HomeProphetic ScrollsProphetic scrolls 161

Prophetic scrolls 161

Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby

UNIVERSAL POLLUTION – “The Scripts forecast and told the very conditions the news is reporting about the contamination of our harbors, streams and air! Fish are dying in the oceans and rivers because of the dumping of poisonous chemicals and radiation waste!” – “Now it has been learned that medical waste has been dumped into the seas further aggravating the situation wherein it has been strewn upon the sea shores! Many beaches had to be closed plus multiplied gallons of various poisons has been dumped into the sea! We see a dual prophecy here concerning the material and spiritual pollution found in Jude 13, ‘Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame!’

CONTINUING – “Also the pollution chemicals from our industries are rising up in the clouds and coming back down in some places in what is called acid rain destroying vegetation, trees and fruitful areas from the East Coast clear into Canada and including the West Coast! In the natural, verse 12 speaks of this! Clouds without water (acid) carried
about with winds, trees whose fruit .withered without fruit, twice dead plucked up by the roots!” – “Jesus said this would be one of the signs of His
return when He declared that, there shall be pestilence during the same time of great earthquakes. . . plus some powerful ones have been
appointed to take place at the turning of the 80’s into the 90’s! For you will read of the rumble thereof in the destruction!” – ‘Also the Scriptures say because of sins and idols the people would die in a
polluted land!” .

FORECAST CONTINUING – “The atmospheric poisoning we see is a harbinger of universal pollution of the elements of life! The most
significant development is the effect on the world’s climate which was predicted to change and already has, causing tremendous devastation! The ozone layer that circles the earth has a hole in it letting in too much radiation from the sun causing more skin cancers especially near the large cities! We see it’s even worse during the Great Tribulation!” (Rev.
16:9-11) – “Plus toxic smog has become more dangerous in the metropolis areas. Unless something is done about all of this, the portent
of the future is catastrophic! Plus people will have to wear air masks in order to survive! Already multitudes have left these areas. This foreshadows the fleeing of people into the Great Tribulation later! . . . And with the increase of the population means industrial production and increase of automobile exhaust is creating a world hazard! So in the
future we will see a national transit system including computer controlled highways!” – “We must add the volcanic explosions have helped change the weather patterns! All of these conditions are causing the earth’s atmosphere to heat up and scientists are saying this is what is causing world famines and the droughts we are having this year (1988) in the United States! . . . And by the same token in some areas it is causing floods! The effects from the above is causing harsh winters and the hot dry summers; too much rain in one area and not enough in others as we predicted 20 years ago in our literature! I have foreseen some of the most destructive wind storms in history to hit the earth in the years ahead and into the 90’s!”

CONTINUING – “Jesus said that there would be signs in the sun! . . . And according to science we can expect maximum sun spots again at several
different times in the 90’s! . . . And thi! also has much to do with our weather pattern, climate and ocean currents! . . . And as He further states at
His return the seas and waves would be roaring and the nation in perplexity!” – “At the end of the age the prophet said would be a day of gloominess and darkness!. . . And this describes what some of our great cities look like when the pollution and smog is upon them during the day!” (Joel 2:2) – And in Joel 1:12, “it reveals why some of these conditions are taking place because the joy is withered away!” – “Now we have been talking about the materialistic pollution, but in a moment we are going to talk about the spiritual pollution and immorality caused
by Hollywood’s latest film!”

WORLD CONDITIONS CONTINUING – “Christians today should take heed of what they hear and what they see! This next subject concerns the underworld of evil spirits! Today Hollywood is producing
many types of films concerning witchcraft, the occult and the intercoursing with various spirits! . . . And many of these same things are taking place in real life! It is reported not only women, but some men are experiencing these type of encounters because most of them delved into the world of sorcery and etc.!” – “One woman just lately has said a ghost or evil spirit attacks her almost daily! She said it appeared in various forms of energy, plus in human form and said this thing has sodomized her daily! She said it often rapes her; that it was violent and would often slap her if it didn’t get its way! She said it attacks her husband and daughter! . . . And she reported this on a television news! The family didn’t know what to do! The answer to getting rid of this is the Lord Jesus! This also occurred in ancient times and will be more prevalent as the age closes out! We are living in perilous times! “

