispensations of man upon this earth! … And according to what I have seen, the time that we have left is very brief!”
The prophet Daniel said – “In our time many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased, expanding incredibly! (Dan.12:4) – He said the end thereof shall be with a flood!” (Dan.9:26) -“In other words many events all happen at once! -As the Scripts foretold we will see a sudden rush of political, financial, religious and scientific changes that will jar the earth as Jesus returns! –Some dramatic and powerful events will take place during these times paving the way for a world dictator and a system of utter chaos and ruin!” -Amen, “It is sure wonderful to know that the Lord has made a way of escape for us by His salvation and divine love!”
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