HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 136

Prophetic Scrolls 136

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

Speak the vision boldly — “Jesus could not have returned before 1948, because Israel was not yet in her homeland as a nation! — Also if one now really looks at prophecy He could not have come before 1967, because the Jews did not occupy the old city of Jerusalem until then! Also a few other main prophecies had to be fulfilled!”…“But now these things have taken place and we can boldly say the return of Christ is upon us! — And according to prophecy many of the people who saw these fulfillments will be alive when Jesus returns! — Also there will be a major prophet witnessing to God’s people on the earth at that time just before the translation takes place! …. Are we seeing this now? Evidently we definitely are! — And his utterance is, time is running out, the Lord cometh! — And this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled!” (Matt. 24:33-35).

Continuing prophecy — Hab. 2:2-3, “Write the vision, make it plain up on tables, that he may run that readeth it!” — “It means concerning the events that surround the coming of the Lord, we are to speak them boldly and plainly… and quickly reveal it to as many as we can!” — “Verse 3, reveals the vision is for an appointed time, and it will not take place until our generation. . . the end of the age!” —“It shall terry some, but at a certain point the events leading to His return will occur suddenly!” “It says, make it plain!” In the Scripts we have listed many events, and we will do a few more here. . . . “The spread of nuclear arms is world-wide. — The Communist and Arab armies are surrounding Israel! — Prophecy depicted that when this occurred, Jesus would be standing at the door ready to redeem us!” — “The Armageddon countdown is getting under way! The powers of the heaven are shaken (atomic test)!” — “Soon coming is Zech. 14:12! — China, a few years ago, boasted that they could mount an army of 200 million covering the Mid East like ants! — Prophecy says, soon the sleeping dragon will get up and do this! (Rev. 16:12) — China also has received technology from the U.S. to forge an electronic War in the future.” — “It says the great river Euphrates would dry up so the kings of the East could cross!— Since this prophecy they have built 3 dams on this river with the ability to stop the flow of water! — Also according to future events there will be a great famine and a world food shortage at that time . . . and a drought. . . this alone could ‘dry up the river’ for these great armies to cross! Russia will also come down!” (Ezek. chap. 38)

Make the prophecy plain — “According to Rev. chap. 19 the vultures and birds will be greatly multiplying in Israel towards the end of the age! — Some sources say this is exactly what is occurring in that area and near Megiddo!.. . And as cattle and crops are put in the land the more this will increase in the latter times!” — The Americans are looking for a god-like president and the world is looking for a god-like leader. According to the Scriptures they will get their answer soon! — We see by prophecy the 10 horns are coming into position in Western Europe, and the 11th, the ‘Little Horn’ will rise soon controlling the 10 Horns. . . also the Middle East and working with America!” — “Our Liberty Statue, as you know, underwent a great change and was redone. So we see in the following years this nation will go through a revolutionary change and be restructured for the coming world system!” — “The prophet said make it plain!”

The future continuing — “The Scriptures foretold of our age as being gloomy and dark. This is dual prophecy, but some of the things is that in our great cities because of industry and pollution (smog) this is the exact description of what is occurring in the nations!” — “Some of my prophecies of global disaster was taken lightly in the late 60’s, but are now taken very seriously and many know that the rest of them along with Biblical prophecy is racing towards a climax! — We are definitely at the sunset of civilization! — But for the people who know their God, it is an hour of wonderful joy!”

The fiery prediction — “Our weather patterns have gradually been changing, huge plates are moving underneath the sea! — Volcanoes have been exploding all over the earth, two new ones in Alaska and Mexico! — Evidently we are entering the age of continuous volcanic activity at different intervals! . . . These events were foretold in our Scrolls! . . All of these different things will lead to a cataclysmic pole shift! — This will cause the earth to tumble back and forth! — This will occur in our generation!” — Isa. 24:19-20, “wrote of just a situation… and I predict that before this, Japan, the Mid East and parts of the United States including California will have some terrifying and mighty quakes of destruction! — Some of this may take place in the 90’s, but I’m sure some powerful shakenings will take place in the rest of the 80’s! … Along with some International crises that are coming! – We are writing the vision, we are making it plain! Let God’s people prepare! ”

