Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophetic puzzles — “When we check the Scriptures we see the questions all fall into place forming a complete picture! Many people wonder when shall the end of all these things be and the end of the age!” — “The disciples asked Jesus these same questions! He explains in Matt. chap. 24 and Luke chap. 21, a pre-advance message concerning events! One important event He said was, the sign of world evangelism!” — “Matt. 24:14, And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (meaning end of age)! . . . And this gospel means the full power, the kind that He preached! . . . And today through radio, publications and satellite T.V. much of the world has already been reached!. . . And the rest with modern technology can be reached in a very short period of time! . . . And the Translation takes place before the final witness! Because you must remember that the two prophets preach for 42 months afterwards as a witness to the Hebrews and etc.!” (Rev. 11:3) — “And at the end of the Tribulation when they kill them, the Lord resurrects them and they stand on their feet again! . . . And the only way that all the world sees this occur is through world-wide T.V. (Vrs. 9-11) — So anyone can see that time is short!”— “Other people ask the question, when will the anti-christ appear, and the signs of his coming?”
The world leader — The Scriptures declare we are entering that time zone now! — Dan. 8:23, “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up!” — “When iniquity has reached its fullness, and we know at a glance that this is entering its finality now! Then all of a sudden a man of no nonsense and commanding force stands up!. . . He means business!… It says he understands ‘dark sentences’ — things hidden from mankind — he is insolent and skilled in deceit! The next verse says he will be filled with satanic power!. . . And he will destroy the holy people, meaning the ancient people, the Jews! The next verse he looks like a genius when it comes to prosperity, his touch is like magic! He understands science and is a commercial wizard!” — “He brings mankind out of the chasms of despair concerning economics and world conditions!. . . And by peace he will destroy a multitude of Gentiles! In the middle of his reign he will become the world’s greatest orator! (Dan. 7:20-25) — He shall move into the kingdom quietly at first; he will be full of propaganda!” (Dan. 11:21) — “According to Paul’s writing, all of the lawlessness, terrorism and crime we see today is only forerunning His soon appearance! Of course he promises through dictatorship to relieve mankind of war, hunger and etc.!”
Continuing — “I believe this world leader is alive right now and is working underneath and will be revealed at the appointed time!” — “Matt. 24:3, Jesus disciples said tell us when these things shall be? . . . And He proceeded to reveal many futuristic secrets to them! In Vr. 15, he spoke of the abominations of desolation! He said when you see it standing where ‘it ought’ not, let him that readeth understand! It was an idol of the beast in the Jewish Temple! But this event occurs 42 months after the world leader rises to power!” — “He will use world-wide television to deceive the masses; he will command all nations to worship him and this can only be done through his image on a T.V. set! Although they will also worship his image through idols of him!” — “The Scriptures reveal 4 ways in which the people become ensnared with the beast! His image, mark, name, number or the number of his name!” (Rev. 14:11 — Rev. 15:2)
Prophetic viewpoint — “The visions reveal that the anti-christ will be a super deceiver, an imitator of Christ, will be a religious figure, at first will work with the federation of churches and denominations! As Jesus will have a bride — Rev. 19:7 — so will the anti-christ! (Rev. 17:5) — this describes a scarlet colored beast in association with the end time church! The religious power is described as a whore who is seated upon the beast of political power! This shows the false religious power will control for a brief period the political power!” — “Rev. 17:16, describes how the beast of the revived Roman Empire will finally smash any pretense of religion and commands all worship unto himself! The beast and the woman go together at first! This deadly union is the world-wide apostate ecclesiastical system! This includes all churches, protestants and etc!” (Rev. 3:15-1 7 — “These subtle systems are forming into place now!. . . Also as Jesus has power to work miracles and also control the elements by His faith; so the anti-christ will seemingly have power! But his will be phantasm and signs of illusion and much of it will be done through science working with wizardry and deception! This can better be seen by adding a reprint below!”
Coming events — “We know when Jesus ministered His signs and wonders were truly in the miraculous! — He truly raised the dead, He gave forth creative miracles, He spoke and nature and the weather obeyed Him, etc.! — But there is one thing for certain He never did use magic, sorcery, witchcraft or any type lying sign or wonder! — He walked and spoke in the supernatural power of the Almighty!” — “But on the other hand at the end of the age the anti-christ (false messiah) will try to imitate in lying signs and wonders similar works of Christ! — Yet it will be nothing but delusion, magic mingled with sorcery and witchcraft and the use of super science!” — “II Thess. 2:9-11 — Rev. 13:13-18 . . . reveals exactly how he will come and some of the things that he will do!”
Prophecy continuing — “Daniel the prophet saw many unusual things and some he did not always understand the full matter! But he did see this world leader in plain view stand up against the Most High!. . . But Daniel said in so many words that it wasn’t even a contest, and he was utterly broken!” (Dan. 8:25) — Vr.26, “The prophet confirms that it is all true!. . . ‘And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days!’ Vr. 27 reveals that he was astonished at the vision and none could explain it! He was speaking concerning the whale chap. 8, but later in Dan. 11:37-45 the angel explained much more to him!. . . Plus the final events would take place during the very age that we now live in!”
Prophetic events — “Before many of the above events take place we will begin to see more earthquakes, revolutions, famines, wars, pestilence, strange signs in the heavens, assassinations, economic crises, science inventions startling mankind; also unusual occurrences that this planet has never seen! Many of which cannot be explained by mankind!” — “Spirits revealing themselves openly; sorcery and witchcraft entering new dimensions of deception! Young people will be overcome by these spirits as never before!” — “Intercourse with spirits and familiar spirits will be reported often seemingly as much as mankind becomes one with them blending into hell’s order! Our time curve is entering an era; chaos and madness is just around the corner! World-wide distress and perplexity will grow! Apostasy will expand, but so will God’s outpouring to His children!” — “Finally as the age closes the U.S.A. will receive a president who will not hesitate to kill all who disobey the new laws! This ruler will work with two other world leaders who will finally bring the earth through a blood bath!”
World events — “We will describe some nations and no matter in which direction they go in the future, this is exactly the way it will be when the world peace covenant is broken!” — “There are five nations listed in the Scriptures who will join with Russia to mount a sneak attack upon Israel! — Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer (now known as East Germany) and Togarmah (modern Turkey)! (Ezek. 38:5-6) — This will draw the whole world into Armageddon! The United States will go forth to battle too!” — “The above prophecy can not and will not fail! It will occur at the end of the Tribulation!”
Shape of things to come. . . computerized cars — “Cars may travel routinely at 130 miles an hour over long hauls with no need for a driver,” an auto electronics expert said! “Cars on a freeway would be controlled by a central computer that would manage traffic so efficiently that a single lane could probably replace four lanes of human-guided traffic,” Jerry Rivani said! “Sensors in the auto would let it follow wires embedded in roads,” he said. “It will be no different from the subway system in Paris,” said Rivard. . . of Bendix Electronics Group. . . “We’ll be able to (enter instructions) and go to Florida overnight, very pleasurable” he said! — “So we see according to the visions of the Lord things are shaping up for His soon return! We are in the final harvest and He will unite us in His power! … And at the same time we can see the shadow of the ecclesiastical woman luring all nations into a false religious snare!” — “Let us work swiftly as we gather His people in the last harvest work! Watch and pray!”
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