HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic Scrolls 153

Prophetic Scrolls 153

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

The prophetic hour -“Are we running out of time? -Yes! -According to the Bible cycles this is certainly true! But also there are many signs that are rapidly fulfilling that tell us the same thing! With the swift development of world events there is just a short period of time left before the harvest will be ended!” -“We should work and pray as never before because all signs point to and are giving us evidence that we are the last perilous generation of this present age!” -“Jesus said in Luke 21:32, that this generation shall not pass away till all be fulfilled!” -“Israel is God’s time clock and has just finished 40 years as a state in their own homeland! The number 40 has always been significant concerning Israel! Because there are 48 cycles of 40 years of Israel’s Bible history! The last 40 years was between Christ’s death, A.D. 30 and the destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 68-70!” … And from the ending of this time that we just spoke about there is also 48 cycles of 40 years in the Gentile Church history! …And that time has run out into a transition period! …And the Gentiles time is ending! …And we soon fly away!” (Translation)

Continuing -‘ ‘There are many different viewpoints concerning Israel’s Jubilee, but evidently about 1948 marked the beginning of their 70th Jubilee! Seventy is the number of fulfillment! …And the next Jubilee begins sometime in the later 90’s, and no doubt according to the Scripts it is to be the most important period in history!” -“Also the 40 year cycles and the judgment and 7 times cycles reach culmination at that time! …Also many other time measures including the heavenly bodies forecast the same thing in their cycles! ” (Luke 21:25)

The youth sign -“We are entering the age of dimensional prophecy, it will become deeper and wider in scope and etc.! One might think the lukewarm church would awake, but not so! But the real believer will be awake!” -“Enoch in his day warned of the coming judgment! (Jude 1:14-15) -But little heed was given! Noah warned the people of the approach of the flood! …And out of the world population at that time only a few listened! – Gen. 6: 11, “The earth was also corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence! We see the same conditions expanding today!” -“The youth need our help and prayers as never before! In our modern times they are being attacked on every side from the pit of hell! …And in most cases drugs and alcohol are creating massive lawlessness producing a crime wave as never seen before! But was predicted in the Scripts 20 years ago! …And the Bible also gave important insight for the latter times!” – II Tim. 3:1-2, “This know also, that in the ‘last days’ perilous times shall come! Disobedient to parents, unthankful ! It goes on to say many other things like, heady and high minded …this also pertains to drugs and alcohol!” -“Paul looking down the centuries of time saw this awful condition! Today we see his prediction fulfilling in a startling way! The youth are revolting against authority!” -“We just saw upon entering the year 1988 the youth revolting in the streets of Israel causing great alarm and turmoil in the Middle East! ” – I predict in the years ahead, our nation will enter into a cycle of riots and rebellion! Gangs of teenagers will prowl the great cities, stealing, looting and committing crimes of violence! In many cases the police will not be able to cope with the rising menace of gangs and youth bandits that shall prey upon every facet of society!” -“No doubt inflation and future economic conditions plus the massive population use of drugs…also the division and the condition in the American homes will further increase the rebellion!”- “Misuse of television, the falling away from faith and the apostasy in the homes will increase the fires of lawlessness!” -“Crimes that used to be committed by only hardened criminals are now being committed by 12 and 14 year old children! No one can overlook the importance of these signs!…And as God said, the earth was filled with violence!”

Continuing insight – “But one of the most horrible conditions among the youth and older, is the practicing of sorcery and witchcraft! The news almost daily reveals terrible incidents concerning the worshipping of satan! The same things that occurred during Noah’s day and the time of Sodom is wide spread today -even to the point of animal and human sacrifices!”, -‘ ‘The worshipping of and having intercourse with familiar spirits and other kind was predicted to occur at the end of the age! Some of these cults even promote the murdering of individuals! They use black magic trying to contact the departed! Taking hallucinating drugs that allow them to see into the world of demons and etc.! As we see, a strong intoxicating delusion is covering our land! Hollywood has even jumped on the bandwagon and put out several pictures depicting these things in their movies! …But wait, isn’t this telling us that the world will be caught also in demonic worship? Yes! …for they give worship to the anti-christ -but it comes in like ‘a Iamb’ and then turns to ‘a dragon’ in similarity to the other things that we spoke about! (Rev. 13:4, 11-15) – Infact as these Scriptures say if men do not worship him they are executed!”

The future – Economic sign; ..”The Scriptures tell us just before the coming of the Lord, international men of power will come together and hoard up all the wealth! It mentions hard money such as gold and silver, plus they will control earth’s land! While there will be prosperity for a short period during this time, they, and a world leader will persecute and enslave the people finally! It says this takes place in the last days!” (James 5:1-6) -“We are also told that just before it worsens the Lord comes for His children!” (V r. 8) – “Finally all of these conditions cause an Atomic War…for it says, wherein radiation shall eat their flesh as fire!” (Vr. 3) -“But before all of this the rich men are going to change and restructure many areas of the world including the United States of America!” – “After this 1988 election you are going to see vast changes in our society, laws, government and the way that we do business internationally! We are headed for a restructured world, a revolutionary age of turnabout in every facet of society! …Also in religion, people will be seeking every type of cult or wrong worship; and of course God’s people will be seeking the right kind of worship in the Lord Jesus!” -“But the world is entering the age of delusion and fantasy! The anti-christ looms directly ahead in the world’s future!”

The sign of Israel – Ps. 102:16, “When the Lord shall build up Zion (Jerusalem), he shall appear in His glory! What a witness unto us! Today there is literally millions of Jews in their homeland, wherein just a few years ago it was empty and wasted! But now they not only have the old city of Jerusalem, but a vast new modern great city!” -“The land is full of trees, beautiful vegetation, many fruit orchards and some of the world’s most beautiful flowers! Isaiah the prophet said, ‘the land would blossom as a rose in our time’! So we see Jerusalem is fully built up! About the only thing left is the coming of the Lord Jesus for His elect! God’s time clock is telling the Gentile our harvest work will soon end! Look up and praise Him!”

Heavenly signs -“Jesus said just before He was to come again there would be signs in the heavens! – (Luke 21:25) The heavenly bodies have a story to tell concerning the future!” -Gen. I: 14, “And God said let them be ‘for signs,’ and for seasons and for days and for years! The Scriptures are in perfect accord with science concerning this! The rotation of the earth determines our days, the orbit of the earth around the sun determines our years and the tilting of the earth on its axis determines our seasons! There is not a planet, star or etc. created that does not have its own purpose! …And the creator designed them for a certain reason! They give forth knowledge and declare God’s glory!”(Ps. 19: 1-4) -“We know before 1988 ends, Mars will pass nearest to the earth than has been recorded for a long time! But science tells us that some other unusual things will also occur in this election year! For instance, Uranus and Saturn come together and conjunct three different times before the year ends! At times they will come within 1 or 2 degrees of one another and then upon year’s end will enter the constellation of Capricorn where the Neptune factor is!” – “Evidently the populas acts in such a way that the elections are very unusual…we know this from the Scripts prophecy! Also in 1988 great quakes and signs in nature will occur and etc.!” -“What all the movement of the heavenly bodies mean may not be understood, but it is a tremendous sign for this momentous year of 1988!”

The prophetic scriptures -“It seems we are entering the age of boasting! Men make great promises of what they can do or what finances can do for them! They boast in science and in inventions; they boast in false gods and etc., until the greatest boaster of all comes! (Rev. 13:5) -But herein is wisdom for all, James 4:13-15, ‘Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow! For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away! For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that’! – Amen!”-“our boast is in the Lord Jesus and His miraculous!”

Scroll #153

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