Mysteries and events — “If this be so then it is an eye-opening sign to all Christians. Gen. 8:4 tells us the Ark finally rested upon the mountains of Ararat! — There is an object-like ship buried beneath the ice on Mount Ararat! — The object located by satellite appears to be made by hand-hewn wood! — The shadow of this thing is about 300 cubits long (some say the size of the Ark)! — Some explorers say they have seen this Ark on several expeditions!. . . But the Russians and the Turkish governments have now ordered everyone out so no one can enter the area! — There is no way to be definite about this yet, but there is a huge ship under ice in that location! — The only clue that we may add is, that ‘Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again upon My return!’ — So it may well be that they will or have found the Ark and is one more sign of Jesus’ return!”—“Some wonder, did the people of that time worship idols and gods on the other side of the flood? — Yes, they certainly did! (Read Josh. 24:15) — And so will the people of Our age be doing so in the Babylon religion!” (Rev. chap. 17)

Events of the past — Was there a pre-Adamic civilization? If so, is it for a sign?” — “Along with other Scriptures it is certain from Isa. 14:12-15 — Ezek. 28:11-17., Lucifer was ruler of an earthly kingdom long before Adam! — And satan’s reign existed during this time measure between Gen. 1:1 and verse 2!” — “Although Jer. 4:23-26 was speaking of two things, he definitely wrote of some type of pre-historic age!’ — “He said the earth was void, and no man; it has not been that way since the gap in Gen. 1:2!” (Read Isa. 24:1) —“After this cataclysmic destruction, restoration was necessary!” (Gen. 1:28) — “For God told Adam to replenish the earth! Meaning something else was there before hand! — Also the restoration was spoken of as six days and the seventh day God rested! — But when you take in both the first creation and the restoration days it speaks of it as being done in ‘generations’ of time!” (Gen. 2:4) — “Satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom was destroyed and evidently the great ice age void came between the gap we spoke about and the creating of Adam!”—“We find out that Ezek. 28:13, reveals satan had been in some type of Eden of God before he was cast out! — He was called the cherub that covereth, and that he was once on the Holy Mountain of God! (This was not where Adam’s Eden was at!). . . And that he walked up and down in the midst of stones of fire!” — “The wording, stones of fire, is symbolic of angels! It could have been ‘fiery chariots’ with angels in them, like Ezek. chap. 1 speaks of! — Evidently God’s ‘celestial chariots’ were flanked before the throne and satan in dramatic awe walked between them! — Elijah, the prophet, was visited by one!” (II Kings 2:11) — Ezek. 28:16, “reveals that satan was ‘cast out’ of the mountain of God!” But now let us get back to the subject! “Where was satan’s earthly kingdom? — Some say they have found this lost continent that was destroyed! — They call it Lucifer’s Pre-Adamic Kingdom! . . . Proof of this ancient legend was supposed to have been confirmed in 1977! — Underwater explorers found beneath the sea a highly developed ancient civilization of ruins! . . . This is near what they call the devil’s Triangle off the coast of Florida!” — “They found a huge capped Pyramid under water! Satan’s attempt to usurp God’s coming Headstone, Christ!” — “The explorers said it looked like a cataclysmic destruction had hit the place! They saw pillar carvings of an advanced civilization! — Shown on T.V., this underwater explorer found a crystal ball inside the Pyramid, which he said he took out of two carved-looking hands that had been holding it! . . . When they put heavy metal over the top of the ball, the steel floated away from it! — They were able to film some of the scenes underwater and you could see what was left of some ancient buildings and stones!” — “Many strange things happen in this area . . . some have seen strange eerie lights going in and out of the water, some say it is satan’s UFO’s still visiting the area! — It is said a compass needle in this area points towards the ‘North Star’ instead of the North Pole! Why? — Evidently satan still wants to be like the Most High!” (Isa. 14:13-14) — “Many call this occultic area, the lost civilization of Atlantis! —Whatever it was called it was believed to be Satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom that God destroyed!” —“If what they found is true, then this is ‘a sign of Jesus’ returning very soon’!” — “There are many more strange events associated to this sign that we may possibly write of later, but time will tell of this discovery off of the coast of Florida!”

Scroll #136©

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