HOLLYWOOD IN PROPHECY – “We have been discussing about world pollution concerning our cities’ air and water! . . . And now we will discuss the most heinous spiritual pollution that we have ever seen! You will hear some of the most shocking things that has ever been written or told about the Lord Jesus! It concerns the film put out by Universal
Studios, and its called ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’! Not only have we heard about it on the news, but people have sent me literature to warn
and to tell people not to see it! Here are the exact quotes they gave concerning this film! We must alert all Christians to this movie’s blasphemies and lies!” “On Friday, August 12, Universal Studios released a movie titled, ‘The Last Temptation of Christ.’ Here’s what young people in your community will learn incorrectly about Jesus from this movie: · He is a fornicator
. . . · He is a weak, unstable traitor to the Jews . . . · He is one who curses the poor and sick . . . · He marries Mary Magdalene and tells her – ‘I worship you. God sleeps between your legs’ . . . · He believes He is the devil: ‘I haven’t been in my right mind. I am Lucifer!’ ” “All these statements are false; made up to slander Jesus!” – “But this is
just the opposite of what Jesus did! (Acts 10:38) who was anointed, and went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him!”

CONTINUING – “It is said because of such strong public pressure that they hastily cut small parts of the film before it was released, but most of it is still in tact! His mother was supposed to make this statement. Quote: Mary says to the crowd: ‘Forgive my son! He’s crazy! He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has problems. Ever since he was a baby. He’s not well in the head. ‘ “- “Then the movie shows Jesus to be a weak, vacillating traitor to the Jews; an adulterer; a sinner; but depicts Judas as
a man of integrity!” – “All of this is an absolute lie!” – “The film continues trumpeting falsehoods! . . . The story has Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene and allowing His guardian angel to watch while Jesus and Magdalene engage in sex. According to the script, the guardian angel says, ‘could I watch (the couple engage in sex)?’ Jesus laughs ‘yes. Watch.’

MOVIE CONTINUED – “What a debauchery. Rom 1:22, Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools! . . . Vr. 25, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever!” – “In other dialogue, Jesus tells Mary Magdalene, ‘Now I know; a woman is God’s greatest work. And I worship you. God sleeps between your legs.’ ” – “All of this is shocking beyond words! Only satan could think up this! Jesus did just the
opposite! He healed Mary and admired her faith after the resurrection!” – “After Magdalene dies (a lie) Jesus moves in with Mary and Martha, the
sisters of Lazarus, and has many children by them. Only a brief description at the very end identifies his sexual relationships as a dream!” – End quote!

CONTINUED – “This is just a little of what is in the film, other things are even more malicious, deceitful and malignant! . . . Also the film capitol fulfills these Scriptures to the letter!” (Read Rom. 1:26-32) – Jude 1 :8, “describes them as filthy dreamers (fantasy films) they defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil of dignities! (Christ and etc.) – Vr. 10 calls them brute beast, corrupting themselves! Vr. 11 says they are doing it for financial reward, but will perish! . . . And now these Scriptures will speak about the contamination and pollution concerning spiritual matters!” – Vr. 12, “Clouds they are without water, carried about of
winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.”- Vr. 13, “Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own
shame; (lying films) wandering stars (in this case symbolic of Hollywood) to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever!” . . . “This is a perfect description of their evil deeds!” – “The next Vr. 14, reveals the coming of the Lord! Now when these type of deeds and films are released, it was to reveal we are near the time of His return!”

THE FUTURE – “So now we see why the Los Angeles area and California will receive a catastrophic quake wherein L.A. and other parts will slide into the sea, and with it all of its pollution! Thus did the Lord speak of its destruction! Once again let’s pray for the youth and our nation!”

Scroll #161

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